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S90ES question


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Hi folks,

Is the S90ES the same as the S90 concerning changing one voice to the other? I mean will the sound of the first voice immediately cut off after having switched to another voice?


Most of Kurzweil's keyboards the switching happens different. If you use the sustain pedal to hold the first voice and you switch to another it won't cut off the first voice, but in the meantime if you push another key the new voice already be heard.


I hope I could explain my problem. Thanks for any answers.

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Yes, that's how Voices work. Changing the Voice essentially causes a SysEx clear of the tone generator, blanking out the current sound.


Performances (supporting 4 Voices) and Multis (supporting 16 Voices) work as you would like, however. In a performance you can adjust the volume of each Voice independently. In a Multi, you can choose to solo any of the 16 voices which does not reset the TG.




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Thanks for your answer!


I am basically using self-created Performances on my S90, mostly existing of 3 Voices. It is a mass (during a live show) to switch to another Performance while hearing that 1 sec silence!

Do you know how to eliminate that?

I used to play years before on a PC88 Kurzweil where this type of problem simply doesn't exist.

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Originally posted by skyscraper:

Thanks for your answer!


I am basically using self-created Performances on my S90, mostly existing of 3 Voices. It is a mass (during a live show) to switch to another Performance while hearing that 1 sec silence!

Do you know how to eliminate that?

I used to play years before on a PC88 Kurzweil where this type of problem simply doesn't exist.

Having written software for many years, I'll wager that Yamaha clears the TG when you change Voice/Performance to simplify interactions with the Effects queues. I don't know how they keep track of all the effects that you can assign in the ES system. 2 Effects per Element, 4 Elements per Voice, which can also have Voice effects, then you have 4 Voices to a Performance, which can also have it's own effects, and finally you have Master effects that you can apply on top of that--the combinations are mind boggling!


Yes, use a Multi if you need more than 4 Parts. You can then have up to 16 Parts for your use within a Multi.


You can copy your Performance into a Multi using the Job / PFCopy command, which allows you to copy your entire Performance into 4 Parts of a Multi, and incidently, all 4 parts are assigned the same MIDI channel, if you happen to be using a sequencer.


You can do this using 4 different Performances, as there are 4 Parts in a Performance and 16 Parts in a Multi, and each time you PFCopy in a Performance, you choose what effects, controllers, etc. come into the Multi with the Performance.


You then use the Multi interface to play whatever Part or collection of Parts you wish without resetting the TG.


Each Part is controllable via a mixer type control in the Multi menu, or you can use the control sliders in the Volume mode (in conjunction with the left/right arrow buttons) to mix Parts in and out while playing live.




You'll find more information in the www.sninety.com forums, where Motif/S90 users go for help from Yamaha and Keyfax techs.




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