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Triton Extreme?


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I'm looking to add a new keyboard to my venerable arsenal (Ensoniq TS-10, TR Rack, JV 1080, DM5). I'm seriously considering the Triton Extreme because it has tons of sounds, and the drum sounds seem to be what I'm hearing on the radio nowadays. I've also considered the Fantom X series, but perhaps the drums are not what's being used now... However, most of the other sounds of the Fantom seem to sound more 3D as opposed to the 2D-ish sound on the Triton. Are you all hearing the same thing?


But before you all push me to just buy an Electribe, I'll be needing a keyboard not for just drums but other overall improvements to my sound palette as well. I do mostly r&b, dance, hip hop, pop stuff.


btw, I've already searched but couldn't find much on drums, as most of the talk centers around the piano patches. Let me know what you think which board makes the most sense for me.






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For me the main difference between the two would be the piano sound. The FantomX has a much better piano. If you do not need the piano but you do need a lot of pads and synth sounds then the Triton may be a better choice. Of course, someone is going to pop on and mention the MotifES, which I really like for pattern based music. All three have been on a lot of recordings so you cannot go wrong with any of them. Choose the one that is easiest to work with. Try the interface and sequencer before you buy. She which one seems more natural to you work flow.



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I think either would be a nice upgrade.


If you got the Extreme, you might find it can replace your TR-rack.


The Fantom XR would replace the 1080.


I say get both.

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Hmm, good advice, thanks. Kind of like the guy from Australia in an earlier thread who couldn't make up his mind... I guess I could go for the Extreme and also get a Fantom XR too. Only have budget for one right now though. I would tend to think, though, for a serious upgrade to my drum/rhythm/percussion areas that the Extreme would give me the most choices and still add all the other sounds that I'd need, right?




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I think you should not judge a board based on its drum sounds. the things you hear on the radio - most of them are all samples. in most professional studios, my bet is you wont find any of these workstations. instead, they'll have samplers with a lot of samples loaded.


If i were you i'd go with the Fantom X8. i have a Fantom S, and i've read that the FX8's keys are the same action as the famed RD700SX.


anyways, with one of the big 3, you wont go wrong.

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So if the big boys use samples, where do these samples come from? Could they possibly be put together (like combining 3 different snares to make one) by the producer? Or various sound libraries? I don't know...


I just think that perhaps the Fantom's sounds (other than percussion) are slightly better overall than the Extreme's. But what I need are better drums/percussion so I'm leaning toward the Korg.


Anyone else?




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Bahahahhaa!!!! Oh my gosh.. I PLAYED the fantom...and I was like.. "What the hell? The screen isn't touch-sensitive? THIS is their flagship product? okay..well, let's hear the sounds... What the hell was that? ewww..."


Guys, let's be honest. Go buy a Triton Extreme, or wait for the oasys.


If ANYONE says that roland's pianos are better: extreme has the entire studio rom and more, which includes a 16 meg bosendorfer.


The Oasys: Is a 512 meg sample enough? The low one is 111 meg. Oh..I'm sorry..were you talking about Roland or something?


I hate to be a jerk about this..but I'm just sick of people relying on old technology. You might find a place OTHER than your local guitar center to show the extreme off. A private dealer will do a much better job, and do it true justice.




"You have seen as to do, dude, isn't it?" -Korg PA80 manual
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I just bought a Triton Extreme, 76 key. I sold my Triton rack and really missed the sound. The 16mb piano rom (included with the new tritons) is pretty good. I'd say just as good as the one in the Fantom. I have a Fantom XR as well, and checked it out sided by side and really felt neither was better.


You might like the Fantom better simply because it has more memory for samples (drum library). But sounds outta the box I prefer the Triton just a slight bit. And I'm referring to my rack, not the expanded Extreme. I still have yet to mess with it.


But what really got me though was their promo (ya, I'm a sucker) that you get the Legacy collection for free. Can't beat that.

Only thing is, it didn't fit in the SKB 76key case, had to get the 88key case, which made it really bigger than it should. I'll see in a couple of days when I fly if it's oversize AND overweight.

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I tried the Fantom and the Triton Extreme, and I have to say that I fell in love with the Triton Extreme TWICE it was that good. I used to hate the touch-screen on the older Tritons and consider it a sales gimmick, but actually, it kinda works well and is pretty functional.


The Fantom was ok, but no touch-screen, which in comparison seems out of date.. The only thing I liked about the Fantom were its sounds and drum pad on top, but saying that, the Triton E's sound capability and pure volume, diversity of sounds needs to be heard to be believed.


Just my 0.2

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There you have it, people.


What other workstation is so easy to use, that it even comes with song templates that you can use, at your option? Of course, these are customizable, just like a piece from scratch. I produced something in 15 minutes last night that would have taken at least a half an hour (not to mention all the page menus) on a fantom. The fantom is unfriendly, and outdated. Honestly, if Roland were better, I would say so. They're not, though.


