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LiveMusic act needs help... HELP!


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I sure would appreciate as much feedback on this as possible. Give me your comments, please. Sorry, this is kinda long. Indulge me. This is, for me, my most important post to date.


Many of you know what I have proposed for my musical future. That at age 47.9, I'm gonna be a rock star. Country star. Blues star. Shining star. Maybe. We'll see.


Background... I have dinked around on an acoustic for 34 years. I took piano lessons for a year or so around age 11. I then played in the school band. Played drums. I also sang in the school choir. So, I have some music in me. Then 25 more years passed. Enter karaoke. Enter midlife crisis.


About four? years ago, after way too many Miller Lites, somebody convinced me to do a karaoke song. The song that came to me at that time was David Allan Coe's "You Never Even Called Me By My Name," a song that I always thought was oh, so cool. (Now, everybody and his brother sings it at karaoke... after I singlehandedly set the standard.) http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


So, I sang the song. And guess what happened. Brought the house down. Even though that song is a major league crowd pleaser down here and no matter how bad you are, many people will get into the song and sing along, I truthfully tell you that I must have done a real good job. Like, I kinda got into it and I got a ton of compliments. Even total strangers. When he said "Waylon Jennings" and then "Charlie Pride" and then "Merle Haggard," I even mimicked their voices. My friends were aghast... that I could actually sing. I was, too. Heck, I was floored. I really had no clue I could sing and sound like that. Ah, the wonders of amplification. A mic makes a HUGE difference. And of course, a drunken stupor and no inhibitions doesn't hurt.


So, that's how it started... this idea. With despicable karaoke. The idea to play professionally was born right there. Or at least, amateurly... in front of an audience.


In February, I bought a new Taylor guitar. And a Yamaha PSR740 keyboard. And since then, I've played my guitar quite a bit. The keyboard has gathered dust after a couple of months of playing. Get back to that soon.


So, I've worked on finding songs. And playing. At this point, I have a playing repertoire of somewhere between 100 and 300 songs that I could play well enough to get by. After some more practice for an actual set. But I have a problem.


I can't decide whether to work towards an act that is 100% live or not. Ideally, I would. But... I raise the possibility of adding other dimensions to it... to create a richer sound. There is only so much that one guy with an acoustic can do. At minimum, I plan to play private parties. And hopefully, then some gigs at "regular" establishments. But for private parties where there is dancing, I gotta rock. Kinda hard to do with an acoustic.


I guess my hobby, other than golf and playing guitar, is going to see live acts. And I have noticed some acts that I KNOW are using sequenced tracks and such. And... it's okay with me. Nobody likes totally live music more than me. But beyond folky and country type tunes and ballads, you kinda need a band. But I just enjoy good music, period. I'm not a big stickler on remaining 100% live. I can sum it up this way...


Way back in 1984, there was an act here that packed the house. A guy and girl. Jim & Julie. I think they later went to L.A. to seek stardom. She played keyboards, he played electric guitar. And man, they were killer. Awesome sound. 17 years ago! They played Toto and Asia and Beatles and even Frank Sinatra and tons of other stuff. Everybody LOVED them. That had quite a sound. Granted, these two were fantastic musicians. I am not even close to their league. (But I might be better than I think I am.)


Jim & Julie had a very rich sound. I'm sure there were lots of tracks in the background, sequenced in. (I don't know the lingo, sorry if I don't use the right words.)


I could also seek another partner and create a duo. That would be great. But it kinda negates the benefit of not having to depend on ANYone else, something that really appeals to me.


I have considered working towards:


1. Totally live. Me and guitar. Me and keyboard. Possibly add a percussion thingy that I would play with my feet, knees, whatever. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif I know a guy who does just that and he is quite good and is quite entertaining.


2. Me and guitar and a Boomerang-type phrase sampler and keyboard (and it's sequencing abilities) together with its drum tracks. (My keyboard will also do live vocal harmony.) For private parties, my gut feeling on this is that people wouldn't really give a hoot how you do it as long as it sounds good. As long as you are doing "something" like playing guitar and obviously, singing. I'd bet it could almost be something similar to karaoke (are you cringing?) but better, since you are playing and singing.


BTW, like it or not, karaoke... many people enjoy it. When there are good singers, it can be quite entertaining.


3. A duo act. Another person could bring the richness of additional live vocals, another live instrument. And the interaction of two people. Again, I don't want to go there just yet. (But I would think that just having me on guitar and someone else on keyboards offers WAY more possibilities.)


4. Forming a band. Down the road, if ever. Gotta walk first.


I just want to build an act that people enjoy. I really have no doubt that I could build an acoustic act. Just me an guitar. But I think I would enjoy going beyond that. With all of the wizardry that's out there nowadays, gosh, it should be alot one could do. I think of Jim & Julie, circa 1984. Using technology and my own ingenuity and creativity, piping in a richer sound could be quite fun, it would seem.


I remember how people reacted to Jim & Julie -- "How can two people possibly sound this good!"


Help! It might take me several more months to get "ready." But I just kinda need to know what I'm working towards. Any comments? And if you are one who hates anything other than live, let me know that.




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Originally posted by d gauss:

aw, do it with just a guitar. works for dylan, johnny cash, many others.


-d. gauss


Yep, d, you are right... for that type of act. As I said, I have a lot of confidence that I could soon pull off a solo acoustic gig. I will have to polish my playing and learn lyrics but songs that lend themselves to be good on acoustic, yep, I think I can do that.


