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Comp CD: a Thought...

Chip McDonald

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You know, the logistics involved with this seem out of line with the result: having everyone be able to hear what everyone else is doing.


The CD in the Forum sense of the word concentrates the focus to one object, when in reality a listener could theoretically go to everyone's web site and accomplish the same thing.


With that in mind, it seems a common web page with an archive of representational files be arranged would be a more effective activity. I suggested this years and years ago in rmmg, after having been shot down over making a CD compilation there (it was quite unanimous against me that "this MP3 thing you're talking about will never be usable"). At the time it was a way of making that happen everyone agreed upon, since everyone insisted it would be impossible for the average person to both make an MP3 *OR* listen to on a computer. Notwithstanding knowing technology moves forward. Oh well.


So there is a rmmg (rec.music.makers.guitar (Usenet newsgroup). Not active I don't think, but "it's there".


I think this would be more useful and practical from a distribution standpoint. No built in time limit - files are put up when ready. Common ground.


Just a thought, people have thoughts.




New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Hmmm...would this have any real advantage over everyone just having their own site on MP3.com? Besides the "one-stop shop" aspect?


Forgive me, I haven't had enough coffee yet.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Hmmm...would this have any real advantage over everyone just having their own site on MP3.com? Besides the "one-stop shop" aspect?


The one stop aspect, but also the ability to have a floating "deadline".





New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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To be honest, I had no thoughts about distribution whatsoever, other than the ones who wanted a CD. Actually it's not a big deal to me, I was just satisfied to be included and was itchin to hear the music associated with the screen name. I would hope if there were some sort of distribution deal goin on that the collective would agree, to donate the proceeds to some worthy cause. I have no clue who copyrighted their stuff or not....all I know is about ours.

Khan is a cool mo fo by the way.....liked the way he took the bull by the horns, and gave personal attention to the submissions.



This message has been edited by strat0124 on 06-19-2001 at 01:45 PM

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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The one stop aspect would simplify things tremendously. Not only does it keep things in one location, the music could be catagorized. Plus you could even have some simple scripts, like little 5 start ratings for each song or something so that everybody could rate each others stuff.

Plus, this website could be used as a marketing/promotional tool. A talent pool of sorts. It's one thing for each of us to try to drop our own individual links everywhere and it's a whole other thing for us to all be dropping a single link everywhere. Everytime each of us dropped a link somewhere we would we benefiting the whole group.


If done right, this would be the type of thing that I could justify spending a little bit on. Like a membership. This would enable quality hosting, domain registration, quality webmastering, a bit of advertising, etc...


I suppose it would be a internet radio station of sorts. I think this would be a plus: streaming music for the casual listener. Then have a searchable database.


I also think the membership aspect would help weed out the crud. MP#.com has so much crud because anybody can put anything up there. But, that isn't fullproof, look at what's on the radio now...a bunch of crud that has money to back it up.


Would there need to be an application process? A series of steps to go through? Like a board that would listen to peoples music and decide if it qualifies? ?????


I'm also thinking that one or two songs max by each artist would be best. Just a place for people to get a taste of something. They could then follow the info that is available to further research an artist.



This is an very interesting idea. Maybe we should get in contact with each other and bounce some ideas back and forth.

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The "Talent Pool" is an idea that intrigues me no end...especially on these forums, where we have drummers, keyboardists, bassists, guitarists, engineers, and producers. I mean...actually, it would be really cool to team up with like minded players from other forums and see what happens. Collaborate on tunage. It's been done, y'know...not here, but it's been done...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ted, I figured something like it has been done. I just think we could do it better. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

We all have our own links and websites and such, but like the old saying goes...united we stand, divided we fall.

I really feel that a group such as ours is one that is as serious about what we do as anybody.

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Great idea Chip. This may be the best way to go. Do you have any Idea of how we could get the web space. I am really "ignant" when it comes to these things(and many others I'm afraid). It would be nice if we could do them at 256kbps or 320kbps.


