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Survey: what's your band's schedule like?

Lee Flier

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Hey all,


I was just curious, for those of you who are in a more or less permanent band situation: what kind of schedule does your band work? First I suppose it would be helpful to know whether you are a cover band working for money, or an original band doing "showcase" type gigs and recording. How often do you rehearse? How often do you gig? How often would you LIKE to gig? Do you tour? How often and for how long? How much time do you spend recording? Writing new songs? What about all the incidentals like booking gigs and promotion - does somebody in the band handle that or do you have an agent or manager? If it's somebody in the band, how much time out of the week does that take up?


Curious to know how other people work. It's always seemed like musicians have vastly different ideas as to how much is too little or too much when it comes to working. Some bitch about rehearsing once a week, others want to get together every other day. Some would be happy to be on the road 300 days a year while others can't tour because of family or job... etc. Does anybody experience conflicts because some band members want to work more than others?


So what's your story?





This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 06-20-2001 at 11:57 AM

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Oh, Lee!!!


I just signed on with the Wilkinson's, a country group, as monitor engineer. I went from almost no pro gigs (I'd been a full time father for close to two years.) to (if all goes well) travelling solid for most of July, August, and September. They're from Canada, so we'll be bouncing back and forth between Canada and various states, all over the place. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


I thought it was bad when I was with Lila McCann and we were criss-crossing Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, along with other gigs in one 3 week period. Just glad I'm not the tour bus driver!


I'm interested,too, to find out what the players on this forum are doing, tour wise. Especially if I can see a anyone's performance when we cross paths.


Good post, Lee. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Well, I think that it's an inverse relationship between age and rehearsal time...as age increases rehearsal time decreases. I remember when I was a young guy, (WAAAAAYYYY back when)...it seemed like we didn't have much to do besides rehearse. Nobody had families, kids, jobs where they had to go out of town on business...the band was IT. Now...heck, it seems as if we're lucky to get together to rehearse once a frickin' MONTH!!!


"Let's get together Monday night"


"Can't, I'm on shift"


"Well, I can't Tuesday, daughter's got a recital"


"Wednesday's out...dinner at the in-laws"




"I teach guitar lessons Thursday"


"Gig Friday and Saturday, how 'bout Sunday?"


"Kid's birthday party. How 'bout next week?"


A lot of it is BULLSHIT. I mean, what we have to do is set up A NIGHT that "REHEARSAL" is what is going on...


(Non musician) "Hey, can you all come over for dinner Thursday?"

"Nope, got band rehearsal".


One of my problems is that the people I play with (except for the drummer) have never been gigging musicians before, so they don't understand the mindset. We've got original stuff...I need to be working on my CD, and gigging cuts into that time. Pisses me off. Sigh...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Well you spoke at issues we are currently dealing with in our band. Right now our management seems overtaxed with other clients, and we seem to be self booking WAY more than I'd like. Also we've had some corporate venues violate contracts, and in one isolated case a club owner who's manager blocked us from playing because of his personal beef with our manager....it's been tedious of late. We rehearse at least once a week normally, but life happens at times, and we have went six weeks without gig or rehearsal. Fortunately that's behind us. We have members of the band with ongoing health concerns who are opposed to travel, and that is really tough. The lead singer and I would go every week, in fact we have turned down to date, $3700.00 of gigs. That's so tough for me, because I use gig money to help fund my fledgling home studio, and it's cool spend money that doesn't dip into family funds. We play Thursday to kick off the Bayou Boogaloo fest here in Norfolk (Waterside), I have a solo gig the 29th, and the band plays again the 6th at Chick's Beach. We try to maintain twice/or thrice monthly gigs locally, and out of towners less frequently. In the process of getting included on part of friends of our's tour, sorta a mini tour for us. Did I say I dislike the business end???? Ha Ha!!! As far as recording goes, we are fortunate to have a brother in arms who records in his home, an old Victorian house overlooking a bay down here in old Ghent, Norfolk. So when we get the urge, time, and inclination...it's easy to set up a slot. I do some engineering myself so I know how to get stuff rolling without wasting time. I'm totally new to digital recording, so I've left the Operator side of the house to Scott, the owner. I'm totally old school. I do the mastering at home......simple Soundforge stuff....time consuming but efficient for my meager skills. I remember mastering to 1/4" Teac stereo.....this is cake in comparison. Songwriting is normally something I do alone, but we have occasions where we will get together and make some sparks....we have three or four works in progress at the moment. I usually make demo's at home and bring them in. I love collaboration and production....my fave things other than performance.

So we gig about two or three times a month, record quarterly...maybe? And rehearse weekly. Very stuctured rehearsal too. I really appreciate the strong work ethic we have in this group. I play in another group as well, and it is SOOOOOOO tedious to rehearse with them that I have almost resigned, several times. I do believe you can rehearse too much, or too long. Just my 2 pennies though. Lee....I'm curious about your story these days as well.

