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The Anti - Guilty Pleasure


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It's been a tad surprising for me seeing the amount of Clapton bashing by some individuals in this forum. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif I always thought if you were a guitar player you were like, required to like him.


Going against the "Guilty Pleasure" thread, who are some artists/bands that everyone else seems to love that you just never got into?

Anybody out there who just can't stand Hendrix?.....The Beatles?........Zeppelin?...

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don't get me started on who i hate...


-billy joel

-eric clapton

-pearl jam

-creeed creed creed creed creed

-U2 (only when boner is all self absorbed, i.e after the 2nd lp)

-don henley


-kenny g

-michael bolton

-nyc mayor gulliani

-hillary clinton



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Jimmy Buffett, Peter Frampton solo, any of the spandex hair bands....I MEAN ANY, Bob Seger, Chuck Mangione (spelling?), etc. If it ain't growlin like an alley cat getting ready to fight, I usually don't dig it. Blue Oyster Cult is another one that makes me turn the station, as does the tired...very tired Pink Floyd stuff you always hear on the radio. There are many many more that I don't care for.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Stevie Ray Vaughan, big-time. It was hard for me to hear him as anything but a too-fast, too-loud imitator of Albert King. I have always tried to play blues solos with a smooth, mellow vibe, a la Wayne Bennett or Mel Brown, and during my bar-band days it was beyond-irritating to hear drunks yell, "Know any Stevie Ray".


(And now, as they say, "Let the flames begin!")

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I'll agree with Pink Floyd and SRV... can't stand either one of them.


And how could I forget... Susan Tedeschi. People kept telling me "You gotta check out this girl, she's great!" I finally got a chance to hear her and I had to laugh. Everything she plays sounds fake and forced, and her voice is just terrible.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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To each his own, but to me Tedeschi's raw stattaco approach to playing guitar combined with her soulful gritty vocals is "one of a kind". At times she sounds like Bonnie Raitt, other times like Janis, but she really has her own voice. I play music in that genre so I am biased. How many women play music so stripped down of the cookie cutter formula, play their own leads, and sing? Very few. And of the few that do, she is a standout.....in my opinion.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Originally posted by strat0124:

How many women play music so stripped down of the cookie cutter formula, play their own leads, and sing? Very few.


Sorry, but I don't judge musicians based on their gender, I judge based on their music. Her music is VERY "cookie cutter formula" blues. If it weren't for the novelty that she's a woman playing blues guitar, she would have been laughed off the stage years ago.


By the way... what's a "stattaco"? Sounds delicious, can I get one at Stattaco Bell? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Any Prog rock band...


I respect RUSH but I just can't bring myself to like their music.


I hate Supertramp, REO buttwagon, Foreigner(sp), STYX (Really hate styx), and a few more that I cant think of at the moment.


AND I don't really dig any of the KORN or KORN wannabees.




This message has been edited by BK on 04-26-2001 at 12:52 PM

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It amazes me that, of all the bands from the late 60s - 70s "supergroup" era, the most influential is Black Sabbath! Sonic sludge if ever there was - but you hear more of their influence in today's hard rock than any other band. And Iommi could not play an interesting lead, so he always seemed to record "dueling" leads (which also were uninspiring).

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Originally posted by strat0124:

tired...very tired Pink Floyd stuff you always hear on the radio.


So...is it Pink Floyd you don't like, or the fact that they've been so friggin' overplayed over the past 25 years?

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**BURNED OUT ON************CAN'T STAND*********






.....THE EAGLES.....................................CREED

.....VAN HALEN......................................ANY PUNK

.....AEROSMITH......................................LIMP BIZDICK



This message has been edited by KHAN on 04-26-2001 at 01:51 PM

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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>>>And how could I forget... Susan Tedeschi. People kept telling me "You gotta check out this girl, she's great!" I finally got a chance to hear her and I had to laugh. Everything she plays sounds fake and forced, and her voice is just terrible.


I like her voice. One man's meat is another man's poison...to each their own.


I like Khan's list...and now...I'm about to get heretical. Not on all songs, mind you...but...I do really like Jimi, but...


Every time I hear Hendrix it reminds me of the burnouts of my day (I was one for awhile) who used to jam on "Hey Joe" and "All Along the Watchtower" for three hours....and everyone was too stoned to know what they were doing. Now when I think of those days, it's like "Garage time...ughghghg".