So far, I have only recieved two requests by people to download their songs and put them on CD to send to Guitplayer, and he e-mailed me and said that he hasn't recieved much action on his end either.


Guitplayer's generous offer was to collect submissions from anyone interested, put them on a cd and send them out to everyone who put a song on it. The web idea would put the music in the hands of everyone, which is a good thing. I'd be glad to help in any way I can.


KHAN(Always Hopeful, Yet Discontent)

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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I had an account with myspace.com. Since I use a Mac, they set it up for that. My Windoze friends were not able to access my mp3's from it.

Do you know if Freedrive is bi?.........platform that is...

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Hey, I'm over 700 posts. Man, I don't know how you guys and gals can stand it.





KHAN (Always hopeful, yet discontent)



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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I think the internet idea would probably work out best as well, all around it's just easier to deal with for all. I do want to give credit to those trying to put the cd together, awfully thoughtful of ya. I-drive is another web based storage area to consider, I have used it for a while and it works well for internet storage. Plus you can share access to your files (you choose which) with others on I-drive, just a thought.


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Originally posted by dr destructo:


This is an very interesting idea. Maybe we should get in contact with each other and bounce some ideas back and forth.


There should be a way to make a script on a server seek out the known available free drive sites and routinely either update/maintain them, or translate links that need to be moved if another site forfeits the storage space...



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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To quote KHAN...




Anyone reading my posts on Ted's Comp CD thread knows that I am in support of a "central location" to store mp3's from all of us.


IMHO, Craig's "Is your music any good?" thread is so long now that I have trouble matching people's links, comments, and songs effectively. While the idea of a thread for this "works" it's cumbersome at best. And threads similar to Craig's on our forum have barely gotten a response.


I noticed Dave's Keyboard compilation thing is based on a site at mp3.com


I have to admit I've never had a huge regard for mp3.com, but it has worked for Dave's keyboard guys... I'm not sure what he went through to get it going or to get around their 1 - 3 week lag time to listen and "approve" your song... But Dave if you're reading this, send me an e-mail or post here what kinda deal you struck with them.


Of course, my REAL reason for wanting an actual comp CD is that I think my own little mp3 song has only a fraction of the sound quality of the CD version of the song. I actually cringe sometimes when I hear the mp3 cracke and pop where I know that it doesn't on my CD version.


So... I thought I could do a favor for like-minded "guitplayers" who had CD versions of their songs and who prefered their music be presented in that format. As the "great and powerful KHAN" pointed out, the response has been "underwhelming" at best...


Oh well... maybe everyone is still "making" their contributions... but perhaps general "apathy" is more like it...


Anyway, I DIDN'T WANT to fill a CD up with converted mp3's, (although if that's the only thing someone had, I wouldn't hold it against them). I thought I would try to help create a decent set of good sounding CD versions of everyone's tunes.


I can't even imagine that most people wouldn't have a higher quality version of their precious music other than mp3!!!


Did you record your songs targeting the mp3 format???


Anyway, as we approach the tenative 4th of July weekend cutoff for contributions for my volunteer effort, I'll let you all know how many we get. Since I promised to do so, I'll make a CD from the songs I do get...


(I know one or two of mine will probably make it)


And if any of you who didn't respond want a copy I'd probably be willing, (at least for a while), to make a copy for you as well for the cost of a blank CD and postage... or until others pick up the torch...


e-mail me at acousticvoodoo@yahoo.com for more info.


Anyway, whether or not we're successful in getting a "central mp3 location" I still would like to create and pass around CD quality versions of tunes from you all...


Any takers?








Guitar Forum CD Info


I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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I reeally wish I was more literate with this blasted digital thang. My vf16 is loaded with tunes and I can't download it to my pc! My s card is waay to cheap! If I'd quit procrastinating I'd get over to brother Johns' pad and down-load thru his adat card..... Frustrated Father of the Flower!
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