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Motif 6 or Motif ES 6


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Hello everyone, id like to know your opinions about the original motif and the ES version, i need it mainly for new age, so ill be using lots of winds and strings, since its almost twice the price id like to know if theres a huge diference between them


Thanks from Colombia!

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I'd say if your using it live, then no. In studio use though in complex arrangments I believe the Motif ES would serve you better with the 128 poly as opposed to the 64 on the original motif. Can you consider a Yamaha Mo?

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- Rush

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I found that there was little difference between the ES and straight MOTIF for my use in jazz, pop and rock (pianos, epianos, strings, organ et al). Howver, the ES does have some excellent new age patches and pads which just give it the edge for that genre... esp the arpegiator which can be changed on the fly to different patterns...


So for you I would say the ES is much the better choice.


However, i do reckon the MOTIF range is getting a bit long in the tooth and think Yamaha must have something new up their sleeve. Thats what I'm waiting for, I keep on resisting getting a s/h MOTIF ES despite owning one for a bit last year...

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I dont really need it for live but i will need the sequencer so im not sure about the Mo, havent really checked it out,is it that good? does it have a breath controller input


The Mo has most of the sounds of the Motif ES. It is a very good sound machine and if you like the ES series, you will like it. I don't think it has a breath controller input though which sounds like it could be an issue. Since you won't really need it for live use, The ES is the way to go in my book.

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