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Guitar Forum Compilation CD... another thought!

michael saulnier

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It's June 26th... about a week before I close the submissions for the free guitar forum compilation cd...


So, like everyday, I cheerily march down to my mailbox... eagerly anticipating the latest and greatest in guitar oriented music...


... ummmm ...








Oh, well, I think... maybe tomorrow.


Sometimes I ask myself...


Did I make a mistake?


Wasn't there a whole set of "I'm in" and "I'm gonna send ya something" and "hey that's the spirit" and similar posts?


Now I know KHAN has some mp3's he's downloaded, and he said he's gonna send along a song or two... that's cool...


But TEDSTER, I haven't seen or heard from you... (don't mean to call ya out, it's just this was... YOUR IDEA!)


So anyway...


I'm tired of BEGGING. Especially since I was going to volunteer my time and energy... FOR FREE!


So can anyone convince me I've got it all wrong and you're all NOT a bunch of apathetic slugs...


The only guy who's getting less respect than me is poor SirRoger over in the Engineering Comp CD thread... that guy's getting MURDERED!


Love youse all anyhoo!








Guitar Forum CD Info


I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Sorry guitplayer..


I've been so busy I haven't had time to record something. I plan to take some time tommorow, so keep watching the mailbox. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


(I have some cool mics at home that I had to check out, so I want to make sure I get to record something into 'em!)





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

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>>>So can anyone convince me I've got it all wrong and you're all NOT a bunch of apathetic slugs...




Hey!!!! I resent....no....wait....ummm.....I resemble that remark. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


I have my song along with William Turner and strat0124's on a cd and am planning to send them tomorrow. I was waiting to the last minute in case anyone else wanted me to download their tunes and include them.

Alas the glass is truly half empty, and so will the cd I'm afraid!


Oh well guit. No good deed goes unpunished...





KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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You've got it al wrong!!! There you go!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

No, really, I sent you yesterday the whole CD... So keep checking that mailbox...

If it sounds god, just play the darn thing
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Yep, it was my idea...and I didn't count on my bass player being gone for a half a month...one week on business, another week traipsing off to Idaho to pick up his son and daughter-in-law and help them move back to KC. I was thinking..."I've almost got this tune in the BAG...and there it sits...dead in the water...me powerless to do anything about it. I could use an extension. I mean, the bass lines are done, but it's his backup vocals we need on the tune. That's what's up.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hey Guitplayer, I'd love to submit something for the cause but unfortunately right after I got my recording gear I quit my band.

No band = no songs being recorded.




Actually I'm workin on using loops, synths and sequencing to record my own stuff but I'm pretty new to all that jazz so it's going to be a little bit before I have anything worthy of putting out. If the web site thing pans out maybe in a month or so I'll have some stuff together to post there.


Good luck dude.




Oh yeah, if you read this Lee,

I'm using a drum machine, I'm using a drum machine http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gif

So I guess that means the weddings off huh.

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How about an extention? I've got two completed CD's of originals but I'm afraid I haven't been paying attention. I wouldn't mind getting in on this but I'm late to the plate so to speak. Maybe the deadline should be the end of summer or something, so those others guys can finish their projects?


Anyone else?

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I'd like to get in on this too. Is it still possible or have the slots all been spoken for? I have band stuff on the javamusic site below or I have some DAW stuff which I've done with me and my PC.



Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

My Music: www.javamusic.com/freedomland

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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BTW, have any of you been checking out what's happening over at Dave Bryce's keyboard forum. Not only have they been getting LOTS of submissions, the level of musicianship is AWESOME. Michael Martin from Kurzweil, LaurieZ, Steve LeBlanc, (check out his guitar playing) and check out Dave's own latest stuff on the "Let's Hear It" thread. Those keyboard guys ROCK!


If you guys send me stuff that's anywhere near the level of those folks... I'll be VERY IMPRESSED.


Go have a listen...



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Good luck to you guys. Just don't turn this into a pissing match like in the other forum.


If you guys send me stuff that's anywhere near the level of those folks... I'll be VERY IMPRESSED.Go have a listen...


That's 'cause you haven't listened to my stuff yet http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif (currently in mp3 jail).. then i'll see how impressed you still are. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Checked out your stuff at mp3.com.. VERY cool stuff. I really dig solo acoustic guitar. Something about the raw, pure sound ... makes you wanna throw synths out of the window (Just to tell my buddies at the keyboard forum!) Got any more??


Insist with it and you guys will get it done. Just don't forget why you're doing it, and keep it fun.




This message has been edited by Rod CA on 07-03-2001 at 05:48 PM

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


American Deluxe P-Bass, Yamaha RBX760

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Originally posted by guitplayer:

Steve LeBlanc, (check out his guitar playing) and check out Dave's own latest stuff on the "Let's Hear It" thread. Those keyboard guys ROCK!




SHHHH...don't tell 'em...be vewwy quiet... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hey guitplayer...I have a short guitar piece if you need to fill a slot...problem is I highly doubt I'll be able to mail it to you in a decent time frame. What I could do is put a 256k MP3 version on my webserver that could be downloaded. Please advise.


C'mon guys, get your asses in gear...Keyboard Corner will be working on Vol. 3 before you know it http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif




This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 07-03-2001 at 01:43 PM

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Right said Ted http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/redface.gif :

>>>Are we to be outdone by a bunch of...ah, a bunch of...er...KEYBOARD PLAYERS????




Well, if they have fifty people contribute and we have six, then I guess my answer would be yes. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif !





KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Hey Guitar Crew!


If I may make a small observation...