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I forgot to add, we do covers of eclectic alt country stuff, and our originals. We have been known to take a Buffet song and rock it up a la Jason and the Scorchers......just to freak out the necks.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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depending upon who you ask, sometimes we play too much...sometimes not enough. between 3 and 12 gigs a month. this month is a lot. july will be sparse (3 shows) as we kinda lay low during those months for own vacations, plus we have to compete with people being away at the beach. and if you've ever smelled new york city on a hot august day, you'd run for the beach too! this is the first time in 3 years we didn't do shows up in canada during june and we all kinda miss it, but we were finishing up a new record and had to stay close to home. we play some sort of bastardized version of rootsy blues/rockabilly/jump/rocknroll mostly penned by me along with some really obscure old stuff from the depths of my record collection. guitar/upright bass/drums/harmonica. we've been fortunate that we've been able to play, and go over well, at both straight up blues clubs and alt/punk rock clubs without changing what it is we do... i hope that continues. rehearsals happen here and there, 1 or 2 a month, rarely with the full band though. rehearsal space is expensive here...


-d. gauss

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Good to hear all the stories... and yeah d gauss, know what you mean about rehearsal space being expensive! I well remember that being from L.A. AND having gigged in NYC for 6 months. My dream was to move someplace that wasn't so expensive where I could buy a house with a basement and never be without a place to play. And now I have that!


It's been awhile since I've been in a regular gigging band, but I was for years back in L.A. For a long time I was in cover bands and making a living at it, so of course our goal was to gig as much as possible - at least 3 nights a week and sometimes 5 or 6. We didn't rehearse much for that of course! Only at the beginning when we were first working up the tunes. We played frat parties, military bases, bars, anyplace that would have us, and did a lot of mini-tours up and down the west coast.


Later on I started engineering for a living and later programming, because I wanted to be in a mostly original band and not have to gig quite so much, so we'd have time to record and write. I always used to want to rehearse 2-3 times a week so we could write and work up arrangements. Then we'd shoot for gigging 2-3 times a month and occasional mini-tours. Sounds pretty much like Strat's situation. That worked for awhile but as people started getting married and stuff they usually had less time to rehearse and we were lucky to get in one rehearsal a week.


Now that it looks like (knock on wood!) I'm finally going to have a real band again, I've been thinking about what would make me happy, schedule wise. I think at the beginning we should rehearse maybe twice a week and maybe get together one other time with just a couple of us who are writing songs or whatever. Once we start gigging and know the songs well, once a week rehearsals plus some writing sessions ought to do fine. I think 2-3 times a month is a good amount to gig, and that will leave us time to work on recordings and that sort of thing.


Luckily it doesn't look like there will be any scheduling hassles with this bunch, we are all very motivated and although the drummer and bass player are married and the drummer has a kid, both wives are totally cool with them playing a lot. They know what they married. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif But we also want to have lives, and not have a total burnout kind of schedule. The kind of thing that strat and d gauss are doing sounds like about where we're at.


d gauss, your band sounds like a blast and I would love to check it out some day!


Keep the stories coming!



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I'm not sure if I have a "band" right now or not.


I do a solo acoustic "thing" once or twice a month somewhere in town, bs noodling over backing tracks. I had a band last month that somehow found some gigs within a few days of it's existence... which we never practiced for or even had songs worked up, but it doens't exist anymore thanks to the bass player moving to New Hapmshire. Sit in with a lot of people, although not as much as I used to.


I have a number of recording projects going on involving let's see... hmm. 3 singers, 4 drummers, 3 bass, no, 4 bass players, all in various configurations and types of music.


One configuration will gel into a band eventually, which will be of a form of music I will not describe as of yet since I want to work out the parameters better. The blues project will eventually be a live band situation. Looking at 2 bands there I suppose starting around late August.


Hmm. There is also an arrangement of musicians I do covers with that at any moment may fall into a gig. Just got out of one acoustic duo situation and looks like I'm right into another...


Right now I'm only playing out about 2-3 times a month, intentionally... I usually end up playing in front of an audience about 4 times additionally a month "somehow". Hopefully the two band (the blues band and the "secret project" band) situation will increase the deliberate gig amount, along with the new duo arrangement. Hmm. I also have a electronica/space music discrete quad surround performance coming up, but that doesn't really

count exactly.



Right now: twice a month, not counting fill in/sit in gigs


By September it will probably be:


Acoustic duo: twice a month

Acoustic noodly solo thing: twice a month

Blues band: once a month, maybe more

"Secret" project: a few times a month, "depending"...


Hmm.. I'm forgetting something else, but "oh well".. Oh wait, I suppose I have a "casual jazz" trio possibly in the works. Might also have a "pyschedelic groove" band going on by then with yet another group, but it remains to be seen if that happens.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I just got the actual tour itinerary today. Not as many dates as it seemed from the initial paperwork. Only 37 dates between 7/1 and 9/23, but as I said before, they're bouncing back and forth across 2 countries with a 4 day stint in the Grand Cayman Islands at the beginning of August. Never been to the Carribean. That'll be cool. I'm with Strat. I hate dealing with the business side. Give me the gig and lets set up, tune up, play, shut up, tear out, and drive away.


