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Greetings to the forum

Trash Monkey

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Hi folks,


Just dropped in to kinda introduce myself, actually stumbled onto the site from a post over at the Motu-Mac list on Topica. I'm a 30 year guitar player turned engineer in the DAW domain. I was so impressed by the various forum's here, that I had to get in on it! Unreal the information that's in this resource, now maybe I can cry on someone else's shoulder about that Zemaitis metal top I want but know my wife would never let me buy (yeah even though Tony retired, 10k + can still turn one up) I'm a Rick, Vox,and other 60's oddities fanatic.




Russ Kennington

Trash Monkey Studio

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This is one of the best sites anywhere on the net. The "noise to quality" level is exceptionally high, and you have awesome forum hosts with world class credibility like our very own Lisa Sharken, Craig Anderton, (the 2000 Oscar award winning) Roger Nichols, and many others. Add to that hundreds of loyal and sharing members...


... and a few funny nutcases as well... Tedster, Khan, et al...


So again welcome... there's even time to get in a submission to our guitar forum compilation cd... (see the link below for more info).








Guitar Forum CD Info


I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Funny nutcase? I resemble that remark...




Welcome to the forum, TM! And, I (as well as others) share your passion for cool 60s gear...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hi, I'm new here too. Instead of creating another thread I just thought I'd add a post here. I'm 17, playing guitar for 7 months, and visited this forum for the past 5 months. I just decided to register cause I thought that I might actually have something insightful/useful to say; possibly. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


There aren't many under-20's here, which is probably a good thing considering the trash that gets posted at other forums. There are lots of good posts/posters here. Being under-21 though, is real lame though music-wise. Alot of bands I like have to play some 21+ shows which I can't get into; I'm just bitter, though, cause it seemse to happen more often now that I actually want to go to shows.



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Hey, Joey, welcome!


Don't worry, there'll be all the time in the world for those shows. Seems like just yesterday I was "underage"...now, I'm 44. So enjoy it. Hone those chops. Get with some "underage" buds, and getcher band going. By the time you're of age, you'll be kicking some serious rear end! Meantime...take every opportunity (when you do get a band) to play in front of people. One of the coolest things for old geezers like me is to watch a band evolve from a bunch of garage novices into a well-oiled machine.


I remember when I was underage, got into a bar for the first time. One of my "of age" friends was asked by another guitar player to borrow a piece of equipment for a gig. My buddy let me carry the piece of equipment into the bar, right under the bouncer's nose. The bouncer just smiled and waved me on through. But for me, it wasn't about the drinking. It was about the music.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hi, Joey and welcome. Before you showed up I had the privilege of being the youngest guy on the forum. Not anymore http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif.

I see now that I grew older (121 post to be exact). It's great to have some young minds on forum. Up

till now I had to listen to all those old geezers wine... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif And they had to listen to me http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif... I hope that

you'll enjoy years to come...





If it sounds god, just play the darn thing
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Meantime...take every opportunity (when you do get a band) to play in front of people. One of the coolest things for old geezers like me is to watch a band evolve from a bunch of garage novices into a well-oiled machine.


Ugh, I wrote a song after like 2 months of playing and performed in my class (it was a project for Grapes of Wrath). Oh God, that was the most difficult thing I've ever had to do in front of people. It was an alright song for being my first but I was so nervous doing it...oh well, I got an A.


My brother (15) plays drums so I 'jam' with him sometime. It's nice having someone right there who can't just leave if you yell at him. A couple of my friends have bands but they are all your standard fair punk. One band won 200 bucks and a 100 dollar gift certificate for our school's "Battle of the Bands" but they gave the money away to Habitat for Humanity...being the greedy bastard, I would have gotten something. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


The guy can write some great melodies but I really don't want to get locked into just bashing power chords. I could turn him into writing some Frank Black'ish type songs so I could play some easy leads and not mess up http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



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Toooo many names to remember....so little time.....welcome

all the new posters...and old geezers....what's up with that??

we're not old just experienced/// least that's what I like to tell

the ladies..anyway....welcome all..haven't been on long but can

say that the info is worth the time...



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Old geezers...hehehe...well, I'll just say I'm speaking for myself...


Well, Joey, yeah, keep jamming with your brother. Don't be too eager to yell at anyone though, 'cause what goes around comes around, y'know? Find yourself a bass player and you've got yourself a band. Schedule regular rehearsals and stick to 'em. Have everyone pick out a couple of tunes to work on. Sing. Encourage everyone in the band to try singing.


While doing originals is cool, and I'd definitely encourage you to write...I'd start out with covers. The main reason is that they're familiar. People like familiar tunes. Even The Beatles started out as a cover band. It hones your ear for listening, gives you some good guidelines for song structure, makes you a better player learning solos, etc. Toss in a few originals. Shoot for some high school parties.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Find yourself a bass player and you've got yourself a band.


WHAT??? NO KEYBOARD PLAYER??? (sorry, I couldn't resist) http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Encourage everyone in the band to try singing.


Umm.. dunno.. Ever heard me singing? The guys in the band made sure I stayed away as far as possible from the mic.


But seriously, that's always good. Different voices work better for different styles, I think.


I'd start out with covers. The main reason is that they're familiar. People like familiar tunes.


Yeah, I second that. My 1st band in high school (I was 14) we played cover tunes for about 6 months, then started doing our own stuff. By then we had a steady following, and the familiar tunes helped. Start incorporating originals, one here, one there and increase.


I personally never cared too much about making money with music. It's just a hobby and I've always done it for fun. My day job pays well and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Welcome to the forums, and enjoy. I wish I had this when I was 17. (I'm 29)

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


American Deluxe P-Bass, Yamaha RBX760

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Hey Trash Monkey and Joey, welcome! This place really is the greatest!


Trash, another 60's freak, woohoo!! Looks like we'll have a lot to talk about! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



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