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I can relate, Tedster. There are a lot of bands that I used to like, but can't stand to hear anymore. Zeppelin, Hendrix, Cream, Beatles. They all remind me of those shitty high school cover-band days, which I have no desire to revisit.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Posted by Scott:

>>>I can relate, Tedster. There are a lot of bands that I used to like, but can't stand to hear anymore. Zeppelin, Hendrix, Cream, Beatles. They all remind me of those shitty high school cover-band days, which I have no desire to revisit.



I think this fits nicely with the "Radio Issues" thread. My guess is that people are just burned out on the 3 to 5 songs by each band that we've had pounded down our throats for the last 20 years.

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Scott....that was funny....typing too fast and spelling sucks at times......stacatto....but music based on gender???? Is Indigo Girls a chick group? Come on. But cookie cutter blues, her voice alone to me is instantly identifiable, distinguishable from any other singer as is her guitar playing. And I think some of you hit on a very good point. Radio plays tunes into the ground. Led Zep's "Since I been Loving you" never gets airplay, and it's one of their best. So if I heard that or something a bit more eclectic, I'd be happier. When is the last time you heard Mahogany Rush, Humble Pie, Ten Years After, Blues Magoo's, etc. Even on current radio playlists, it's overkill on the two songs off the album, if that. College radio and internet radio are the few places to hear something that still excites me. But seriously, how long can you sit in a club and listen to someone slaughter another Dinosaurs of Rock anthem?

There are some bands that people love for whatever reason and they will stick with them through thick and thin no matter what. I'm guilty. I still think ZZ are innovative groove-meisters. And I've been listening to these guys since 1970 or so. But if Tush comes on the radio, I'll change the channel. Radio killed it. Same with alot of the other giant's hits. If you really want to hear cookie cutter, listen to the current crop of alternative and metal bands. Like they were all using the same amp, same producers, etc. Country is even worse...way worse.

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Originally posted by Tedster:

>>>And how could I forget... Susan Tedeschi. People kept telling me "You gotta check out this girl, she's great!" I finally got a chance to hear her and I had to laugh. Everything she plays sounds fake and forced, and her voice is just terrible.

I like Khan's list...and now...I'm about to get heretical. Not on all songs, mind you...but...I do really like Jimi, but...Every time I hear Hendrix it reminds me of the burnouts of my day (I was one for awhile) who used to jam on "Hey Joe" and "All Along the Watchtower" for three hours....and everyone was too stoned to know what they were doing. Now when I think of those days, it's like "Garage time...ughghghg".




My there Tedster those are some HOT sports opinions. I am with ya on the Susan T. is average tip. I can't see the attraction to her and Kenny W. SLEPard. No doubt they can play and all of that but I get a very bad (Fake) vibe especially from Slepard.


I will have to part ways with you on the Hendrix business. I will never get enough Jimi!



BTO - goddamn I can deal with them!!!


MAN WHAT A HOT LITTLE thread we have here. Let it fly everyone - we cant be politically correct every damn day of our lives!!


BK http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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I think you guys are right about radio burnout... maybe you just need to stop listening to the radio. I very rarely listen to commercial radio so I don't get burned out on a lot of "those songs".


I'll go along with BK on the prog-rock stuff, most all of it makes me hurl, especially RUSH. Ditto the Korn/Limp Bisquick crap. And I am really not into Stevie Ray much either. He doesn't make me hurl, he just doesn't excite me the way he seems to excite most people. Same with Eric Johnson, Steve Morse and some of the other guitar hero types - I don't really dislike or disrespect them, but they just don't do a whole lot for me and I get bored pretty quickly. I also don't like the kinds of tones they get as much as some people seem to - I mean people CREAM over Eric Johnson's tone and I know he spends ages getting the right tone... but to me it SOUNDS like he does. It just sounds a little too calculated for my taste.


Hendrix, whatever. Some of his stuff really grabs me and a lot doesn't, too. I definitely think he was an innovator and contributed a ton to the "sonic vocabulary" of the guitar. Unfortunately, as with Eddie Van Halen, most of his imitators are really bad and we have to put up with a ton of them!



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Originally posted by strat0124:

....but music based on gender???? Is Indigo Girls a chick group? Come on.


I have no idea, I wouldn't recognize an Indigo Girls song if I heard it.


Originally posted by Lee Flier:

maybe you just need to stop listening to the radio.


