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Funky pedals for cheap......


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I know some may scoff at this, but I use a Boss SD-1 at every gig, and I bought it for $8.00.....bartering b@#$%ard that I am. It's basically a tube screamer, circuitry is almost identical. Mine is an older one though and it does sound a bit different than the newer ones. Any fave funky pedals you use at every gig.....I'm talking funky, not some two or three hundred dollar boutique overdrive pedal.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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i'm not really a pedal person, but.... i used to use a roctek "vibrator" tremolo pedal ($19 bucks new)...great tremolo, plus for extra funky fun, the knobs are mislabeled (rate is actually depth and vice versa), but... it never liked being powered by an adapter, so i replaced it with a dano treeny weeny trem pedal ($25 new)....

the pedal i probably use the most is a boss stompbox tuner, but it wasn't cheap (75 dollars)....

now if they could just make a pedal that would refill your beer....


-d. gauss

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I still have my SD-1 that I bought back in '85. It has been beat half to death but still sounds great. I recently bought a BD-2, thinking I would replace the old dog. I like the new pedal a lot, but there were sounds I could get with the old one that I just can't do without. The funkiest, however, was a 70's model Phase90 that I picked up in a pawn shop for $10. I did replace it with a Boss PH-3 (more variety), but the old one is in my collection (73 pedals and counting).


Take care,



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Funny, I've never found any "funky fave pedals that were "cheap". MXR Flanger, Colorsound Overdriver, Maestro Echoplex(more a "device" than "pedal". Newer stuff: Boss Digital/Reverb Delay RV-3, Boss Super Distortion & Feedbacker(paid a ridiculous amount "used" for this thing but I just had to have it even though it only really does one cool thing-this would definitely be the "funky" one)) Paid top dollar for them all but never regreted it. The resale value more than justifies it, too. The cheap shit has always sounded like trash to me, even the Electroharmonix.

But of course there are dozens and dozens of new pedal lines to wade through................

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Originally posted by lynx:

Funny, I've never found any "funky fave pedals that were "cheap". MXR Flanger, Colorsound Overdriver, Maestro Echoplex(more a "device" than "pedal". Newer stuff: Boss Digital/Reverb Delay RV-3, Boss Super Distortion & Feedbacker(paid a ridiculous amount "used" for this thing but I just had to have it even though it only really does one cool thing-this would definitely be the "funky" one)) Paid top dollar for them all but never regreted it. The resale value more than justifies it, too. The cheap shit has always sounded like trash to me, even the Electroharmonix.

But of course there are dozens and dozens of new pedal lines to wade through................


Hey I was surprised to find out that my old original Big Muff Pi was worth $125.00 used. I couldn't believe it. I think I paid $20, or less way back when.

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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The value of money doubles every 10 years at 7 percent interest (a very modest return). So, $20 in 1971 would appreciate to $160. Not such a great deal after all. But then again you got to use it didn't you?


I think a lot of what the value is comes from what comparable new stuff goes for.

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Sounds like you guys get lucky on your pedal buying. My funkiest is an old Tokai chorus I snagged at a pawn shop for $30. Wierd pedal, has a sub out, phase switch, other wierd things, but it's all built in a BOSS box. Anybody use an Ibanez AD9? I think I want one, but I heard the max delay time is only 200ms?!?!


No matter how good something is, there will always be someone blasting away on a forum somewhere about how much they hate it.
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There are cheap pedals I reach for, even when I have something more expensive to choose from. Of course, you could rationalize ANY pedal this way, because even the crappiest pedal could produce the perfect tone for a particular song. Even a BROKEN pedal might produce the perfect tone for a song!


There are a few cheapies ($50 and under) you might like to keep on your pedal board for frequent use, but not many, IMHO. The Nobels ODR-1 and the Ibanez Echomachine (discontinued, but cheap on eBay) spring to mind.

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Cool topic!


I've got a box FILLED with a variety of pedals that caught my eye, were my short term favorite, and now mainly gather dust...


Damn GAS.


Once in a while I grab a few, stick a fresh battery in, and have some nice nostalgic fun...


Some favorites...


- Boss DS-1. I've also got one of the older DS-1's (I was surprised that Steve Vai has one in his current stage rig)... and it still sounds pretty good

- MXR Distortion+. I think this was my first distortion box. Had fun playing 70 rock covers with this!

- Tech 21 XXL, more recent, cost around $90... (so it might not fit your "funky cheap" concept... but it has some cool sounds including its "warp" function.

- Boss analog delay. I can't remember the "name" of this but it was one of the first Boss delay units. Pretty limited compared to todays digital delays, but a nice warm sound.

- My first Crybaby wah was also a must have in my signal chain for many years. I probably got it around 1977! None of my subsequent wah's has quite the same sound. Also no other crybaby could pickup police radio signals as good as this one does!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Thanks for giving me reason to take a trip down "memory lane"! I think I'll go dump out the box and have a go with some of the "lost toys"!



I'm still "guitplayer"!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by strat0124:

Hey I was surprised to find out that my old original Big Muff Pi was worth $125.00 used. I couldn't believe it. I think I paid $20, or less way back when.


O.K. So now I've just got to tell you my pedal story. Had the aforementioned Coloursound Overdriver, an English box which I bought new in the late '70's for about $95 (expensive then) This was a favorite of Jeff Beck and other greats at the time, fat and smooth. About ten years ago I replaced my Marshall Plexi with a JCM 800 combo with master volume and no longer needed the OD. I had been out of the loop for awhile and didn't think anybody even knew what it was. Put an ad in L.A.'s Recycler rag offering it for $85 or best offer. On the day the paper came out the phone started ringing at 7am and never stopped. People were actually bidding it up on my answer machine, "Call me first, I'll pay more...." I wised up quick and began returning calls to the more persistent ones, feeling them out.......At 8:00 that night I sold it to one annoyingly determined individual for $350.00.(he said he was STILL making something on it, selling it to some fanatic collector)

Well, the Chinese say a man does not value something unless he has to pay for it.....



And to guitplayer:

You're right, nothing sounds quite like the original Crybaby's. Wish I hadn't sold mine. I used it a lot on the fly as a variable tone control.That lovely deep, round gurgling sound and that banshee shreik and wail..... The Dunlop I have now just ain't the same. (sigh)

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EH used to make these little boxes called LB-1?! Line boost 1 or something like that. I used to stick one into the input of my Fender Super Twin to get a psudo Mesa tone out of it. They were totally cheap (like $20.00 new) and I went through them like bic lighters. Later found out about this company called Mesa that was doing the same thing all tube and built in, got a Mk II and never looked back.
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