Dave Bryce's forum is making progress because Dave had the brilliant idea to set up an MP3 site to collect the tunes as we got them ready. I didn't realize the wisdom of his approach until later when we started checking out each others tunes online. Suddenly, the project became very exciting, and everybody really got into it. I think that's why we have so many submissions - we'll need to cut two CD's to hold them all.


If you guys want to do something similar, you can set up a site on MP3 for free. It gives the project an interactive quality that's a lot of fun. Just a thought.


Yeah, those poor guys over on the MPER forum! The irony is that they have folks over there who have done this before at other forums - CD's, artwork, packaging, the works - and they STILL can't get anything together. I've never seen such nastiness; I don't know why the moderators let it go this far. I sincerely hope that those guys can find a way to mend fences and complete the project. Please don't fall into the nastiness trap. Remain cooperative and patient, and you'll make good progress. Remember that everyone is carrying a heavy load.


Good luck!!!

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I heard that. I offered up a song, KHAN was cool enough to download it, and if it gets used cool. If it don't, oh well. The nasty side won't affect me cause I just won't get involved in it. I like inclusion but not at the cost of getting spun up about it. I don't think that'll happen, however, always a possibility. There's some cool folk that hang here, so hopefully that it will go smoothly without those annoying snags. I don't know if there's anything I can do more.....please let me know if so.

Thanks again,


Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I also think Dave's approach was / is the best. The only thing is that HE had to set up the account and post all the submittals... (I think since he recenly "commented" on the time it's taken him.


So... is there a guitar forum member who is willing to be the official mp3.com contact point?


Let me know and I'll certainly contribute a selection or two...



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Hey, I had an idea. A centralized MP3 site is nice, and it might be the way to go, but we may be able to achieve similar results with less overhead. Here's my suggestion:


(1) Post an MP3 of your song or songs on your own site (only practical if you have a site). For the sake of illustration, let's say you post a song called "Obscene Ice Cream".


(2) Next, post a new thread on the forum with a title in the following format:


GUITAR FORUM CD: Please check out "Obscene Ice Cream"


(3) In the body of the opening post to the thread, include your name (or alias), the song's title, and a link to the MP3. It would also be helpful if you could include the length of the song, your email or home page info, and you preferred copyright notice. These data will be useful in preparing liner notes for the CD.


Example: Hi, my name is Six String Sam, and you can click on this link to hear my new song "Obscene Ice Cream" (3:34), Copyright 2001 Sam I Am Music, ASCAP.


Home page: www.samiammusic.com

Email: sixstringsam@some-url.com


The objective of this will be to preview the material that each of us will submit. We found this to be a lot of fun over on the Keyboard Corner forum, plus you get the benefit of feedback before the CD is burned (in case you need to change something in the mix, for instance).


Once we've gathered enough material, we can take steps toward assembling the CD. Since the "material introduction threads" will all have commonly worded subject lines, we can go back later and gather the information we need to put the finished product together.


Comments? Suggestions? Should I just go away and mind my own business?

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Dan, this isn't a group of uptight engineer types here. Your suggestions are always welcome . Of course since you play keys we will have to consider the source. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/redface.gif





KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Man Alive!!!


No, uh, tube alive!!! The only thing I've got to offer is a disc w/ 8 comp pieces that rose did w/ me an the boys. I love it, she hates it.(Too 70's Dad!!!) If I can get her to chill out and let me send it I will, soon.


Man I missed you guys! I fried the HD in this ole PC and just got back OL!


Hope everyone is well...



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Originally posted by KHAN:

Dan, this isn't a group of uptight engineer types here. Your suggestions are always welcome . Of course since you play keys we will have to consider the source. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/redface.gif




Keys?????? I'm THIS close to taking back all of those nice things I said about you. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


I'm a bass player, a MACHO man!!!! I wouldn't be caught DEAD tickling the ivories. When I was a kid in the sixties, I saw the world through my TV set. Guitar: John, Paul, George, Pete, Elvis. Keys: Lee Liberace, Peter Nero, Victor Borge, Burt Bachrach, Elton John. The choice was clear!


Sure, I have a rack of synths at home, but thankfully, only a couple of them actually have keyboards attached. I let my computer handle all of the key work while I sit back and bask in five-string heaven.

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

Home page: www.samiammusic.com

Email: sixstringsam@some-url.com


Link doesn't work Dan http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif I'm assuming the email doesn't work either.


Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:



Keys?????? I'm THIS close to taking back all of those nice things I said about you. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


I'm a bass player, a MACHO man!!!! I wouldn't be caught DEAD tickling the ivories. Sure, I have a rack of synths at home, but thankfully, only a couple of them actually have keyboards attached. I let my computer handle all of the key work while I sit back and bask in five-string heaven.


Hum.. You guys should come see what he says about you guys in the keyboard forum.


24 hrs access banned from Keyboard forum!

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


American Deluxe P-Bass, Yamaha RBX760

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Posted by Dan "THE BASS MAN!!!" South:



Keys?????? I'm THIS close to taking back all of those nice things I said about you.


I'm a bass player, a MACHO man!!!! I wouldn't be caught DEAD tickling the ivories. When I was a kid in the sixties, I saw the world through my TV set. Guitar: John, Paul, George, Pete, Elvis. Keys: Lee Liberace, Peter Nero, Victor Borge, Burt Bachrach, Elton John. The choice was clear!


Sure, I have a rack of synths at home, but thankfully, only a couple of them actually have keyboards attached. I let my computer handle all of the key work while I sit back and bask in five-string heaven.






Ya know, I was going to edit that after I wrote it and add "among other things". I just couldn't help noticing that you seem to post alot "over there" and thought maybe you had gone bi... (instrumental that is)... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


Not that there's anything wrong with that.





KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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