I'll agree with that! I don't even have a radio in my house, only a CD player. The only place that I'm stuck listening to radio is in the car (stupid CD player broke) and all I do is flip stations looking for something decent to listen to. Of course, I rarely find anything.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Posted by Lee:

>>>I'll go along with BK on the prog-rock stuff, most all of it makes me hurl, especially RUSH.


......................... http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/big/Duhard.gif .........................

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Originally posted by ricknbokker:


Absolutely Aerosmith. Extra suck w/lame on the side.


I hear that. It sucks when you're torn between feeling respect for the history of a group and utter scorn for the crap they're putting out now. They've become a power ballad group!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


I thought Bush DID go away http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/confused.gif




This message has been edited by clockwirk on 04-26-2001 at 10:21 PM

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Kill Heavy Repetition!

Hey, I get tired of my own music after a couple of plays, and it`s not even on the radio...

People all too often use any radio music as dumb background fog to forget how stupid their job is...even good songs get pressed into carbon along with all other musical matter. Try putting a dozen colors in the toilet and then flushing-same effect.

Personally, I`ve never been able to follow a single artist through thick and thin-even ones I like. It`s not attention deficit either-there are lots of cases where an artist wants to do something different (read GOOD, in some cases), and the record label rejects it.

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Originally posted by clockwirk:

who are some artists/bands that everyone else seems to love that you just never got into?




I feel so alienated that I didn't like Kiss and thought they were cheesy. It's really, really odd to me. I have friends who I respect musically, who I generally agree with on a lot of things, but then they'll lapse rhapsodic about Ace's great solos, or "Detroit Rock City", or something similar.


I don't get it. I don't mind some of the heavier stuff: "Black Diamond"; "100,000 Years", etc... but... uhg.... and most of my generation (the older side of Gen-X) seems to rally around the mutual Kiss appreciation thing... Uhg... I mean, grown adults will say the most silly things about Kiss:


"Who'd you want to be, Ace?"


"Man, Gene's shoes looked like they were alive"


"Neil Peart is pretty good and all, but really, Peter Cris really is underrated"


"I dressed like Paul Stanley for Halloween every year until I was 12"


I mean, people who hold respectable jobs, married with kids will sit around and talk about this stuff. I'm just sitting there, out of the loop (as usual...).






Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Hey Chip...horrific thought...what if they'd decided to merge Kiss and Star Trek? HAHAHAHA...


I'm with you. I graduated high school in '75. I have a yearbook with pictures of my contemporaries with their faces painted a'la Stanley and Simmons. I never got into them. I was too busy listening to Johnny Winter. A kid I used to teach was a die hard Kiss-a-holic...(like there's some addicting substance called "Kissahol")...who had a moderately successful stint in a Kiss tribute band as "Ace". It's great...but, it left me cold. Kinda wish I had been a Kiss freak, as I did meet Stanley and Frehley at a music store in Michigan in the late 70s. At the time, they seemed pretty full of themselves. They were in town for a show, and someone gave them a heads up that there had been a vintage Les Paul at this music store (there had been, but it had been sold prior to their arrival). I guess ol' Ace was a-gunnin' fer it. He missed out.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Hey Chip...horrific thought...what if they'd decided to merge Kiss and Star Trek? HAHAHAHA...


Hey, but I'll admit - I'm a Star Trek fan (big surprise, right?)... NOT a "Trekkie", but a fan.... I'll readily admit it's quite silly, but idealistically interesting.


I'm with you. I graduated high school in '75. I have a yearbook with pictures of my contemporaries with their faces painted a'la Stanley and Simmons. I never got into them. I was too busy listening to Johnny Winter.


See, while all of my friends were going "man, they're COOL" I'm thinking






Kiss are clowns!



I'll admit, clowns *are* scary. But why do I want to listen to a bunch of clowns making music? It's just weird... I never liked clowns as a kid, hate them: "this is an adult standing in front of me acting weird with makeup on, and pressure is being placed on me to act as if it's amusing and to reciprocate in an expected "cutesy" manner. I HATE THIS".


I suppose Kiss probably has a direct relationship to why I'm a freak because I'm the only person of my generation and younger that doesn't have any tatoos. Kiss is a profound disconnect for me from most people of my advanced age.


I'll keep my Led Zeppelin, Hendrix and VanHalen records for that era, thank you...




Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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