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Mags that went away, you wish were back


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Frets magazine was one of my favorites, and I miss it dearly. Another cool mag was Acoustic Guitar....don't know if it's still in publication. I also miss the "old" Recording magazine. It's abandoned it's roots and went totally digital. It's why I am a TapeOp devotee. All these mags have something in common, they USED to never talk down to it's readers, and offered insight to your heroes/God's on a mere mortal level. As a guitarist, I picked up plenty of performance and recording techniques from the early days of these mags when I was a musician in a self imposed exile.......amazing but true. These mags stripped the artists from the corporate mind-F@#$ and let us see inside....all the tools of the trade, little tricks for recording, etc. I have like two years of Frets that I will never ever throw away. I still enjoy them now and again, when I have time to actually sit down and read. Any thoughts?????
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Musician was a quarterly wasn't it? Yeah I liked some of the articles that touched on the personal gear, not the intricate details mind you, but like particular amps and stories behind them. I hate to have to navigate through all the tabs......it's like half the mag! I'd rather have content, good journalistic material worthy of the artist themselves. Oh well....wish in one hand and .............
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I don't remember it being alot about gear. Jazz, Pop, Metal...Miles Davis, Eddie Van Halen. I remember they had a great interview where they put John McLaughlin and Yngwie Malmsteen together in a hotel room hoping the sparks would fly. What actually happened was the interviewer got verbally abused for being such a know it all. John and Yngwie joined forces and ganged up on him.


Then there was the classic issue were EVH was raked over the coals for not being the virtuoso that Steve Morse and Albert Lee was at a NAMM show jam. I really miss that magazine. Everthing's too tame now and nice now.






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The original late 80's early 90's "Home & Studio Recording" mag. was great, I learned so much from those, I have boxes of 'em. It's kinda funny to read nowadays about DAT machines that were $12,000 back then.

In two days, it won't matter.
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I've told this story before, but I like it so you wanna hear about it I'm gonna tell you 'bout it here it goes:


I remember one day going to Books a Million, as I have many times before, to buy _Musician_.


I was looking around casually; I knew where it was on the stand, looking away, to grab it and.....




I said,




No, wait, you didn't understand what I was saying:





Then I find out they went under. Great interviews in that magazine...


Murder Dog????



Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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"Cherry Poppers" Oh, wait... you meant GUITAR magazines?!?! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Yeah, I miss Musician. I had a subscription (with 4 or 5 months left on it) at the time that they went out of publication. They sent me a letter telling me that they would honor the remaining time of my subscription by sending me Gig magazine instead. I never got a single issue of Gig. Oh well... I'm not really upset by that, seeing that Gig magazine SUCKS.


I also miss the good days of Guitar Player. I've subscribed for years, but I don't think I'm gonna bother renewing this year. The mag has definitley gone downhill fast.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Guitar Shop


I really could care less about the bands interactions, the ideas behind the songs, and playing the flat 5th for the 4th string at the 37 th fret and the sideways vibrato -- yeech!


I have g.a.s. I want to know about the gear, setup of the guitar, and how they set and use the gear. I miss Guitar Shop, the only mag I've ever read that leaves the unimportant stuff out.

Psalm 33:3

The best instrument you have, is your heart.

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Originally posted by Scott from MA:

Yeah, I miss Musician. I had a subscription (with 4 or 5 months left on it) at the time that they went out of publication. They sent me a letter telling me that they would honor the remaining time of my subscription by sending me Gig magazine instead. I never got a single issue of Gig. Oh well... I'm not really upset by that, seeing that Gig magazine SUCKS.


I did get issues of Gig, and it's worthless. I would have rather received a refund for the balance of my subscription, but I figured that wasn't going to happen.


"Musician" was intelligent, insightful, like the NY Times of music magazines. They always had interesting artists on the cover - jazz, rock/pop, R&B/funk, very diverse. Strong writers including Lester Bangs, Bill Flanagan, and Chip Stern. In the early days, there were "how to" columns for various instruments. I remember a great serialize fiction piece in the late '70s or very early 80's titled "The Bear". I think I bought the first issue and I still have back issues dating to the '80's that I haven't yet tossed. I knew it was the kiss of death when Billboard bought them.

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Check out TapeOp.com......they give out free subscriptions....and it's a great mag, for tone freaks like me. TAB seekers..look elsewhere.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I, too, lament the passing of Musician...way back in the early 80's, I did a college paper contrasting Musician's review of a Cheap Trick LP with the review of the same LP in Creem.


They replaced the balance of my Musician subscription with Gig also. I already had a subscription to Gig (I didn't pay for it) so I was getting two issues for about half a year.


I also miss Home & Studio Recording. I still have the series on drum machine programming. It was a life saver when I first got a MIDI drum machine. To tell you how long ago that was, it was made by Sequential Circuits...yes, I'm an old geezer. (LOL)

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