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super newb question (triton le)


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So I just purchased a korg triton le 76 a few days ago, as my other keyboard "died" and I have a gig this coming monday. The manual was pretty hard for me to get into and I dont have much time. My previous keyboard experience was with the alesis qs 7.1, which was pretty easy, I could save all of the programs, with edits, to the userbank, and have them in the order that I needed for easy access during gigs. The problem with that was sacrificing sounds in the userbank that I may have wanted for myself or if I resold. And, I don't see the triton as having a "userbank" equivalent.

Now, does anyone know how to do this program reordering with the triton? I am hoping not to do anything permanent, I would be fine if I could just rearrange a few of the programs so they are in order for easy access, so I have piano, organ, string, pad, and lead right next to each other as like 001-005 in one of the banks. I am fine with the stock sounds for this gig, and I dont want to have to delete any of the combis if I dont have to. anyone know what/how I can do this basic thing? thanks!

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