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Tell the truth ... about your guitars

michael saulnier

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Reading the Topic about Lisa's GAS article, makes me wonder about all the guitar players who have more than a few guitars and the condition they keep them all in...


For example in my case, I have 12 electric guitars. About once every two weeks or so I pick one or two of them and give them new strings, polishing, and so on. I typically have 6 or 8 of them out on stands in my little studio, and only one or two have stayed in their case more than about two months at a time without being put into "rotation".


Pick up any of my guitars on the stand and they'll probably be at or close to in tune, have decent strings, a pick held in the strings, and the strap on... ready to play.


I guess I thought everyone who LOVED guitar would do this...


I got a bit of a wake up call when I happened to be at a friend's I hadn't seen in many months and his guitars were in "disrepair". Really old strings, clearly not polished regularly, kinda grungy, no strap on one, broken string on another... Where's the LOVE? I wanted to take these guitars and give them to a good home!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


How about you? If I walked into your studio and picked up a guitar off a stand at random, would I find it ready to play? Is this even important?



I'm still "guitplayer"!

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Yeah, I keep most of my guitars out on stands (I have a couple of those 7-in-line stands), and they are tuned and ready to go. Each one has its own strap, and a pick stuck in the strings, so I can just grab it and go.


There are a few guitars in their cases, mainly because I don't have enough stands, but I keep those in "ready for battle" condition also.


Here's the only exceptions:


1. A Strat that belonged to my friend who passed away. I only play it occassionaly. I keep it in good shape, and make sure it's got decent strings on it, but it's probably not in tune right out of the case.


2. A Norma guitar that I bought for $30 at a flea market. This thing is NEVER in tune! But, I really only have it as a novelty.


3. A nylon-string acoustic that I had actually forgot I owned! I never play it, and it was in my daughter's room because I had been letting her fool with it. She had it out a couple of weeks ago, and it was the first time I'd seen it in probably 8 or 10 months.


4. My old 3/4-size acoustic from when I was a kid. It's unstrung and stored away.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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I have "only" 6 guitars, and one of them is a bass. I can't really imagine having more. Well maybe a 6 string Rickenbacker or a DanElectro. I've had all except my Tele for a very long time, and I play my Les Paul more than the rest of them put together. So that one is always in playing shape. The rest were a bit neglected for the past few years, until recently, because I finally got in a band again. When I wasn't playing out much I got kind of depressed and didn't take as good care of my guitars as I usually do.


I now have all my guitars hung on a wall in my studio, and yeah for the most part they are ready to play. The only one that really isn't, right now, is my SG Jr. - it needs new strings real bad. I don't really play it all that often. But actually I will probably whip it back into shape this weekend - thanks for kicking my butt about that! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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I have about 5 guitars...one is a nylon string that I only use for an occasional recording. The rest are often used live...sometimes all four up on stage, 'cause they all have different sounds. I try to change the strings reasonably often, with one exception: My Rick 360-12. Restringing that motherf*&^er is the biggest bitch I've ever been through. I just restrung it, and I'm afraid to use it, 'cause I want the strings to stay new sounding for awhile. Both the Rick headstock on the 12 and ESPECIALLY their fucking tailpiece were designed by a serious SADIST.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I own five guitars at the moment and they all need new strings. I haven't had em set up in ages either. At least two of the guitars are also splattered with blood from playing. I can only keep two guitars at a time out. I just don't have the space.
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LOL yeah Ted those Rick 12's are a bitch to restring. Actually I don't think the tailpiece on my 420 is as bad as the 360! But honestly, I don't restring it that often anyway because it stays sounding good for quite some time, and slightly old strings stay in tune better on it.



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Originally posted by trickfall@yahoo.com:

At least two of the guitars are also splattered with blood from playing. .




he he he....cool...heh eh hehe...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Let's see...



[*]Main Acoustic - Blueridge, always ready to go, hangs on a guitar hook in our front room.


[*]Kramer K-body, custom built - My only decent electric, currently. Hangs on a guitar hook in the study (recording room)


[*]Classical - No strings (Oops!) I learned to play on this guitar 26 years ago. Still play it occasionally. Custom multi-stand in music room.


[*]Old Epiphone EC-20 classical - Bought for $15 to take to summer camp. It has always been in poor condition. Changed nylon strings to electric 10's. The top separated when it fell in a mall. (I carried this guitar everywhere in college!) Until today, it had been in a clamp for 4 years. I finally bought some glue and repaired it. It has signatures on it, so I don't plan to beat it up anymore. Custom multi-stand in music room.


[*]Takamine FP-360SC dreadnaught - 10 years old, needs a string. I haven't been playing out, so this is rarely used. (As I've mentioned in other threads, these guitars are pretty awful, acoustically. Not plugging in means using the Blueridge only! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif ) Custom multi-stand in music room.


[*]Sammy miniture Les Paul - Hangs on a strap in my music room because of the poor sound and Garth Brooks signature on it.


[*]Newer Sammy miniture Strat - No signatures, it just sounds bad. The best sound I can get from it requires my amp. Sits on a stand in the music room.


