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Official NBA 2005-2006 thread

Dave Bryce

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BTW, Smush's steal was an absolute thing of beauty.


Kobe moves out to alter Nash's path, Smush barely pokes it forward exactly as Nash slips, then lightly volleys it with the top of his right hand, so he can swat it with his left to George. Perfect. Clean. Flawless.

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Surely you remember Mr. Stoudemire..

Anyone who's forgotten Amare Stoudemire is very likely to remember him next year ;)


In the meantime, here are a few reminders:

NBA All-Star, 2004-05

Ranked fifth in the NBA at 26.0 points per game

Scored career-high 50 points, Jan., 2, 2005, vs. Portland

Selected to play on the U.S. Men's Olympic Team at the 2004 Games in Athens, Greece





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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Surely you remember Mr. Stoudemire..

Anyone who's forgotten Amare Stoudemire is very likely to remember him next year ;)


In the meantime, here are a few reminders:

NBA All-Star, 2004-05

Ranked fifth in the NBA at 26.0 points per game

Scored career-high 50 points, Jan., 2, 2005, vs. Portland

Selected to play on the U.S. Men's Olympic Team at the 2004 Games in Athens, Greece


Geoff, I think the fourth bullet on your list is more of blemish, but, other than that, thanks for the timely remainder that Amare was/is an unstoppable force. My only hope for phoenix fans is that Aamre is back and healthy while Nash and Marion are still in their primes.
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Amare is great, no doubt, and will continue a great career once he's healthy.


But injuries are a part of the game in any sport! The greatest waste of time (and I've been guilty of it occasionally) is the, "If only our star wasn't injured... we woulda... we coulda...".


None of that matters, or changes anything after the fact. As an LA Kings hockey fan, I saw several premiere players in a row go down with multiple concussion syndrome, seemingly within weeks after the Kings made big trades for them. Well, boo hoo... the game keeps going on, with or without your stars.


The Lakers have been lucky (and extraordinarily well conditioned and well looked-after) in that nothing that's happened this season could be attributed to injured players. I could mention here that we are in the playoffs without our starting center Chris Mihm (severe ankle sprain) ... whether that's a good or bad thing is a mater of debate. :)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

The greatest waste of time (and I've been guilty of it occasionally) is the, "If only our star wasn't injured... we woulda... we coulda..."

Yeah, no "woulda, coulda" from me just wanted to give some props to a great player from my favorite team. ;)


If anyone has to beat the Suns, I'm glad it's the Lakers; and let's face it, this series is most probably over.


Originally posted by Magpel:

My only hope for phoenix fans is that Aamre is back and healthy while Nash and Marion are still in their primes.

Plus one to that, John.





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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

Amare is great, no doubt, and will continue a great career once he's healthy.

Unfortunately, looking at the history of people who have had the same surgery as he did make that statement more of an "if" than a "when".
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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

Originally posted by Rabid:

Oh my. Kobe injured in an accident.

Two years ago. And yet, the Lakers went to finals anyway. :)


- Jeff

I just wanted to throw a little scare into SteadyB. Even it if was only for a second. :)

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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

But injuries are a part of the game in any sport! The greatest waste of time (and I've been guilty of it occasionally) is the, "If only our star wasn't injured... we woulda... we coulda...".



- Jeff

I don't think anyone is tyrying to deny the Lakers credit for their three victories and their (apprently) imminent series win.


All injuries are not equal though. Some are legendary. The year after the Trail Blazers won their only title, they were a vastly superior team, but Walton went down right at the onset of the playoffs and that was that. That's an injury of historic importance.


And believe you me, Lakers, or at least one named B have never forgotten and show no signs of forgetting Magic's historic hammy in game one against the Pistons. Another historically significant injury.


And then, of course, there is the injury that is turning out to be the most significant injury in NBA history: The Admiral missing the entire season, sending the otherwise playoff caliber Spurs to the Lotery where they hit the jackpot and walk off with Duncan and three rings...


It was the spectre of Stoudemire's return that infused Phoenix with hope of a title run. When he reinjured his knee, I figured their chances of advancing far in the playoffs were shot. You just can't do it in the NBA when your tallest guy is 6'8". Kurt Thomas, too, is a 15 and 10 guy.


So, Lakers fans, I know you're sensitive becuase your team, and especially your best player, are almost universally despised and reviled outside of LA, but believe me, the mention of Phoenix's key injury is meant as no disrespect to a Laker team that is exceeding expecations; it is a gesture of respect to a Phoenix team and their fans, in recognition that their season was not what it should/would have been.


And then you move on...

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Yeah, Kobe was impressive and all....but let's get back to the REAL story here!!!!



..and the unfortunate... http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/media/thumbnails/story/2006-05/23212276.jpg



BTW....Nocioni ROCKS!

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Originally posted by Magpel:

believe me, the mention of Phoenix's key injury is meant as no disrespect to a Laker team that is exceeding expecations; it is a gesture of respect to a Phoenix team and their fans, in recognition that their season was not what it should/would have been.

Again, it's very easy to imagine all the what-if's. But you go to the playoffs with what you have. Phoenix is a good team, possibly a great team with a full healthy roster. The Lakers are playing without their starting center as well. No, Mihm is not a Stoudemire. But teams that have had less chance to gel as a unit make more mistakes, and you've seen that on both sides of the court during this series as a result (Kwame missing point-blank layins, anyone?).


So, I believe it is NOT a foregone conclusion that with Amare in the lineup, the Lakers would have lost this series. Hell, I had the Lakers going down in 7 versus the current version of the Suns... there's some respect.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

So, I believe it is NOT a foregone conclusion that with Amare in the lineup, the Lakers would have lost this series. Hell, I had the Lakers going down in 7 versus the current version of the Suns... there's some respect.


- Jeff

Definitely. I had the Suns for the same thing, and yes, with Amare, I doubt the Lakers would have been able to beat them.
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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

I had the Suns for the same thing, and yes, with Amare, I doubt the Lakers would have been able to beat them.

That's all I'm saying...but try to get the average Laker fan to admit that anyone could actually beat them fair and square without ref intervention or some other excuse is like pulling teeth. :rolleyes:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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You guys are hilarious... no credibility, but hilarious.


Before, it was "Oh they have Shaq, Kobe, Horry, Fisher, and so on and so on...", and weren't given any credit for anything then.


Now, the team that wasn't supposed to even make the playoffs is about to knock off the Pacific Division Champs and their MVP point guard, and still no respect for the Lakers whatsoever.



Just come on out and be a hater, so at least it's consistent with your comments.

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

The Lakers suck. They'll be lucky to make the playoffs. :idea:







Dave Bryce is the Nostradamus of the NBA.



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Originally posted by steadyb:

Dave Bryce is the Nostradamus of the NBA.



I didn't say they wouldn't make the playoffs...I said they'd be lucky to make the playoffs. And they were.


I love it when you get personal... ;)



Laker Hater :evil:



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Detroit had their usual balanced game. While Billups gets the press for scoring 34 points McDyess and Prince had very balanced games. McDyess with 11p/11 reb off of the bench. Price with 18 p/8 reb/7 a/3 st.


Wallace and Wallace need to pick up the rebounding. It is not right when the center and power forward are outrebounded by the SF and a bench player.



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Originally posted by Jeff Klopmeyer:

Do not confuse SteadyB with "the average Laker fan". That's like saying Mark Chapman is an average Lennon fan. :D


- Jeff

That, I expect, is the fuunniest thing I will read today.
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