My best wishes to those of you still plugging away with the rehearsal, booking, and playing under typical bar conditions.





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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hi eveyone. i'm kinda new here, but here goes. i play a solo acoustic set tuesday through thursday at 3 local bar/restaurants, mostly covering artists like jackson browne/csny/simon & garfunkel. friday saturday & now sundays (in the summer) i juggle a 60's tribute band (half beatles/other half other 60's british invasion stuff) and a classic rock thing where we try stuff like steely dan & chicago. i'm very fortunate to be playing 20-25 times a month, and the work is close to home. i also do some original stuff at the solo gigs, but only a few a night for now. i have a project studio in the basement and i hope to trade in a night or two of gigging for daytime sessions. that would be the ultimate upgrade to an already perfect job! oh yeah, both of my bands try to practice once a week, which takes up moday night and wednesday or saturday afternoons. "go go go that's all i know" http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


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My side of the story:

I'm currently in three bands. Three practices per week with first(rock/pop: covers + few of our songs), two per week with second (reggae: covers + few of our songs), and for the third band (acoustic ethnic music)... Well with that we mostly play gigs wherever we can!!! (sometimes paid well, sometimes not) http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif

But, hey, I'm still young. There were times when we practiced for every night from Monday through Sunday, preparing ourselves as backing band for well known Slovenian singer... And were we well prepared!!! Man, those songs were appearing in our dreams http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif We had to go through 2 CD in short

period... I played with few well known artist but that was fast. Not to mention that my social life didn't exist at all. But I guess that's price to pay. We have gig with second band on 28th this month and than I'm of to catch some OBLIGATORY summer work (in order to receive my BD, I have to work for two months. Stupid, right?). Otherwise, we could play on Summer Splash festival in Italy... I hope the guys don't hate me for that http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

If it sounds god, just play the darn thing
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My "real" band isn't playing that much yet. We are all in the process of winding down other projects so we can devote more time to this. Tedster, I laughed like hell at your expose' on reasons you don't practice. I lamented the same way many times.


I gig and do studio work with 4 other bands on a regular basis plus my wife, my guitarist and I play in a duo/trio format weeknights.


I love to play with a band unrehearsed and nothing more than a handful of charts.


Our band goal is to eventually do 3 to 4 gigs a week in a roughly 7 or 8 state area. It takes this kind of travel to get enough really good paying gigs to be worth while. We are working on our 1st CD as a band and have some promising indy label interest already.


My wife, Stacey, sings, I play keys...mostly organ and piano...and guitar, we have lead guitarist/vocals, bass player who plays fretless and upright, a tenor sax/ guitarist/vocals, and drummer.


Stacey is 38 and the rest of us are 40 something and the drummer is 54. Our kids are all grown and so this is like the first any of us have done anything this serious for 15 or 20 years.


We have an old 20's and 30's blues/jazz/swing style, but, we don't "try" to be retro. I even throw in pads and analog synth solos and we get into some pretty avant garde improv that makes us a hit with the hippies and jazzers. Eclectic R us. It's great to be having this much fun at 46. 15 years ago I thought I was leaving this behind ( tho I didn't want to) forever.

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God, me an my bandmates are a bunch of lazy motherf**kers compared to all you guys. We rehearse maybe once a week and play out once or twice a month. Hopefully will get busier since we're mastering our new record in July.
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We haven't heard from Khan yet... Khan, are you hiding something from us or you're so busy that you can't take few minutes to post? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif
If it sounds god, just play the darn thing
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I play guitar in a "weekend warrior" type cover band.

We usually play Saturdays, because we all have day jobs and that means Friday gigs equal close to a 24-hour day by the time all the gear is stowed after the gig. We do two to three gigs a month, and we are supposed to rehearse during the weeks we don't have gigs. But if you want to know how that works, refer back to Tedster's post about scheduling rehearsals...

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Hey, Screamin' Core...welcome! I feel your pain... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Our band is a 5 piece sometimes 6 if the keys come with us..

have the bass....drum...rythm...lead...fiddle....guess where I'm from?

most of our jobs range from 60 miles to 150 miles ....we practice

at least once a week....and then do an accoustic job anywhere from

2 to 4 times a week....but it pays the bills....as far as practice well

can relate to the posts about musicians excuses// most of the time

we practice without the drummer and use a click track...great thing

about practice in a studio....plenty of room and when we get the

arrangement like we want it then put in on the computer and then

let the drummer arrange when he comes in...we do covers and some

original....being from Texas most of our stuff is western swing..

i.e. ray price...asleep at wheel..I know this probably doesn't set well

with some....country.....but it works for us ..plus we throw in some

other stuff when we get bored....stevie ray...zz...but all in all the booking is done by the band itself...three of us do booking with the

buttholes that run these places..some are ok....most you have to cover you wallett and your backside when dealing with them...my

favorite is when you finish and the owner comes up and says ....

well we didn't have a good night ...would you take a cut in pay??

I usually tell them that we get paid to haul and set up equip...playing

is for free....and we already set up and for sure are taking our equip

out ...so you have to pay the full amount....contracts help.. well I've

rambled enough...



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