[*]1920's Banjolin - mandolin with banjo construction. Hangs in music room. Gruhn Guitars couldn't find a proper size head for it, so I baby it. If the head breaks I'm sunk! I never change strings on it. The sound is pretty awful with any strings!


[*]Peavey T-60 - In pieces. One of these days I'll reinstall the electronics, a bone nut (in place of ALUMINUM) and refret.


[*]Peavey T-40 bass - E string is hollow, the rest sounds good. Usually in it's case. I use it strictly for recording.


That's my stash. Other than the Blueridge, the rest get little attention beyond dusting, and change of strings.


Tedster - See if Elixir makes a 12 string set. I've found there strings don't begin quite as bright as most, but they hardly change at all through the life of the set. And as you may have guessed from the above info, I rarely change strings on any of my guitars unless they break. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Yeah... I pretty much have kept to one good guitar for some time. Many of the others have sentimental value, and little else! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif They serve me well. I'm just too lazy to get a decent pickup in the Kramer's bridge position, and two poor to buy the new axe's I wanted when I had my discount at Mars! Doh!


Anyone want to give me a PRS, a Nashville Tele, a Parker Fly, and a Steve Klein acoustic with (or without) a transperformance electronic multi-tune bridge system?


I thought not. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


I'll just have to keep making fantasticsound without 'em. Besides, that's more about my live mixing than anything else. I refuse to settle for garbage, live, just because I don't get pristine environments and high dollar mics.


LMAO, anyway. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Let's see, there's a very old Gibson flat top leaning on the wall in the kitchen. It's always ready to play as we sing while fixing dinner sometimes and it's my idea guitar. Always a mini recorder close by.


In the studio a bass and a strat (which has a Roland pu on it for guitar synth) are on stands and ready to go at all times. They are usually in tune or very close but a tuner's right there so who cares.


My main acoustic (Martin 0-16 NY) and electric (homemade...) are in their cases and ready to grab when needed. So are gut string Epi, Extremely old Gibson F-hole, Two other electrics I made and sax and Mandolin. Suprano and Alto recorders are in the mic cabinet. Sitar's on a shelf and hasn't been played in years (can't find strings for it).


I change my strings when they break or go rusty or dead. What's polish mean?

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Originally posted by guitplayer:

I guess I thought everyone who LOVED guitar would do this...


My guitars have ratty strings because I play them - A LOT. I intonate my "work" guitar so that it will be intune with pretty bad strings - because they're going to be that way in about a day or two. As it is I change them every week.


As it is, they still commit suicide.




There has been at least 3 occasions when I've had a guitar on a stand over in a corner, and suddenly heard "PING!!!". One time I was asleep on the sofa and it woke me up.


Hmm. Actually, that's happened in a lesson a few times as well: just sitting there, and "PING!!!!" - a string breaks right in the middle. Scared one kid pretty good, if I remember correctly.



Tried stainless for awhile; destroyed my frets in a month or two. Great, I saved $5 one month on strings but had to get a refret sooner than I should have....


A friend made a joke of it one time; "yeah... I can just imagine all of those innocent packs of strings hanging there on the rack, saying to each other "oh no... nOOOOOOO!! Chip is approaching!!! Oh please not me, nooooo!".




New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald


This message has been edited by Chip McDonald on 08-26-2001 at 11:19 PM

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Damn, Chip... you must have some acidic sweat!


I was reading about this "StringLife" stuff the other day. Supposedly it coats your strings so that they resist the oils and acids from your hands. Maybe you had better check it out! www.stringlife.com


Anybody actually used this stuff? Does it really work? Does it make your strings feel strange?


I'm actually pretty lucky in that, even though I sweat a lot while playing, it doesn't kill the strings too badly. I can get a couple of weeks of heavy playing out of strings... and I NEVER break a string. Even when I've had to play on dead rusty strings, I manage not to break them. Surprising, too, because I use a heavy pick and I hit them pretty hard.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Originally posted by Scott from MA:

Damn, Chip... you must have some acidic sweat!


I was reading about this "StringLife" stuff the other day. Supposedly it coats your strings so that they resist the oils and acids from your hands. Maybe you had better check it out! www.stringlife.com


Anybody actually used this stuff? Does it really work? Does it make your strings feel strange?


I'm actually pretty lucky in that, even though I sweat a lot while playing, it doesn't kill the strings too badly. I can get a couple of weeks of heavy playing out of strings... and I NEVER break a string. Even when I've had to play on dead rusty strings, I manage not to break them. Surprising, too, because I use a heavy pick and I hit them pretty hard.


I'm interested in this Stringlife product. I've found Elixir strings to be a godsend with my acidic sweat. The dirt can't penetrate the polyweb, so they sound great a long time. I get around the cost by not changing my strings nearly as often. Haven't used the electric strings, though. Only Acoustic Elixirs.







Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Scott from MA:

Damn, Chip... you must have some acidic sweat!


No, but I teach guitar 6+ hours a day and play rather, uhm... aggressive.