Many years ago, back in the 70s and 80s, it was common for me and my friends to catch solo acoustic acts. Small pub, a guy or girl and a guitar and us with our beer/whiskey. You don't see as many solo acts any more.


However, I'm mainly curious about another possibility -- a "party" act... private parties and small gigs where people are there to drink and dance and party. I can't see accomplishing that solo or duo without using sequences.


BTW, a small bit of this concern, I'll admit... at this time anyway.... is that if I screw up and all that's going on is my acoustic... yikes. I have heard some really accomplished solo acoustic guitar performers... and I note that they NEVER seem to screw up. Their playing seems seamless. I am not that good. Maybe after I practice my songs a zillion times, yes, but for now, I sometimes miss a lick on some songs. And, of course, many songs I play are totally seamless.


I do, however, have an appreciation for a richer sound. I do like the sound of an acoustic guitar with one voice but I also like richer, more layered sounds. And it sure opens up more possibilities for danceable (sp?) music.




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Originally posted by popmusic:

If you go the sequenced route, will you have to change your handle to SequencedMusic? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


I've played live before, but I haven't done a lot of gigging... But I can give you ideas from the standpoint of an audience member who happens to be a musician, if that helps. (Probably not, but here goes...)


Heehee, when I created the original post, I, at first, did have a sentence about that exact thing... that I would become "PartlyLiveMusic."


As far as your opinion from being an audience member who is also a musician... yes, I value your opinion. Yet, it brings up another point I have considered.


I know quite a few musicians, since I constantly go to live acts. And I have noticed a bit of bias among many musicians towards sequences. Yet I see some of these acts that I _KNOW_ are using sequences. And those acts are making damn good money and some of the musicians that complain about it... they aren't doing it.


No doubt, totally live is awesome. But in this modern age, there is a new dimension. Is it good? I guess that's up to the listener. However, I personally feel, at this time, that the public (99% of them) just enjoy a good sound. However it's derived.


30 years ago, the possibility of bringing a very rich sound to a party... solo... didn't exist. Now, it does. Is that okay? Are you guys/gals aware of people doing such a thing with success? (Duos like Jim & Julie, whom I mentioned, certainly pulled it off. I guess people are still doing acts like that.)






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I've always been in bands since I was 17.


You said :

>>>4. Forming a band. Down the road, if ever. Gotta walk first.


I kind of think of it a different way. If you could hook up with some musicians with more experience than you, that may actually be easier than trying to pull the whole thing off yourself.


I played in a local Country band for about ten years, and the singer and I would do a "Duo Thing" now and then.


One word : BORING


That is just my perception. I'm not slamming the concept itself. But when a whole band is cookin', and the crowd is hoppin', there is just way more energy in the room and (for me) more fun. Then again the idea of doing it all myself has never held much fascination for me.


My $0.02







KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Although, regarding what Khan said...if you've got the right line-up of stuff and the crowd is nice and schnockered...then a singalong type gig can be loads of fun. Or it can be a pain in the ass if the crowd is just staring at you.


Sequencing takes a lot of work. LOADS of work. I know a guy that does it, and does it well. Good for him.


If you do have some golden pipes...and can strum a decent guitar...I'd go for putting a band together. There are a lot of really lame singers out there. A word, though...when you've got four or five different takes on how it oughta be, it gets tricky.


I was just reading this month's GP (I think the Chet tribute issue) and Ty Tabor (King's X) had a quote that caught my eye, because it's something I've been saying for a long time: "If you're putting a band together, and you've got a choice between a really cool guy who plays okay and a phenomenal player that you don't really click with...go with the guy you click with". Just like I think most of us would rather be married to a nice/okay looking girl who's got a great personality than some supermodel who's a stuck-up primadonna...not that the supermodel wouldn't be fun now and then, but in the long run...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I say do what you want to do - and if I am reading between the lines correctly, you really want to broaden/deepen/enrich the sound with effects/sequencers/something as you play the acoustic and sing. So do it that way. If you want to work a 3 PM to 11 PM shift, don't take the offer of 10 AM to 6 PM. If you want a wife who doesn't smoke, don't date girls who do smoke. In other words, do what you want. If it doesn't work out at first, then make adjustments.


BTW, I'm rooting and cheering strongly for you. I'm 48.08 years old and want to do the same thing. But I'm a year or two from being good enough to play in public. Taking lessons and improving. Learning a lot from my guitar teacher. Reading others successes here keeps me motivated.



GO, LM, GO!!!!

There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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Well work with bands and duos and trios...four piece band ...five piece band.....and sometimes six piece....as far as hiring musicians

I have a rule....If you can't play better than me...then I have no use

for the musician cause I can do it myself.....not that I'm that great....

you just don't want to be carrying anyone elses baggage for four hours......I worked as a single for about 2 years....then started adding

musicians as needed.... would suggest the same for you.....If you

want a band....get a good rythym section...then hire your lead section

as needed...but have musicians that you can count on for the jobs..

the single thing is not only a good learning ground but can also be

quite profitable....but the only way to know is get out there and jam....



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Not to disuade you from using sequences as a solo act, but get live musicians when you can. (Good ones, don't just get 'em in place of sequences.)


It's really not satisfying to look at your Alesis MMT-8 and ask it to JAM!!! It'll keep playing just what it played at the last gig, with identical style. Catching my drift? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


If you can't find musicians you want to work with, the sequence route is awaiting... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

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