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Any rockclimbers in here?


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I haven't climbed nor played my S90 in a few months...


So I break out the Christmas music last weekend and spend about 3 hours running through the gambit of tunes. The next day, I wake up and fingers and wrists are sore. A sad, sad state, I agree, but interestingly enough I say to myself "Ha! It feels like I climbed yesterday."


Its getting a little chilly, but there's still time to hit The Woods .

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More power to ya, Shniggens. :thu:


Do take care of your hands though. I'm not totally sure how compatible rock climbing is with piano playing.


Of course, you build up muscles in your fingers. But how does this really affect your ability to move your fingers accurately across the keyboard?


I dunno.


Take care,



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Professional pianists tend to take great care of their hands, to the point that do not even perform manual tasks that could strain their fingers or wrists. :(
Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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Originally posted by Dreamer:

Professional pianists tend to take great care of their hands, to the point that do not even perform manual tasks that could strain their fingers or wrists. :(

Ummmmm, Doctor? Would you write a letter to my wife please?


Oh, and be SURE to tell her that HEDGETRIMMING is DEFINITELY OUT! :mad::rolleyes:




Thank you.

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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How long have you been climbing?


I think climbing would be very good cross training. (It sure is good for windsurfers.) You use your finger strength in so many different directions -- frankly, it's less repepetive than a poor piano practice regimen.


I haven't been climbing in a while, though, and when I was climbing regularly, I don't remember whether I'd play piano the same night.


However, I did take great care of my fingers while climbing. I certainly didn't do some things that other climbers dared to do. And I won't climb those crevices where your fingers tend to get stuck if you're not careful.


Nor do I use chalk. If I'm not strong enough to hold, I don't want to rely on added friction to do the job. I believe this helped me from getting abrasions on my fingers like some climbers seem to get. That's just my suspicion, though.

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Been climbing a few years.


Last day of climbing we did a lot of crack climbing and hand-jamming. And no, I WON'T climb without chalk, thankyouverymuch.


So we practiced the following night, and the first gliss I ripped out, I tore open one of the wounds I "earned" during my climb.


Maybe I shouldn't climb on practice days, eh?


My fear is that while climbing is good for strengthening the fingers, it does so in such a way that it will limit finger flexibility.


I'm considering taping my fingers before climbing.

Amateur Hack
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Yeah, I considered that too. Maybe double-sticky tape? ;)


You get to decide whether you're a climber who plays piano, or a piano player who climbs. I do think there'll be some compromise one way or the other. For me it's no contest: I protect my fingers. Not that I'm such a great piano player, but I'd feel a lot worse having to give that up than climbing.

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Originally posted by learjeff:

Yeah, I considered that too. Maybe double-sticky tape? ;)


You get to decide whether you're a climber who plays piano, or a piano player who climbs. I do think there'll be some compromise one way or the other. For me it's no contest: I protect my fingers. Not that I'm such a great piano player, but I'd feel a lot worse having to give that up than climbing.

And I have MANY more hobbies. They all play an equal part in my life.
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Originally posted by Markyboard:

Originally posted by Dreamer:

Professional pianists tend to take great care of their hands, to the point that do not even perform manual tasks that could strain their fingers or wrists. :(

Never mind. :o
Always use lotion. :eek:
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