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Recording from sound module with effects?


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So, how do you guys do it? I have a motif es rack module(I'm sure my question applies to any synth module/keyboard). Do you record with the effects(the effects on the module itself--part of the patch) or dry(add reverb,delay,eq,etc. during mixdown)? I was over at motifator listening to user submitted tunes and they all sounded the same. I.e. you can tell they were made using a motif. It sounded very GM to me.


The effects on the motif does sound decent, so it may well be something else. I'm just used to recording everthing dry and adding effects as needed. It doesn't make sense to me to add reverb to something that already has reverb on it.


I do mix both live and software intruments, so that does help. Just throwing the question out there.

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Welcome to The Keyboard Corner. :wave:


My short answer is: do what sounds best to you.


My extended answer is:


* Some keyboard programs incorporate effects that simply need to be there for them to sound authentic. I'm referring to a program such as a Rhodes with a phaser, or a clavinet with a wah, or certain drum sounds with slap-back echo. These effects are an integral part of the sound and need to remain.


* Some sounds are best recorded dry and should (possibly) never have reverb applied to them. I used to work with a drummer who insisted that the kick drum was always recorded dry to keep the articulation as it should be. Bass guitar may be another sound that shouldn't have much, if any, reverb.


* Unless you are going for a reverb wash for the whole band - to sound as if you were recording in a church, for instance... I'd never use a reverb on all the tracks. In fact, that's an easy way to determine if the recording was made in someone's bedroom studio in a neighboring cul-de-sac. :freak:


So yeah, for me a little reverb goes a long way. If you track with reverb and later change your mind, you can't remove it without retracking.


On the other hand, if you're kinda in a hurry and need to put something together for a quick demo, then go for it the way it comes outta the box.


These are questions that are best answered by trial and error. In our next segment, we'll discuss the trials and tribulations of using compression. Should you use it globally on all the tracks? Should you use it only on certain vocals? Should you use it on keyboard parts? Is it possible to use compression to tame a Diva?


and most importantly... Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? :freak:


Good luck.


Is There Gas In The Car? :cool:



PS I would like to thank the Lord above for giving me the insight to turn down Dick Cheney when he invited me to go hunting with him and George last year. :freak::D

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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If the effects is an integral part of the sound, as in a lot of pads and SFX, I record with effects. If not, I try to disable them. But, if it sounds good, it is good! It also depends on what kind of outboard effects are available. The effects in the Motif Rack sounds quite good to my ears.


"Gas" really summed it up in a nice way, so I´ll shut up now ;-).


Stein Tore

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