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Dealing with our RADIO issues...


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What is it with classic rock radio these days.

My band usually has to travel 8 to 12 hours to most of our gigs and we listen to classic rock stations alot.


I have two main beefs:


1. Pre-Programmed stations. It seems that every trip we take, we will hear the same songs by many bands each weekend. For example, Foreigner : Cold as Ice, three times. No other songs by them all weekend. Zeppelin : Livin' Lovin' Maid, two or three times and so on. Every week it is the same. Just different repeats over and over. This can't be a coincidence. Whatever happened to stations programming their own play lists.


2. Very few "Deep Cuts". If aliens are monitoring radio from space they would think Led Zep only recorded five songs, The Stones: 5 songs, Rush: 3 songs, Styx : 3 songs etc. etc. Some of these bands have recorded 20 albums over a 30 year span, but you would think they only did an EP by the selection you hear.


Bitter? Oh just a little.


I have great memories from high school and College of hanging out with friends at the park cranking the radio, drinkin' a beer and just lovin' it. These days it just seems all corperate and uninspiring. Maybe I was just young then...


Whaddya think?




This message has been edited by KHAN on 04-19-2001 at 11:07 PM

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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it's been like that for years. but how about this...5 or six years ago there were several "all sinatra" stations around. makes since, the guy was popular and has like 200 albums right? that's a ton of tunes. so somewhere (florida i think) down south some idiot station goes and launches a 24-7 all "led zeppelin" format. zep has like 8 hours of total recorded music! the format lasted less than a month......


-d. gauss

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I am with you, standing in the rain, staring down at the open grave of good radio. Ahhh... we knew ye, and loved ye well...


Let's kick a little dirt in the grave...


The sole purpose of a today's radio stations?


Entertainment? Quality Music? Variety? Selling records?


ummmmm. NO.


Profits for the shareholders.


Advertisers create those profits. These advertisers target different demographics on a dollar per x number of listeners basis. Programing decisions then have NO concern for "quality music", or even variety... ONLY "popular" music.


But how to tell which music is popular?


Well any "bean counter" can tell you this answer. No "chances" need be taken... no "opinions" or "programmers" needed ... why, it's as clear as George Washington's face on a dollar bill...


...if it sold the most or was played the most... it's the "one" to play.


Based on this "logic", it's no surprise that any "hit" by an artist is the one that gets played and played and played and played...


It's more surprising that a band has more than one hit being played than they only have 3 or 5.


Ironically it's the listening public that could change things... if enough of us "tested" positively for wanting higher quality or more variety in our music, things would improve as the advertisers would adapt to the change in appetites.


...But the crowds still yell "Free Bird" at every opportunity don't they? Even at a Pink Floyd Tribute! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


In the meantime you can kiss "good radio"... BYE, BYE, BYE!


Q. Want a good list of songs "That make you want to PUKE?"

A. Listen to the radio for an hour.



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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guitplayer lamented:

>>>...But the crowds still yell "Free Bird" at every opportunity don't they? Even at a Pink Floyd Tribute!







This message has been edited by KHAN on 04-20-2001 at 12:09 AM

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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The two best groups to blame radio on are market research people and the FCC. The FCC started messing with the ownership rules either late in the Reagan years or early in the first Bush years. This led to total consolidation and homogenation in the industry.
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As little as 10 years ago, there was a significant amount of empty dial on my radio.It was always a treat to bump into the small independantly owned stations. The auto industry supports my music habit. In order to stay competitive there, I've had to learn how to make stuff faster cheaper and better than anybody else.Frankly, I'm growing very tired of that too.But, let's say I own a hobby station, one that I built because I love music. Then I buy another one, and another, and so on, until my bean-counter says...mo money, less time... One Tape fits all, forget the personality, the advertisers don't wanna hear you talk or think. Sell their product. Sell their product. Sell their product. Radio, no longer serves listeners or music lovers. It sells products. Cheaper faster better...

