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A-80 slider problem

Din Man

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Hello all!


I've had my A-80 since 1993 and have been generally very pleased with

its performance.


However, in the last couple of years, two of the sliders are

getting "flaky"; that is, they aren't sending CC data in a steady

progression from 0-->127. The first slider will go to zero at about

the halfway mark, then jump up to 127 in short order above 3/4 the

way up. The second slider does an analogous thing--if I move it down

to about halfway, it sends a stream of ever-decreasing CC messages

even though the slider is stationary), and vice versa to 127 if I

slide it up to about halfway.


Is that from dust over the past 12 years, and if so, is it possible

for me to clean it all out without having to resort to an expensive

shipping and repair bill? I live way out in Northern Humboldt

County, California--and the closest city of size is about 250 miles



Thanks for any help you can give me!



"All music is folk music. I ain't never heard a horse sing a song."

Louis Armstrong

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I sold my A80 last year after using it for many years - an excellent midi controller and keyboard. I still miss it and wish they would keep making such great midi controllers.


I would recommend using contact\cleaner spray that also has a lubricant. Without the lubricant you will clean the moving parts but the problem might come back very quickly.


I kept mine in a flight case until I used it on jobs and I never had that problem. I'm sure cigarette smoke also can film up the sliders. This should be a very minor job that you can do yourself. Take a trip to Radio Shack. You might not be able to order stuff like this through the post as it is flammable.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Yeah, contact cleaners are great. My A80 has been resurrected so many times it's not even funny. I've spilled coffee on it several times. Replaced the LCD as well. Don't be afraid to open it up either. It's pretty interesting when you get inside. But sounds like you don't have to. Spray away!
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Thanks for the replies.


Sergievsky said: It's pretty interesting when you get inside. But sounds like you don't have to.


I don't have to open her up to get to the contacts with the spray? I think I will anyway--I'm sure there's a crumb or two ;)

"All music is folk music. I ain't never heard a horse sing a song."

Louis Armstrong

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