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Official NBA 2005-2006 thread

Dave Bryce

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Re-T, as opposed to OT: It sounds almost ridiculous to say, but with Charlie Villanueva playing the way he's playing, Chris Bosh as a future (if not current) top 10 talent, and Mike James making good on the promise he had shown in Detroit, Toronto is actually a team to watch in the coming years. Another lottery pick this year won't hurt, though it is reported to be a pretty thin draft, so maybe they try to put a package together for a veteran guard.


Just a thought. When they let McGrady go, it became immediately apparent that they kept the wrong guy. Then they traded Carter for, literally, peanuts. It would be nice to see them transcend all of that incompetence and become a contender. Great city, TO.


Kinda looking for the new guard. SA is coming to the end of this streak. Despite Wade's indisputable greatness, the Heat are a short term "now" team. Suns and Pisotns should be good for a while. Who are the next big dogs? See any signs? The Nuggets if they don't do the trademarked Karl crash? The Clips even?

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Hey Steadyb, with about 10 games to go, it looks like your first round draw is pretty much set in stone: Phoenix. It would take some pretty amazing movement from either team to change that now.


How do you like that matchup? Kobe v. the league's premier run and gun team? Sounds like fun, though I don't see the Lakers haviong much of a chance.


BTW, I said earlier in season that if the Lakers make the playoffs, Kobe is probably your MVP. His case is made. They will make the playoffs and finsish a few games over .500.


There's a big Wade for MVP movement afoot right now, and since the entire league is in love with that kid's game and his character, I give him a shot too. Three man race in my book: Kobe, Wade, and Nash in a repeat.


Edit: silly me. One must add Lebron to that list. His numbers are staggering: 31 ppg, 7.2 rpg, 6.7 apg. He's the stat king at the moment.

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Hey Steadyb, with about 10 games to go, it looks like your first round draw is pretty much set in stone: Phoenix. It would take some pretty amazing movement from either team to change that now.


How do you like that matchup? Kobe v. the league's premier run and gun team? Sounds like fun, though I don't see the Lakers haviong much of a chance.

I'd much prefer San Antonio or Dallas to playing Phoenix. I think we match up way better with S.A. than Phoenix, and the Mavs would be choice #1. We own them, especially mentally.


As poor as our record is vs. the Suns so far, Lamar and Kwame have really turned a corner in the last 12 games, and that could make a difference.


As long as we have Kobe, there's always a chance. It comes down to, can any team hold him to only 3 great games out of 7, instead of 4?

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Yeah, they're playing better. The big question in that series, tho, will be Stoudemire. Steve Kerr's latest column suggests that he is going to hurt the Suns in the playoffs. Is that bologna? I think it is. Yes, he might "unfocus" them for a while, but how can a force like that (and it's not as if he doesn't fit into their running game) hurt you? I think the Suns will be avery dangerous team in April and beyond.
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I'd much prefer San Antonio or Dallas to playing Phoenix. I think we match up way better with S.A. than Phoenix, and the Mavs would be choice #1. We own them, especially mentally.


How does L.A. mentally own the Mavs? Okay, so the Lakers won the first two. But the Mavs team from Jan 1st on is a totally different team then the Lakers played in December. The Mavs proved that with studying game film on the Lakers, that they could shut down Kobe. Maybe not for an entire series, but enough to hold him to a reasonable total. This is a different Mavs team than in past years...they are mentally & physically tough enough to play with the big boys in the league. I just don't see how you would look forward to playing either Phoenix, Dallas, or San Antonio. Phil Jackson needs two superstars to win...just check his resume.

Play only what you hear within...if you hear nothing, play nothing at all

My Gear: Motif; Ensoniq MR-76; Suitcase Rhodes; Earthquake MKII Pedal; DiscomBOBulator; PodXT

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To me, the Lakers-Mavs issue has less to do with changes in the Mavs than with the departed figure of Shaq.

In the height of those days, only the Spurs could really hold up in the middle against the Lakers (and only when the Admiral was still there), --and occasionally Divac and Sabonis--and the Mavs were the LEAST able to deal with him. Then there's the legacy of the 27 point 4th quarter comeback...

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Dedicated to Steadyb...

Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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Originally posted by musicalaccents:

How does L.A. mentally own the Mavs? Okay, so the Lakers won the first two. But the Mavs team from Jan 1st on is a totally different team then the Lakers played in December. The Mavs proved that with studying game film on the Lakers, that they could shut down Kobe. Maybe not for an entire series, but enough to hold him to a reasonable total. This is a different Mavs team than in past years...they are mentally & physically tough enough to play with the big boys in the league.

Dallas wins 50+ in the regular season every year and then crumbles in the playoffs ...every year.


Until they prove otherwise, the Lakers would love to meet Dallas in round 1.


Even the game the Mavs finally won vs. the Lakers, the Lakers made a 2nd half run at them that just came up short.


