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castaway songs...what would you do?

D. Gauss

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ok you all know the "what 10 records would you take to a desert island" game? last night after a show, we were talking about that and someone wanted to narrow it down to just 10 SONGS. so everyone is picking great beatle songs, cole porter or whatever and then it came to me.... i would pick ten songs i hate hearing. i mean the ones i really can't stand the most. why?

well if i picked 10 songs i liked, i'd now have a narrow playlist and my fave tunes would be drilled into my head over and over and over until i couldn't stand them anymore. just like today's radio! on the other hand, by hearing 10 crappy songs over and over again:

a) i might just grow to like one of them (compared to the others)

b) i'd be much more motivated to get my ass off the island!

c) i'd appreciate my 10 fave tunes that much more if and when i did escape the island

d) starving for good music, ala the professor, i'd build some complicated implausable gilligan's island type of internet radio receiver out of coconuts and bamboo and pray for ginger and mary ann to show up!

e) if all else failed, in a noble gesture, i'd kill myself in the name of good, timeless music which would get me off the island and into a bitchin' rock and roll party in the sky....


so, would you go for 10 good songs or 10 bad ones on your desert island? (note: what's considered good or bad music isn't the point..that's why i haven't listed any actual selections)


-d. gauss

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I'd go for ten I like and I'd just listen to them less. I don't really tire of songs as much as other people. If "Good Morning, Starshine"... the nibby-nobby-nooby song... had to be one of the ten I had... it ain't gonna happen... I will never learn to like that song.




> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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Confused. I thought you were referring to songs you'd sing if you were a castaway on Survivor. If that were the case, I'd sing Wimoweh/The Lion Sleeps Tonight after making myself indespensible in some other way. After a day of that, everyone else would be voting themselves off the island! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


(Okay, in reality I know exactly who'd be the first to go in this situation! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif )



It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Yep... I've played this game before, and I've always said that I wouldn't take ANY records (or songs in this case). Just give me a guitar and a tape-recorder and I'll make my own! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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If you were stuck on an island alone, I doubt playing guitar would be high on your priority list. Now if it were the Gilligans Island thing, you could use the guitar to lure the ladies...hehehehe. Even Mrs. Howell! I know, I know......

But I doubt I could ever tire of some really good classical recordings....though who knows.....

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Go for the ten best.

But I'd definately have to get a wide variety of stuff. I wouldn't just take ten Beatles songs. Knamean? The variety keeps you from being bored of a particular genre, and the quality would give you motivation and inspiration.


one symphony

one solo piano

one chamber music

one opera

one blues

one bop jazz

one swing jazz

one pop rock(insert Beatles here)

one hard rock

one techno


You gotta get that classical representation in there. You know how they say you get smarter when you listen to Mozart? Might help with the "Professor" type inventions.

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Wow! Since we appear to be headed in the fantasy island direction, I'm assuming that the dee-lite-full and lovely Mrs. Rosespappy passed on the cruise.Hehehehehe.... So gee D.G. What tune was that, that the old mariners sang to lure the mermaid up close to the john boat?


I'd like to order one of does pahleez......




Please note: Mermaids do NOT constitute another woman.(HONEST HON! I spent the whole 18 monthes tryin' to catch fish!)

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rosespappy wrote:

>>Please note: Mermaids do NOT constitute another woman.(HONEST HON! I spent the whole 18 monthes tryin' to catch fish!) >>


Sure thing Rick!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Yep, yep.. every time I travel over water I bring a first aid kit, canned food, can opener, CD pack of songs I love to tide me over... By the way, how many batteries do you think we'll need for 10 years on a deserted island? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/confused.gif


Neil http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/cool.gif

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Strat said...


>>>>Now if it were the Gilligans Island thing, you could use the guitar to lure the ladies...hehehehe. Even Mrs. Howell! I know, I know......


Mrs. Howell...HAHAHA...you dog, you...


Reminds me of a joke...


This farmer bought a rooster. Problem was, the rooster wouldn't stop at "having a good time" with the hens. He'd get on anything that moved, cows, horses, sheep...everything in the barnyard.


One day the farmer said, "If that rooster don't stop screwing everything in the barnyard, he's a' gonna kill himself with all of that hanky panky".


Sure enough, after weeks of every sexual escapade with every kind of animal imaginable...the rooster is seen lying in the middle of the barnyard, stone dead. A buzzard is circling overhead, getting closer and closer. The farmer walks up and says, "I knew that rooster would kill himself one of these days!". Suddenly, the rooster opens one eye, looks at the buzzard, winks at the farmer, and says "Shhhh!"...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Yep, yep.. every time I travel over water I bring a first aid kit, canned food, can opener, CD pack of songs I love to tide me over... By the way, how many batteries do you think we'll need for 10 years on a deserted island? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/confused.gif


Just take along a small unbreakable solar panel. They're around $300 these days and will power a CD player, cell phone, laptop computer, etc. Don't go to a desert island without one. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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