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Join me in discussing SMOKING


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As I see it, the issue is not about banning smoking in public places - it´s actually about guaranteeing that no one get´s unwillingly exposed to secondary smoke. Smoking in public places is just as health/life-threatening to others as carrying loaded fire arms in public places or driving drunk IMHO.


If cigarettes where a new concept introduced today it would probably be banned by the UN immediately. California is not the only place where there´s legal regulations on smoking BTW, Finland has also some laws to restrict secondary smoking. Many European countries has age-limits on buying cigarettes.


I second the opinion that Big Tobaco is evil.




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Originally posted by LiveMusic:

Public smoking sucks.


I'm trying to understand; so far, I remain convinced it infringes on one of my basic rights... breathing.


I can't think of anything that is like smoking. I mean, anything I can equate it to. It's a pretty unique vice.


Hey Duke.


I am behind you 100% on this issue (and I applaud you for raising it in this forum). If you feel strongly about something, it is important to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough.


However, (you knew that was coming, didn't you http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif)I want to play a little Devil's advocate to your argument. I think it is important to scrutinize arguments I support for weaknesses, so that they might be improved in the longer run. So please take this in the supportive spirit it is intended.


As Lee has pointed out, many of us living in cities drive CARS.


Duke, do you drive a car to gigs? If so, do you have any idea how much damage your exhaust fumes are doing to people who are forced to inhale them? Even supposing you do not drive, do you believe all cars should be banned for health reasons? Do you ever travel by aeroplane? By bus? By train? Do you use carbon-based fuels to heat your home? To do your cooking? To wash your dishes? All of this activity registers a negative impact on the environment.


If you want to ban cigarette smoking on the basis that it contravenes your moral or civil right to breathe, are you then prepared to ban the use of any object or process which constitutes a violation of this "right"?



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There is a ban on smoking in clubs in California. The non-smokers rate in CA is in the 75 to 80 per cent range. It is the opposite in most states. It is really weird to go to most states and see so many people smoking.


The waiters and waitress union really pushed hard for the ban.


I don't smoke and never have.


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Ian, it's late... I might not make much sense... but... my argument against public smoking has kinda to do with what's reasonable. Our society... we are not going to see cars go away until something comes along that does what they do (transport us quickly to our destination). Riding bicycles... it ain't gonna happen for 99% of the public. BTW, 1% is a fairly large number. Now, there are people like me and you (maybe, I'm assuming) and others that would favor buying a really snazzy and efficient electric vehicle. Yeah, I'd do it if it's reasonable enough. But most people wouldn't.


BTW, I'm looking into buying a device now that powers your entire home with a VERY small amount of wind.


Smoking... it's a choice we all make that immediately affects others. Just by the simple choice we make. To smoke or not smoke. AND... it is not necessary for basic needs. It is TOTALLY a luxury. A luxury that negatively affects others' basic biological functions... such as breathing.


Yes, I drive a car. A Honda Accord. Thinking about buying an SUV to haul all this crap around. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif




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If someone has even the slightest inkling of wanting the occassional cigarette, they're gonna want it when they're at a bar. If a person smokes a little here and there, they're gonna smoke a LOT when they're at a bar. And if a person doesn't even smoke at all, they still might have a cigar http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif.


I don't know if there's an answer. But boy do I fucking hate it.


I just got home from a gig tonight. My clothes reek, my hair reeks, and the slightly sore throat I had earlier is now bothering me big-time, thanks to the endless parade of cigarettes.


It's worse than ever these days. Especially because cigars have become soooo cool. I see a guy sitting near the stage fire one up and I think, great, that sucker's gonna last the whole goddamn set! Sometimes, there will be a whole group of buddies--maybe they just arrived from a softball game--and they each have to light up a big stogie.


It's one of those facts of gig life, along with guitarists who play too loud, mic feedback, and soundmen who think it's all about the equipment. I wish it would all go away, but I don't expect it to.


(Though I could never be a full-time bartender, I'll tell you that....)