However, I will say that every 'board does have it's selection of "spiffy" sounds. For instance, I was quite surprised to hear the guitars on a motif 7. Shocking for a yamaha.


Anyway, as for the new extreme owner: Considering the workstation you just bought for the (I'm assuming) map (minimum advertised price), should you really be complaining?


Let's get real here, folks.



"You have seen as to do, dude, isn't it?" -Korg PA80 manual
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This reminds me of the same old advice : "NEVER TRUST OTHERS OPINIONS!! go try it yourself"


I feel that Jonathan is outright crazy not to admire the Fantom and praise the Triton. i myself had a triton once and now i have a Fantom S, and by god, i can tell you that the Fantom blows the triton out of the competition. but then again, Jonathan has told you that Fantom sucks. so, who are you going to listen to? me or him?


People's opinions are different. No one has the same exact taste as the others. i really love my fantom. yes, i loved my triton too, but after this fantom, it sounds like crap in the sequencer mode.



So, try this experiment :


1). go play the Fantom, and find some sounds that are inspirational to you.

2). go to mixer/sequencer mode and record a track. keep adding stuff like drums. no need to go deep into the sequencer. just basic stuff you know.

3). Now, go to the triton. get some inspirational sounds and sequence something in the sequencer mode.


4). You would certainly realise by now that the triton sounds crappy in the sequencer mode. thats its greatest disadvantage! its sounds depend on the effects, purely. without it, they are just plain dead


5). Not the same with the Fantom or the Motif. the sounds themselves stand by their own and the effects just compliment them.


6). WHy is this important, you ask me? There are 16 sequencer tracks in triton. 5 Insert effects, 2 master effects and a 3-band equaliser. Now, each program uses atleast one insert effect and a lot of them use more than that and the 2 master effects. some very few might not use them at all.


7). So, how are you going to fit those 16 tracks to sound as they should in the sequencer mode?


8). Try hearing a song without any effects AT ALL in the Fantom S/X and you'll see how the sound is so punchy without any effects. Thats how it should be. Effects are just a compliment, if you ask me.


Well, thats my 0.02$ decide yourself by trying it out in a local store and give us the results.

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Jonathan, my buddy! I appreciate your thoughts on these workstations, however, your comments seem a little ridiculous to me.


The Fantom X8 has bookmarks. what took you 15 minutes in the triton can take 15 seconds in the fantom.


The fantom has huge 16 dynamic pads. it has skip back sampling. it has 1 Gig Ram(fully expanded) . 4 SRX expandable slots, the SRX themselves being some of the best expansions in the market.


Plus, that Version 2 free upgrade in the Fantom X plainly kills the triton. With V2, the Fantom has amazing audio sequencing possibilities. I assume you have not operated the Fantom for more than 15 mintues, cos, i have owned both for more than a year and i can tell you the story differently.



Outdated? bwahahahhwhahhwhhwhAHHHWaha. My dear friend, how ironic this is. Infact, do you realise the Triton's sound set is just the original triton's soundsets + a few EXBs? oh, some of them might be new, but the synth architecture is the same.


not so for the Fantom X. Its a HUGE improvement over the original Fantom. The triton's ram expansion is a joke. comeon, we live in 2005, not 1995! we need atleast 512 mb ram nowadays. plus, you have a color screen in the Fantom X, which makes it sooo easy to read track info and stuff when sequencing.



perhaps, the next time, when you complain about things, you should be a little honest? No offense, but ask any owner how friendly and easy the GUI in the Fantom X is, and he'll let you know how ignorant your comments are.


again, no offense intended....just talking the facts here....

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Originally posted by J0nathan:

.... I hate to be a jerk about this..but I'm just sick of people relying on old technology. ....

I have to say that this post and others by you in this thread has me laughing. Do you think that the Triton is new technology? Do you think that a touch screen is the most vital component in sound? Do you think that all those professionals and studios with 5080's in a rack are wrong? Do you think that 16 meg piano in the Korg sounds good? Honestly, I cannot tell if you are trolling or joking. No matter. Triton, Fantom or Motif. A perspective buying cannot go wrong with either.

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Originally posted by Rabid:

Originally posted by J0nathan:

.... I hate to be a jerk about this..but I'm just sick of people relying on old technology. ....

I have to say that this post and others by you in this thread has me laughing. Do you think that the Triton is new technology? Do you think that a touch screen is the most vital component in sound? Do you think that all those professionals and studios with 5080's in a rack are wrong? Do you think that 16 meg piano in the Korg sounds good? Honestly, I cannot tell if you are trolling or joking. No matter. Triton, Fantom or Motif. A perspective buying cannot go wrong with either.
My thoughts EXACTLY!
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Jonathan, have you HEARD of the SRX-11 atleast? you wouldnt say that the triton's piano is good if you heard the SRX-11.


seriously though, is the triton the ONLY instrument you actually ever played and the rest are the ones you saw on the website? lol.

