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Originally posted by Tedster:

I knew a right-handed kid whose left hand fingers were deformed, stunted from birth. He played a great left handed guitar.


Was his name Russ Hart? Russ is an AMAZING guitarist, and has made a good living as both a performer and a teacher.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Originally posted by LiveMusic:

Being broke... homeless... with no commitments... that's one thing. What I'm talking about is being broke and having lots of obligations like most people do these days and not having the capacity to pay and the creditors are on your ass and you can hardly function due to the pressure. Even finding enough money for basic necessities. That's hell. NOTHING is worth than that to me. AND... if you've been to the top of the mountain, it's hard as hell to accept living in the pit.


What makes you think that being broke and homeless means you have no commitments? I was in the exact same boat you are describing, constantly being sued by creditors, scraping together enough money to eat, doing odd-jobs to make a few bucks. Funny... you can't get a place to live without a job, but nobody wants to give you a job if you're homeless.


I guess I don't agree with you because I've never "been to the top of the mountain" before, I've always lived in the pit. I now have a good job and make a decent living, but I'm still pretty much broke because of all the financial trouble I was in before. Maybe you just don't know how lucky you've been.


Oh... guitplayer... I think Jewel stole that story from ME!! Maybe I should sue her, then I can be rich like Duke. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Nope Scott, not the same guy. This guy was from Michigan.


And I happen to like Jewel. For one thing I think she's gorgeous in that Meryl Streep way (I like Meryl Streep, what can I say?), for another, she's from Alaska, and that can't be all bad (I lived there for awhile) and finally, and most importantly, she openly and admittedly (redundant?) feels lost performing without her guitar. Not one of those "hold the mic like Mariah Carey and dance like Janet" girls...a true folkie at heart.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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"Your not old until your regrets outnumber your dreams" I recently heard a friend say. Have any of us stopped to consider that were are old enough to have gained a little wisdom(even if accidentally!) and still young enough to use it?

When I really want to say something to someone, I sing it.


David was the pshalmist, and he played a handheld stringed instument. Could it be, that we are all descendants of the first true recording artist? ......... Hmmmmmmmmmm


Ok, so that would make Lee and Lisa like our cousins?..... Doh!!!



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Originally posted by LiveMusic:

but I do. To me, there is NOTHING worse than being broke.


No, if you're absolutely insolvent living in the street, that's a full time job.


I pay my bills. I do not owe society beyond that. It's a very clear cut thing that I like doing music more than anything else, and that I am able to do it competantly. I could do a lot of other things, and had music not reared it's head I would be very happy.


But as long as I'm picking up an instrument and there are things coming out that I want to hear recorded, that can't be shut off.


And there are countless numbers of musicians and golfers and the like who continue to chase a dream that isn't going to be fulfilled. It's a


The "dream" for me is to be able live doing music. Right now my lifestyle sucks because of it; I don't intent to always be in this rut, there are multiple avenues to pursue. At this point in my life I've been doing music in one professional form or another for more than half my life; it seemed a natural choice from day one.


hard call... depending on what one's dream is... but many suffer immeasurably because they don't throw in the towel soon enough. Nothing wrong with having music as a hobby and making a living in some other manner.


No, there's nothing wrong with that.


There *is* something wrong with identifying "success" with "Becoming a Big Star with a Big Record Contract". There's other ways of getting by.


A "career in music" has many paths. Granted, the path I'm on now is stuck in traffic it would seem... but it's there, and I'm into it, and that's more important. It's my identity, it sucks, but I don't expect people to understand it.



Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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>>Since you said you like Jewel, what do you think of Dido?


I dunno, I did see her video...the weird one where she's getting this charming little bungalow all cleaned out...then they demolish it. Don't remember what she looked like, I think she's blonde...but, to me she sounds like a Sarah McLaughlin clone. I mean, her song is fine...I hear it a lot on my kids' favorite radio station, just sounds very "Sarah-ish"...maybe it's that little yodel-like thing she does on the chorus. And, (GOD HELP ME) I like some Sarah McLaughlin, too.


Wanna hear a cut that does intrigue me? "Heaven Sent" by Esthero. Strange vibe to that one. It's not new, maybe a year or two old.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Another way of describing that would be to say Vision. If your vision is small...... Without a "Vision" of your future, you will live a reactive life. You are doomed to react to lifes crap by digging into your MEMORY for an answer, which will lead you to the same result as the last time you failed. If instead you focus on your vision, or, what lies ahead, you will find yourself responding, not reacting...


Why do we do this?


Rose is a great softball player as well as musician. All District, All Regional 2nd baseman batting .490. Leading the team in stolen bases, Rbi's,scoring, and put outs, with 2 out of the park homers in fer soph. year. This year the old teacher takes the team. Rose is being crucified. Told that shes a lump of coal. Worthless. Rose now despises softball. My heart is breaking. She started this year with 2, three run shots hit farther than any of us have ever seen, and now sits the bench unable to touch the ball. My response?


All of a sudden, this morning, I have a vision of carrying her lifeless body off the field.(Scary idnt it) The coaches and crowds are booing her even when she's dead. I can't wait to get what is left of her out of there!I hate them........


Now I see Gethsemane and Golgatha for the first time as they were, or more accuratly, are.

My genre is contemporary christian, yours is whatever it is. But this is why I do what I do with or without recognition.

My hand hits the string, and the gift given to me says to my heartbroken, crushed, and defeated daughter......