But, as Mags said, between the 27 point 4th quarter collapse, and Kobe out scoring the entire Dallas team in 3 qtrs, and the overall win/loss record between the teams for years and years, they definitely have the Mavs number.

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Well, say what you will. I've watched every Mavs game since 1987....yeah, even during the 90's. This year the Mavs have a team similar in talent, depth, defensive abilities, and moxy to the 1988 Mavs team that went to the Western Conference Finals against the Lakers. I can see how you guys would continue to hold this team to a certain stigma. They were up 15 in the fourth quarter of the 6th game against the Spurs in the 2003 West Conf finals....and lost. They blew a 27 point lead (from the 3rd quarter I might add) against the Lakers several years back. They allowed Kobe 61 points in 3 quarters this year. With all that said, do you really think the Lakers have any chance of beating the Mavs in a series? Your bench rivals a spare mid-major conference college team. Can Kobe do it on his own for an entire series? Especially after spending all of his energy this year towards a scoring title? The playoffs are for teams who play like a team. Dont get me wrong, Kobe is amazing and I watch a lot of Lakers games to see his greatness. But he doesn't have a Pippen-like player to compliment him and that will wear him down...kind of a shame.

Play only what you hear within...if you hear nothing, play nothing at all

My Gear: Motif; Ensoniq MR-76; Suitcase Rhodes; Earthquake MKII Pedal; DiscomBOBulator; PodXT

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Originally posted by Dan South:

Would someone please throw some cold water on those Nets before they get my hopes up?



See the above Dallas Mavericks comments...


Although at least the Nets wait until the finals before they collapse.

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It's sadly true, the Nets aren't built for the postseason -- mostly because they lack a strong inside presence. Kristic and Collins acquit themselves well, and both are nice players you can win with, but neither is the kind of post presence that every championship team except Jordan's Bulls seems to have. It was supposed be Marc Jackson, but if memory serves, he's not even on the team anymore. And by the time they land a big guy, Kidd will be over the hill. Que sera...


That said, Lawrence Frank can flat out coach. That guy is the real deal.

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Here we go!


I'll be rooting for GMU -- hell, might as well.


I think Florida is the all around best team left, but a word to wise: if the UCONN Huskie couldn't stop the GMU offense, there's a very good chance that Florida won't be able to either...but I think GMU will be more or less helpless against Florida's frontcourt scorers.


In the other game, goodness, what a picke 'em. I'll take LSU because no one has come close to stopping their interior game, but their guard play worries me, and UCLA has an excellent team vibe going in the moment, although their last win was fuuuuuuugly.


So the heart says GMU to win it all (and why the hell not? They're no cinderella) but the head says Florida has been playing the best of all the remaining teams.

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Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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Well, unless you were a fan of Florida or UCLA, that was one lemon of a national semi round. Oh, obvioulsy the two best teams won. Sometimes you can't know until you see them head to head, but UCLA had more than enough athleticism to spare to control LSU, and LSU can't hit a three to save their lives.


In the first game, I thought GMU acquitted themselves well, and it would have been a very close game had Florida not had such a surreal night shooting threes. 11 of 21, I think it was.


Hopefully, the payoff for 3 lousy halfs of bball yesterday will be an all time great finals.

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Originally posted by Rabid:

Originally posted by steadyb:

Yeah, they can't buy a basket.

I wonder if all those shots Florida is blocking has something to do with that?
It ain't just the blocked shots...UCLA can't even get the ball past the three point arc. :rolleyes:


Florida's way inside their heads as well - when the Bruins are getting the looks, they're missing the shots.


Florida totally deserves this one. :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Florida played a great game, no doubt. But it was also one of those nights when the ball just wasn't bouncing UCLA's way. Add several travelling non-calls that went Florida's way and the Bruins 2nd half run was bound to fall short.


Congrats to the Gators. When you play a great game, like they did, momentum has a way of adding to it.


UCLA looked tight from the start, and fell too far behnd to get back on track.

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Well in the last three months, I've seen 3 of my teams play for a championship (USC, Seahawks, UCLA).


Wins would've been better, but all three had great runs leading up to the championship.

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Interesting trivia...


In the final 3 games of the tourney (the 2 semi-final games and tonight), the team that scored first lost.


That stat crossed my mind at the beginning of the game, when UCLA took a 2-0 lead,


And the two times UCLA lost a championship basketball game (out of thirteen) were in Indianapolis.

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Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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It was total--and surprising--domination.


Like most final four teams, UCLA needed a miracle along thew way (against the Zags) to get this far. But look at Florida's road. The Georrgetown game was close-ish, and that was as much of a challenge as they faced. The reality kind of snuck up on us, but thet are a truly dominant team, it turns out, in a year when eveyone said there was no dominant team.


I have no particular love for them, but the facts be the facts. I believe they would have similarly destroyed any team in the nation last night. And that's the point at which you have to say, well, it wasn't a great final four by any means, but it wasn't a bad one either: it was the flowering of a dominant team, which is always kind of awesome and boring at the same time.

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