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Just went to the local music store today and had about a half hour after work to fool with the three boards and hands down, the natural sounds on the Motif blow the competition. I still think the Triton's drums might be the best, but not sure anymore on what I should get. Want to do trance, hip hop stuff and the Triton seems to be the most appropriate for this. But the sounds on the Motif - man, it's inspiring! I kind of agree about the Triton's sounds sounding kind of dead, though. Can't put a finger on it as to why. Not too much different from my TR Rack's sounds. Maybe the technology is old.


On the other hand, the Fantom's stuff sounded real live too, like the Yamaha. Not as inspiring, though.


More confused than ever. Not sure what to do... Features on the Fantom seem to be the best of the bunch, but the most like a "jack of all trades." The Extreme's drum sounds are the best, and all the Yamaha's other stuff is clearly superior...






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You might want to look at the expansion options of all three. The motif has three slots for synth cards. I have an FM and VA synthesis cards in mine with one slot empty. If you are working with a computer the mLan would be handy. That may be my next purchase for the Motif. The Fantom has ROM slots and there are some nice ROMs with synth, keys and world sounds. Even the orchestral cards would be handy for trance. I have the Keys and the Studio board in my Fantom, with the orchestral and some synth ROM's in my XV-5080. Korg also has some nice expansions and I have the Trance and Vintage Synth ROM's in my Karma which I think are included in the Triton Extreme.


So do I have any advice? What would I choose if I was going to drop to one keyboard and do trance? Korg gives you the most included synth patches that would work for trance, but they don't sound as good when you turn off the effects. Roland gives you the biggest variety of sounds with the expansion ROM's and the Roland sounds mix well, but the Fantom has fewer insert effects than the others. Yamaha has the hardest to learn sequencer, but it works well for pattern based sequencing. The expansion synths are harder to fully integrate but do give you more polyphony and true FM synthesis. Yamaha also has the best options IMHO for expansion with memory cards, external drives, and mLan. One thing I don't like is that you can only connect one USB drive to the MotifES at a time. No hubs. However, you can connect a CD/ROM, load samples, disconnect the CD/ROM, connect a USB HD, and then save to HD with no problems.


Bottom line, to make the best music get the one that fells best and inspires you most when you play. But do check out expansion ROM's before you decide.



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Thanks Rabid. This is the kind of advice I was looking for. I'll check to see if the Motif has any dance/trance style expansion boards and make my decision then...




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Just checked the Yamaha site. Doesn't seem like they have a dance/techno/trance style expansion board for new sounds. Oh well. Maybe I could get the Electribe for Korg's dance/trance style sounds and also get a Motif or Fantom for all the other sounds...




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Originally posted by keyman_sam:

no one?


comeon, fantom S versus triton is fun!!

Sam, you could post this at IrishActs.


Oh, never mind, you disrespected and insulted Sharp.

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Listen my friend, what do you really want? Just a keyboard?


If you only need a keyboard then get a Motif. If you perform live music and unrehearsed stuff, or if you need a really good and responsive sequencer with the added benefits of a touch screen that finds things really really FAST...


If you need the other sounds of the orchestra breed or true to life Jazz Organs, Gospel sounds and 3D keyboard sound....


If you need the benefit of analog (tube type) options like that FORCE thingy that comes with the Extreme, then you need a Korg Extreme. The 88 key is weighted and does feel like a grand piano.


Check out the many banks, the combinations and rythym within the combinations.


If you ever need a clasical music touch, or Jazz or oldies feel or a real modern HIP Hop or R & B, then I don't think you have a better choice than the Triton Extreme.


It's all there.


However if all you want is a really nice piano then buy a piano or maybe a Motif or Phantom.


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Originally posted by GregC:

Originally posted by keyman_sam:

no one?


comeon, fantom S versus triton is fun!!

Sam, you could post this at IrishActs.


Oh, never mind, you disrespected and insulted Sharp.


you tell me. that guy is out of his minds to ban people he doesnt like. he does NOT deserve respect. Who in this forum (except Korg devotees and the like) gives a rat's ass about him?


looks to me like you worship that guy or something. He doesnt deserve it. thats what i think.


Now, to mention some very respectable people in this forum : Sven Golly, Rabid, and a lot others that i cant recollect right off my mind. These guyz deserve my respect.


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hi sam, I know you are a young person.


I respect the facts and my own personal experience. I don't blindly worship anyone. I can say this and bet my mortgage on it- the opinions and those crazy posts you read at that other forum are totally wacked. It seemed to me you got sucked in by the negative energy.


I don't accept wacked out statements, especially if it conflicts with years of my own direct experience.


I understand that ' belief ' is a very strong concept. If you accept something negative that you read at face value as

' fact' , there is a strong chance that you are missing out.


There are many good reasons why this forum is awesome.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

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