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Waterfall key controllers?


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Are there any keyboard controllers out there with waterfall keys?


Would the Roland VRCombo/VR760 be a good controller?


I like that it has waterfall keys and 76 keys!


I wish Nord would make a 76 key waterfall controller with the pitch stick. I know they are coming out with a Stage76 but that is like 3000 bucks. Kinda overpriced. Should be more like around 1800 bucks.


I know there's a Oberheim MC1000 but it's not available in America.


Any ideas?????

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Ahhh, Mr. Alkeys....a change of subject!


I have a VR-760, and to me, the keyboard action feels better than all of the other organ clones (except the Roland VK-8, which has the same action). It's like a sexy woman; it responds as if it reads your mind........got your attention?


And......I have good news for you!:


It has NO WALLWART!!!!


I take it from your other posts that this might be important to you.


Plus the overall quality is very good, and it has a great little pitch stick that IMO is better than a wheel (at least for me). And you can install Roland's SRX series add on boards to get so many good sounds that you might not need to use it as a controller.


And that is a good thing because it doesn't have what most folks consider extensive controller functionality, though you can use it as a controller.


Well this isn't a perfect world........


You'll find out much more about this board if you use the search function and check out older threads. (Hint: It's a good idea to do this before posting a question about a specific board).


Also, try "Doepfer" in a search as well, if you want more info on a waterfall key controller.




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Originally posted by Alkeys:

Are there any keyboard controllers out there with waterfall keys?


Would the Roland VRCombo/VR760 be a good controller?


I like that it has waterfall keys and 76 keys!


I wish Nord would make a 76 key waterfall controller with the pitch stick. I know they are coming out with a Stage76 but that is like 3000 bucks. Kinda overpriced. Should be more like around 1800 bucks.


I know there's a Oberheim MC1000 but it's not available in America.


Any ideas?????

Allkeys -


Don't know if this will interest you, after one of your previous posts (next time, could you tell us what you really think? No holding back, OK? :D )

There is this from Fatar . Not sure it is out yet, since there is no pic, and it isn't mentioned on the Studiologic website. Also, check out these guys .


Hope this helps. :wave:


- Bob

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Billdar- Thanks buddy!


YEs yes- I have been eyeing the VR760


I think the Nord Pitch Stick is the best- if the Electro had a pitch stick- that would be my board no joke but since it doesn't , I like the Roland pitch lever very much.


I used to like wheels but, find the side to side lever more ergonomic, since a keyboard goes side to side instead of up and down like wheels.


My dream keyboard has to have 76 keys, and waterfall, and a pitch lever/stick. Wow sounds like a VR760 doesn't it????


Why more people aren't making good controllers these days I'll never know.


Maybe I'll look for one of those.

Thanks much!!

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To The Real MC:


I know dealers who are selling them, and the price is discounted. I assume that the VR-760's didn't break any sales records. I know of only 3 other guys on this forum that have one (though there are probably more), and I've never seen one gigged. This board does seem to generate controversy. It's an odd bird in many ways, but I like mine!


If Roland had made a weighted key version of this, with a better acoustic piano sound, I think that they would have sold more of them.


And alkeys, I suggest that you don't buy before you try.


That new Fatar waterfall controller looks interesting. It is probably very similar to the Doepfer, because Fatar makes the keybed.




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Chalk up another VR-760 owner here (although I think mine carries the later V-combo label). I think it's about as good a clonewheel as you're going to find, as long as you don't need both manuals and pedals all the time. I chose it over the electro73 because it had a better feeling keyboard, real drawbars, that critical low E, and I thought the organ and acou. piano sounds were better.


I also keep a Motif ES 6 in my live rig for the electric piano sounds, better aco. piano sounds and everything else. Not exactly your standard setup (most people go with the 88-key weighted board/workstation on the bottom, with a 61 key clonewheel up top) but it works for me.




"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

-Mike Tyson

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Now Mr. Alkeys, did you search first?


I have a Yamaha S-90, and the clavs and EP's are the about same as the Motif's. I have the VR-760 sitting right on top of the S-90, and to my ears, The VR-760 sounds are very good, but I think that the S-90 clavs and EP's are a smidge better.


However, the new Roland SRX-12 expansion board is supposed to have some world class clavs and EP's

on it, and it can be installed in the VR-760. I haven't heard these voices myself, but I did hear second hand that they are killer.


If you SEARCH, you can find out more about VR-760 sounds!


Rumor has it that folks who don't SEARCH FIRST have nightmares about WALLWARTS ! So BEWARE !




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The S-90 and V-Combo clavs are blown away by the Electro clav IMO. The Electro's Rhodes selections also are better than the V-Combo's built in sounds, but I can't comment on any sounds you get from expansion boards. I prefer the Vintage 74 rhodes in my S-90 (tweaked) for overall playability over the Electros, because the Electro's Rhodes sounds do have a pretty bad velocity cross switching problem - noticeable switches in tone between loud and soft samples.




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