Let me carry you unattended.

From this field that hated you so.

Smothered in blood, your broken being,

seems an evil rescue.


To hold in my arms the remainder,

To hush the storm.

To rob this ground of further desecration,

To dust, from form.


It's over? Is it over?

Was the last slander hung?

It's over? Is it over?

I see goodness is hung!


It is over, Yes it's over

The last battles won....

And on the morrow you'll find yourself singing,

It is done.


Let me go where they've taken you now.

I can't see you face, I can't kiss your brow.

Every moment on earth, has led us to now

I'll love all this hate and ascend......


It's over. It is over.

The last slanders slung

It's over. It is over.

The dragon has sung!


It is over. Yes, it's over.

The war has been won!

And now I can't stop the singing!

It is done.


Do you know what I mean? It doesnt matter if you do or don't.

I was given a way to see something that doesn't involve violence or hurt to express......


Just a thought..... Rick

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rosespappy wrote:

>>Do you know what I mean? It doesnt matter if you do or don't.

I was given a way to see something that doesn't involve violence or hurt to express......


Just a thought..... Rick>>



Now that is truly INSPIRATIONAL!!!



...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Originally posted by Tedster:

>>Since you said you like Jewel, what do you think of Dido?



(Barging in)


What am I missing about Dido?


She seems "good enough" (how's that for slipping the 'ol oblique Sarah McLachlin pun in....?). But sort of.... just.... I don't get it. She does certain vocal phrases ala McLachlan, but with less panache... It's extreamly MILD.


Yes, Extreme Mild.


I mean, she doesn't sound particularly evocative, doesn't express any strong emotion, no vocal calisthenics ala Mariah Carey.... She's just there, which is kind of worse than being really bad in a way. Nothing tugs at the ear and goes "what do you think?", it's just.... strange.

I mean, if you listen to Fiona Apple you can deride her intonation, or praise her emoting and intensity... McLachlan her quirky phrases, neat melodies... Carey her abuse of her range, perhaps... there has to be something to hang on to. What I've heard of Dido is so.... tenuous, it's like they made a song out of a television commercial for a fragrant soap or some such... Very MILD.....


Stuff like this bugs me because, while I dislike a lot of music I can understand it's appeal to other people. This is sort of like a blind spot: I don't get it at all.....





Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I don't think you're missing anything.


I thought Jewel and Dido were similar. Both are attractive blonds, and sound the same to me. I asked my 15 yr old daughter if she thought they sounded the same, and she said no.

There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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>>>Originally posted by Tedster:

>>Since you said you like Jewel, what do you think of Dido?


Actually, it was Gator who originally posted that. I dunno, haven't really heard enough of either to say. I think you have two things here, one vocal style, and another the song. I think Jewel is perhaps a bit stronger singer, but I'm just basing that on what I've heard, which is relatively little.


As for Dido's song, it's hummable, I suppose, doesn't strike me as overly commercial (doesn't hit me over the head like Britney or Christina etc...) We'll see if she goes down in history as a one-hit wonder. I guess if a certain style sells, the music industry feels it's worth repeating. Not a new idea at all. Not to mention that if someone likes a certain style, they're bound to be influenced by it enough that a certain amount of their work will be reminiscent of the original artist. This really applies to everyone (to varying degrees).

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Rick wrote...


>>>All of a sudden, this morning, I have a vision of carrying her lifeless body off the field.(Scary idnt it) The coaches and crowds are booing her even when she's dead. I can't wait to get what is left of her out of there!I hate them........


You're scaring me...everything okay in your camp?

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Oh heck yeah!


It was just one of those moments when The boss showed me something that he felt.


Tedster, every once in a blue moon, you see something so uncharacteristic that it shocks you into action. That was all it was, I had to write it down,somply because it was so bizarre for me to imagine something so morbid!


So, nope, no little white coats round here yet! But hey, Thanks fer askin'!



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Oh, Thanks Simon!

The tune is evolvong from an eerie melancholy fingerpick thru the verse to a taste of jam in the first reprise, then back to the melancholy, slinky change to the final two chorus's be an all out lightnin' clap. I'll send ya a disc when I get it down pat!

As a p.s. Rose had the only 2 singles we got tonight against a very tough pitcher.

Keep on grinnin'


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I play to mitigate the demons in my mind, to alleviate the pain that would otherwise remain stagnant in the dark recesses of my mind. I play to get in touch with the pain and alienation I felt when I was a child. I play so I won't destroy myself.
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Simple- I like it it feels good.I was lucky to have been given a love of music from my Dad. He played violin, his Dad was a professional cello player and grandma was a piano teacher. Pop took the fiddle out every Sunday when I was a kid and played just for fun. He studied classical music when he was a kid but he liked to jam along with some jazz or big band records sometimes too. Once in a while a buddy of his would come over and they would play some old tunes together, his friend Joe played guitar. I took violin lessons when I was a kid but Rock&Roll and the guitar really got me at the age of 13. Been hooked ever since. I suppose we all have or had dreams of fame but I think that those who really love to make music are very lucky with or without fame and wealth. Music is a basic form of expression for humans, a universal language. When you see a baby respond to music it is a clue as to how important it is. It's really a shame that it's been exploited and trivialised by our culture. Many cultures still regard music as a sacred spiritual art. Oh yeah, playing the guitar was the only way I could get chicks too. LOL

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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