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Do you have a "gypsy" soul?

michael saulnier

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Well, Milan, "Mile" sure does...


First copious apologies are in order... He's absolutely right that he sent me his cd from FAR AWAY, (Slovenia)... A LONG TIME AGO, and he's been waiting for me to comment on it... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/redface.gif


My primary studio cd player occasionally has trouble with some "burned" cd's, including this one, (my cd player's kinda old), so put off playing it, day after day... but I finally did get it to work on my office cd player. It's Very Nice... I especially like the guitar and vocal parts on the third song...


The whole thing has a gypsy soul vibe, very eastern, kinda reminds me of some Persian music I've listen to...


(Mile, these are all intended as COMPLEMENTS... I hope none of my descriptions offends you in any way... I LIKE all your stuff).


It's well produced, I like the female vocalist... even though I can't understand a single word, I feel the emotion in her voice.


There's a mode that associated with these melodies... Phygrian maybe? I'm no mode expert... but all your guitar parts are well executed and rhythmically solid.


Is that 5th song a polka?


Anyway, please accept my apologies, and you can count on at least one of the tracks on the upcoming CD!









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I'm still "guitplayer"!

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Originally posted by Tedster:

So, does that mean Mile can do the Django thing!?!?!?! YIKES!!!


Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.....(blushing & kicking)....

WEll, finally the word is out and I'm happy. Tedster, I'm not THAT good (though I wish I could be). Imagine Django with two additional fingers...

Talking about speed of light!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

Now, few answers for Guitplayer:

Your "descriptions" don't offend me. They are just describing the music, that's all there is to it. If you listen very carefully, you'll realize that whole song is made on two chords!

As for the 5th song... It's not polka! Though Slovenia is country of Polka I'm playing Polkas only for joke... At gigs, people go crazy when we play that song (not literally http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif). Those male vocals are inspired by "Five Miles Out" by Mike Oldfield (computer like, deep, frightening voice saying "Automaticating"). They tend to give certain amount of "Power"...

My brother and I just got the idea and went to record it. We don't do it live (shortage of mics & stuff)...

So, I'm really happy to hear that you like my CD (it's mine 'cause I've burn it http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif). I'm interested in other's comments about song that you'll put on compilation.




This message has been edited by Mile on 08-29-2001 at 12:39 AM

If it sounds god, just play the darn thing
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