I'm waiting for ti strings, since you can get just about anything made of it these days... Although it's elasticity might be weird. On the other hand, that should allow heavier strings with a lighter touch. Hmm.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

I'm interested in this Stringlife product. I've found Elixir strings to be a godsend with my acidic sweat. The dirt can't penetrate the polyweb, so they sound great a long time. I get around the cost by not changing my strings nearly as often. Haven't used the electric strings, though. Only Acoustic Elixirs.



Yeah I love the Elixirs on my acoustics. Plus they sound good.

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:

My guitars have ratty strings because I play them - A LOT. I intonate my "work" guitar so that it will be intune with pretty bad strings - because they're going to be that way in about a day or two. As it is I change them every week.


Yeah I know the feeling.....

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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So... as a part two question.


When you go to play in public, do you always use "fresh" strings? Personally, besides the "slipperiness" of fresh strings, I kinda like strings that are about 30 min to 1 hour played in. Otherwise they are a little too bright, and go out of tune too easily. If I can, I put on a new set the day before, play for a while, and put the guitar away in tune.


How 'bout you giggers?



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Well thought I'd reply. I only have three guitars and a bass....

all are ready for the road.. tele /.lp/taylor acoustic and the bass

is an old gibson ripper.. love the sustain on the bass..

I do alot of varied gigs..some nights are acoustic and i use the

taylor with elixir strings...the tele custom gets d'addario 10-46

and so does the les paul custom....I don't have a schedule for

changing...just when they need it...



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i'm in chip's "jeez-my-hands-really-sweat-and-i-sure-does-break-a-lot-of-strings" camp. i break a's and d's all the time just from hand sweat at the bridge. as for guitars.. i guess i have a few, but i usually play out the one with the freshest strings that still has 6 strings on it.... i buy strings indivually in bulk quantity.


-d. gauss

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Originally posted by d gauss:

i'm in chip's "jeez-my-hands-really-sweat-and-i-sure-does-break-a-lot-of-strings" camp. i break a's and d's all the time just from hand sweat at the bridge. as for guitars.. i guess i have a few, but i usually play out the one with the freshest strings that still has 6 strings on it.... i buy strings indivually in bulk quantity.


-d. gauss


d., You break A and D strings? Because of your SWEAT? You're a real Toxic Avenger!!! No wonder you always have such a caustic wit... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


I don't think I've EVER broken an A string in my LIFE...


I'm in awe...



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Originally posted by strat0124:

Yeah I love the Elixirs on my acoustics. Plus they sound good.



Neil, Strat

Do you really find the elixirs that good? I tried them for a month or so but I couldn't honestly say that they lasted any longer or sounded any better?


I am very lazy about the guitars I don't play all the time and pay the tape op at my studio to clean and restring them about once a month... ooops... My fave guitars get cleaned and restrung by me every week or more if they need it. I'm very anal about having clean guitars and fresh strings I cannot stand picking up a dirty instrument, which is one of the reasons I never let anyone play them but me.... Isn't that selfish but at my age who cares? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Originally posted by nrg music:

Neil, Strat

Do you really find the elixirs that good? I tried them for a month or so but I couldn't honestly say that they lasted any longer or sounded any better?




In a word.. yes. But if you change your strings often, which regular giggers often do, I could see using a string that starts out with a different timbre than the Elixers. I don't know if they're available, but a luthier and a guitar tech I know received a set from D'Addario (I think.. I'll find the wrapper.) called Golden Bronze. Man did those strings sound good on acoustic!







Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I only have 7 guitars

3 Classical guitars

2 Acoustic steel

2 Electrics

All except 1 are in tiptop condition, that being a mangled Gibson SG replica with a Seymour duncan "humbucker from hell" and a cracked neck near the headstock. This one needs a major fix. Don't ask me how it got to be in that condition. but that was my for-the-rough go-anywhere guitar while it lasted, really fat nasty tone, with no volume control or tone control, only the pickup switches worked. really nasty stuff, scraped the finish off back in '81 and took out the tremolo bar because it was useless, detuned the heck out of the strings. It hangs as a reminder of funner days past.

I do have my everyday polished fiery red Fender telecaster. 8 years old and with corroded volume control knobs because i'm left-handed and arm rests on the them while playing. Love the tone on it, I like to use heavy gauges so I don't break strings that much. I use it a lot, that's why I polish it a lot too.


My Two steel guitars are an Ibanez f-hole sunburst and a jet black Washburn

The Ibanez is for me and me alone while the washburn is for my regular guitarist friends and sessionist. The Washburn is stringed normally while the Ibanez is stringed for lefty.


My 3 classical guitars are all local Cebu Guitars. 2 Dominguez Javier and a generic local right handed one.

One of the Javier guitars is my main guitar. I can play it with any other acoustic instrument. This baby is fat and loud!!! I've tried ensemble playing with some people who had Khono guitars and I could match them. This one will be with me forever.

The last one, another Javier, is a curious one as it is an eight string guitar. Supposedly with 2 extra bass strings but I'm trying to get a slimmer first string so I can tune it up to A above middle C as an open string

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