Sad but true. Cool post Khan..... Rick

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Well, Khan, it's not just classic rock radio that works that way. Even here in the land of alternative (no, not that radio-friendly stuff, I'm talking about REAL alternative) we run into the same problems. Bands like Husker Du, Dinosaur Jr., and the Smiths have lots of great albums, but you always hear the same few songs. You would really expect more than that from an alternative station! The whole point of "alternative radio" is to play something other than the standard mainstream repetition.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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This is a subject I have bitched about on this forum. The problem is, I take it, that the radio conglomerates now own damn near every radio station.


A few observations:


1. Programmed playlist.

2. They seem to rent batches of songs or something... like... you hear a certain song three times a day for a week or so that you haven't heard in ten years, then it's gone.

3. DJs have far less latitude to improvise and choose non-hit tracks.

4. Longggggggggggg advertising breaks.

5. If an artist is coming into town (that I assume is managed by the promotion company that the radio conglomerate owns a piece of), you start hearing hits from that artist one to four weeks before s/he arrives.

6. Naming the song title and artist is a lost service by many DJs.


I hope the internet changes this. There are online radio stations. I wonder if any are decent? I don't think it'd be for me at this point due to my crappy connection in this small town. But someday...

> > > [ Live! ] < < <

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Oh yeah, and how is it that Zeppelin had like I don't know how many albums, and they only pley the same three cuts... and yet Boston only had two albums 25 years ago that sounded exactly the same and they play all of those cuts. They all sound the same!
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Ted Said:

>>>Oh yeah, and how is it that Zeppelin had like I don't know how many albums, and they only pley the same three cuts... and yet Boston only had two albums 25 years ago that sounded exactly the same and they play all of those cuts. They all sound the same!



Boston is no exception from what I've heard. Maybe five songs. It is just a higher percentage because of less output. And all those songs did sound the same, didn't they.


I guess video really did kill the radio star. And therefore the radio. http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/cwm/crying.gif

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Originally posted by d gauss:

it's been like that for years. but how about this...5 or six years ago there were several "all sinatra" stations around. makes since, the guy was popular and has like 200 albums right? that's a ton of tunes. so somewhere (florida i think) down south some idiot station goes and launches a 24-7 all "led zeppelin" format. zep has like 8 hours of total recorded music! the format lasted less than a month......


-d. gauss



I lived in the Tampa Bay area years ago when they did this. I seem to remember that they kicked it all of with a few days of just Stairway to Heaven. I thought it was cool at the time but I'm guessing that the add buyers didn't like it much after a while. Everything in moderation (most of the time) is the key to a wonderful life.


I'm looking foreward to the day when I can gain internet access in my car to my own "radio station" or if I so desired I could log onto a friends or another site... commercial free!


My Band: http://www.fullblackout.com UPDATED!!! Fairly regularly these days...


http://www.logcabinmusic.com updated 11/9/04

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Originally posted by Kris:

I'm looking foreward to the day when I can gain internet access in my car to my own "radio station" or if I so desired I could log onto a friends or another site... commercial free!


If someone could figure out a way of offering such a thing that would be a radio equivalent of the Net, it would really take off; it seems like it would be technically feasible.


The FCC should allow some limited bandwidth for low-power independent stations.... They'd probably get listened to more than anything else.



Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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A thought from accross the pond!


Hey guys you don't know how lucky ya are to have any rock radio at all!! We get f**k all here!! There is only one national pop fm station and all it seems to play is boy/girl band crap and a shedful of hip hop( no offense intended to the hip hop fraternity http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif) We could really do with a serious radio shakedown... On the very odd occasion that radio programming is decided by the public rather than the station bosses the whole vibe changes.... In come the talented rock guys and out goes all the other crap!!! They don't even have the defense that it is in aid of the advertisers cos its a public funded station.... We do have a few independants but they have gradually been taken over by a couple of large groups and the playlist has gone the same as our national fm station or is targeted towards the 50+ market. It is an absolute f***ing disaster.... The one thing I really miss not living in the US anymore are the rock stations... If they are going the same way as ours you guys have my deepest sympathies.


