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That's it, I'm leaving


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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:



Knock Knock...


Hey guys, I can smell the party two blocks away.


I figured you'd want some donuts. :love::P

Geeez, you just gave me a KK attack. :(


Because of you, I'll have to go at our only KK this weekend, look at the donut factory while a waitress give me one regular (hot!) for free, then buy a dozen of their wonderful apple thingies + others and eat like a pig.


If they weren't 50,000 calories a piece... :rolleyes:

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I'm confused Steadyb. I thought you were the guy at the bar...


(Oops, sorry...wrong crowd. I didn't notice that this is only for members with Posts of 6000 and up...Didn't mean to crash the party).

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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Originally posted by Jazzwee:

(Oops, sorry...wrong crowd. I didn't notice that this is only for members with Posts of 6000 and up...Didn't mean to crash the party).

Well, as long as they keep making food and beer runs...



Grab a cold one, stick around.

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Originally posted by kad:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Ummmm...that's not the party - that's a skunk that hangs out around here... :D



You guys got Baxter over there!?!? Damn - I'll be right over...


Skunk is in da house. :thu:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

Has steadyb left yet? I'm anxious to start talking smack about him, but wouldn't want to hurt his feelings.


- Jeff

You could always do it when you're at your beloved Clipper games. :rolleyes::bor:


I promise I won't be there.

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Originally posted by steadyb:

Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

Has steadyb left yet? I'm anxious to start talking smack about him, but wouldn't want to hurt his feelings.


- Jeff

You could always do it when you're at your beloved Clipper games. :rolleyes::bor:


I promise I won't be there.

Not even if they're playing the Lakers?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by steadyb:

Not if it's a Clippers home game. Way too many loser Clipper fans.

LA Clippers: 33-25 (.569), 8 ½ back

LA Lakers: 31-30 (.508), 12 back


He who loses loudest loses best.


I miss steadyb. Wish he'd come back! :(


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

LA Clippers: 33-25 (.569), 8 ½ back

LA Lakers: 31-30 (.508), 12 back

Phoenix Suns: 42-17 (.712), 0 back (in other words: first place)


Oh, and they're currently on an 11 game winning streak too.


I sure do enjoy those rare seasons when the Suns are division leaders! :)


Otherwise, my number two team (that would be the Lakers) does pretty well most of the time. ;)





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The Lakers started the season off 6-9. They're 25-21 since.


The Kloppers started out 14-5. They're 19-20 since.



The Lakers have 14 NBA titles, I don't think the Kloppers have been in 14 playoff games.


And don't be jumping back on the Laker bandwagon when it gets convenient for you again.


Now a Klopper, always a Klopper.

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You know I love the Lakers. This year's model isn't my favorite, no. But I still am and always will be a Laker fan. I can still like me some Clips, though!


By the way, are you back now? Cause I still have some stuff I need from the store.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

By the way, are you back now? Cause I still have some stuff I need from the store.


- Jeff

What do you need? (A grocery store with WI-FI and custom shopping carts with built in laptop stands.) Check email, IM, scores, movietimes (although those last two could be accomplished by simply buying a newspaper).




With a web cam of some sort (iSight, etc.), you'd never bring home the wrong thing ..."is this it???" (that's more for the married guys).


Then again, do any of us really want to be visually reachable every time we go to the store. I think not.


Of course it could be handy in a emergency, but ...really, isn't the information that can be conveyed by phone more than adequate for 99.9% of situations??? ("Hey, I've been shot!!!") ...is there that much more you're going to pick up, in the way of "urgency" by seeing the blood coming out?


And if that technology were readily available, would people use it to go grocery shopping and leave the 3 yr old at home ...in front of the TV ...on camera, of course. Ahhh, but it's a fixed camera so as soon as the 3 yr old decides not to sit in the exact same spot while you shop for 25 minutes (but then what 3 yr old would do that?), your only sense of what's going on comes from "sounds" you hear, coming from the kitchen, I think, ...a crash, a bang, a thud, (what does the start of a fire sound like?) etc.


The next thing you know, you're at Whole Foods being handcuffed, and it's a pretty sure thing you'll be on th 11 o'clock news, maybe even the lead story locally (especially if it's a slow news night). Technology making your life better.


And as you sit in your cell, you think back to a simpler time, when you'd leave the house with nothing but a hand written list. If you couldn't read something, hey, you did your best, maybe got it wrong, maybe got it right, but at least you were home in time to eat dinner and still catch most of the 2nd half.

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Originally posted by steadyb:

With a web cam of some sort (iSight, etc.), you'd never bring home the wrong thing ..."is this it???" (that's more for the married guys).

The web cam thing could very valuable, but strictly for the entertainment of the wife at home. They could watch us flounder about from isle to isle trying to figure out where in the @*#@#$ they keep the bread, or watch us squirm as the cashier scans the feminine products. I could see my wife planning her week around a comedy show like that! :P
Reality is like the sun - you can block it out for a time but it ain't goin' away...
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Originally posted by kad:

They could watch us flounder about from isle to isle trying to figure out where in the @*#@#$ they keep the bread, or watch us squirm as the cashier scans the feminine products.

My rule on buying "feminine products": I must have at least four other items on the conveyor belt so that the products do not stand out as much. It doesn't matter if I don't need the other items... I'll get them anyway.


Hmm, let's see: six-pack of Sam Adams, issue of Sports Illustrated, some charcoal, lighter fluid, steaks, and a large box of tampons. Par-tay!


- Jeff

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