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If the FDA had to regulate tobacco (they don't), they would have to ban it. The two biggest products we consume legally (alcohol and cigs) are the most harmful, while hemp is banned. We live in a strange world.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I haven't had a cigarette since last August. There are still a few bars in California where smoking is allowed. It's not legit but some owners let their patrons smoke anyways. I play at one of these smoking bars on a regular basis and it is really annoying to be in a room filled with smoke. Cops show up every once in a while and people stop smoking for a while but then it always starts up again. I was under the impression that bars could be fined for allowing people to smoke but this particular bar seems to be exempt from that rule. It is a biker bar so maybe they have some sort of agreement with the police. Maybe it's run by the Mob or something. I don't understand it. Nothing worse that being in a room filled with second hand smoke when you're trying to get over a cold.
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You feeling okay, d? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


I've been off cigarettes for almost 16 years. Before that, I was a two pack a day dude. But I could see my kids' health suffering (not to mention mine)...and so I quit. It can be done. My wife still smokes like a chimney, though.


Here's what doesn't work...


Smoke pot instead. You feel great, (if you don't get pot headaches like someone I know verrrrry well), but you're still a smoker. Another drawback is the munchies. How to gain 50 lbs. overnight...


Dip Skoal... More addictive than cigarettes, more disgusting. I tried it. Couldn't live without it. Quit. Went back to cigarettes immediately.


Here's what worked for me...


Take the end off a retractable ball point pen. Hold it like a cigarette. Puff off it occasionally, as needed. If someone says "Hey, look at the idiot puffing a ball point pen" jab it firmly into his eye socket (while smiling politely, of course).


Keep Hall's cough drops on hand. Particularly good (but not exclusively) if you're a menthol smoker. Hall's last a long time, like cigarettes (and unlike gum) they don't taste too great. Hall's was the key for me. They can be habit forming, if you're going from one habit to another, but not nearly as bad as cigarettes.


Chew spearmint leaves. Almost everyone's yard has some spearmint somewhere. Great to chew on. Make sure there are no dogs nearby and wash the leaves thoroughly.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I hate smoking. It killed a grandmother, probably is killing my mother right now, not to mention other relatives.


I"ve never smoked in my life. Somehow my I.Q. managed to make me realize even when I was a tike that there was something about the warning labels that WAS ACTUALLY TRUE. Oh well....


A) It has now been unequivocably shown with the B&W insider papers released

that the industry looks at cigarettes as nothing more than a nicotine delivery system.


B) The same papers show they do everything possible to manipulate the efficacy of nicotine's uptake.


C) The same papers show they are totally aware of the carcinogenic properties of smoking; furthermore, that they probably know *more* about how harmful it is than the government does...


D) They are completely aware of the addictiveness of nicotine.


E) They do whatever they can to target "new smokers" - kids - here, and abroad they give them away in every country to do this.



Our government looks the other way.


As far as I'm concerned, all parties involved are participating in murder: they're doing the equivalent of shooting a shotgun at a crowd of people knowing they'll kill at least half of them - except it happens over a longer period of time.


As a habit to me it's completely disgusting. Funny in that a smoker will tell you "it helps me calm down" - sure, because you're addicted to it and without the nicotine you'll have withdrawal symptoms. Ridiculous; smokers are the suckers of the CEO's of the tobacco companies.


To be honest, in this day and age with the knowledge out there that is well documented, I don't have a lot of pity for people who still smoke.

I hate it: it smells bad. Additionally, it's a filthy habit from a cleanliness standpoint: ash everwhere, smoke gets physically on things.. gross all around.


I quit wearing contacts about years ago. My eyes were constantly scratchy, and even new ones wouldn't help.


I've just recently started wearing them again: I've figured out they're putting something in cigarettes now that makes smoke more clingy - as long as I don't get around smoke, my contacts feel fine. Get around smoke for an instant - itchy eyes. I came to this conclusion after realizing that there once was a time I could walk through a smoky bar for half an hour and come out relatively unscathed odor-wise.


Walk in a bar now for just a minute or two and you come out reeking of smoke. They're adding something now: probably to get it to cling to people so people trying to quit will smell it, maybe it goes through your skin as well..


When I was growing up all of my friends were considerably older than me and smoked. I had peer pressure out the wazoo; I was perfectly aware of how my "coolness" status would rise dramatically if I started smoking - and believe me, I *needed* that status.... but I was smart enough not to try it. A person I meet that has never smoked I see as a sign of marked intelligence: a kid who is smart should be able to way the benefits and consequences if truly smart.


However, I'm realizing the world is a lot less intelligent than I once gave it credit. If we're to have a government in a regulatory capacity, it's absurd nicotine isn't a regulated substance. A clear sign of the corrupt nature of our much vaunted political system.


(cue Mike Meyers and RATM)



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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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