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/mad.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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if someone could figure out a way of offering such a thing that would be a radio equivalent of the Net, it would really take off; it seems like it would be technically feasible.>>


that day is already here. it's called satellite radio and you pay a subscription fee just like cable and you get a ton of channels in your car (on the new radio receiver you have to buy of course) all with no commercials and the stations are national, so you can listen to the same stati0n anywhere in the country.... GM is rolling out new cars next year that are already equipped to receive it. now your radio won't only be bad, it'll be nationwide!


-d. gauss

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Originally posted by nrg music:

A thought from accross the pond!


Hey guys you don't know how lucky ya are to have any rock radio at all!! We get f**k all here!! There is only one national pop fm station and all it seems to play is boy/girl band crap and a shedful of hip hop( no offense intended to the hip hop fraternity http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif)


The flipside to that is you then don't suffer from having the tastes of the sheep being sublimated by the whimsy of marketing. Probably why your country has more diversity in it's music buying and from here what appears to be a more conistent and coherent live music scene.



Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Chip said...


>>>The FCC should allow some limited bandwidth for low-power independent stations.... They'd probably get listened to more than anything else.


Actually, the FCC has just done this. The catch though is that they have to be community oriented stations...owned by some incorporated community group...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:

The flipside to that is you then don't suffer from having the tastes of the sheep being sublimated by the whimsy of marketing. Probably why your country has more diversity in it's music buying and from here what appears to be a more conistent and coherent live music scene.



I wish that were true.... we have the same sheep but smaller, yes we have a greater diversity but our live scene sucks beyond belief, that is what's left of it, which I am afraid is almost nothing!! Peeps here would rather watch telly or play video games or be on the net than go to a live gig!!


Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/mad.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Well, another weekend, another out of town gig, another horrendous radio experience.

This trip was especially dreadful. I heard the intro to Hotel California 4 times(switched the station quick). Also got to hear the haunting organ intro to FREEBIRD three times. Are you freakin' kidding me ***FREE-FRIGGIN-BIRD***!!!! Don't these people have any imagination at all? And of course what trip into hell would be complete without the first 10 seconds or so of Stairway to Heaven. Gawd, I got blisters on my fingers just changing the station!!!


Hey Radio.. http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gifhttp://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gifhttp://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gifhttp://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gifhttp://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gifhttp://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gifhttp://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gifhttp://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gif


This message has been edited by KHAN on 04-23-2001 at 07:08 PM

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Kansas City sucks big time too. Switched the station on..."More than a Feeling"...geez, and they act so special when they play it...turned over to the other station..."Cold as Ice"...


I'd like to get a job at these stations...y'know...AND BREAK THESE FUCKING CDs ON THE AIR! Go through their libraries and destroy their collection of worn out tunes. Of course they'd just replace them, y'know.


Actually, Topeka's got a station that's not half bad. Comes in from time to time here. Helluva lot better than KC.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Yo Tedster. The last two times I was in Topeka I was amazed how good some of the stations were. Much better than anything in San Diego. Strange, San Diego's market is 3 million people and Topeka is about 140,000. When I grew up in Topeka, KY102 in KC was it. Trivia question; do you know who was a DJ there in the late 70's that went under the name Jeff Christy ? Rush Limbaugh.


There are some great radio stations out of Tijuana and Baja California. Sometimes I hear the most amazing guitar playing on those stations, and I'm convinced that some of the best guitarists are in Mexico. Unfortunately, I don't understand espanol, so I never know the name of the artists.

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KY102 is no longer 102...they got bought out by a "current rocker for teenyboppers" station...(not boy bands, stuff like Train, Sister Hazel). A couple of months later KY resurfaced as 99.7 KY, with a few minor personnel changes. Max Floyd's still there. But...the music SUCKS unless you listen on a late evening or something. Daytime it's the same ol' shit.


But there's a Topeka station that rocks. Can't think of where it is now...but I bump into it on the dial, and the dial stays there.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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