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Trade .... S90ES / Mo6/8 / Motif ES Voices ...............Anyone ???


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It appears that the User banks of these boards all have somewhat different voices and are all compatable. I have the S90ES which so far Im finding is just awsome. However my natural human curiosity compells me to wonder what sounds Im 'missing' from these other boards. At least in the 'User Banks' which tend to hold the 'Unique' sounds.


Im wondering if anyone else has this curiosity and would like to share/trade. And NO this is NOT a copyright issue. These sounds are all interchangeable and in essense can be got right off Yamaha's web site for free. They are included in the voice editors of each board. Also the original motif voice banks can be downloaded right off of yamahasynth.com. So there is no copyright issue here. I have already picked through those. My thoughts there were most all of the sounds on my S90es were better anyhow :)


My other delimah, I dont have winXP so I can not accomplish my goal via the voice editor route.


If any MotifES or MO6/8 users are curious to see what sounds are in the S90ES user banks feel free to PM/email me and Ill happyily trade mine for yours.


Ill need them in the 'all' or 'all voice'or 'voice' formats though because I dont have the voice editor. In those formats (.S7A , .S7V or .W2V ) they can quickly be loaded right into the respective boards withoug the editor. Amazingliy these are very small files.





p.s. I also have a 'best-of' voice bank that Ive been putting together from all of the 'other' free sounds available if anyone is interested


p.s.s Also has anyone heard the samples of the NEW AXXE sounds for sale at motifator.com they sound very awsome to me. Im most likley buying those for sure.

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