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Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 vs. Logitech Z-2300 speakers


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It's hard to know which 2.1 speaker system to go with for music use because the reviews vary.


ZDNET says "With Logitech Z-2300 offering a better-sounding setup for roughly $30 less, the ProMedia 2.1 set simply doesn't stand up to the competition.


ZDNET says Logitech Z-2300 is tops



CNET says Logitech Z-2300 is tops



PC WORLD prefers Klipsch ProMedia 2.1



ZDNET review of ProMedia 2.1


Harry Likas was the Technical Editor of Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book" and helped develop "The Jazz Piano Book." Find 700 of Harry’s piano arrangements of standards for educational purposes and jazz piano tutorials at www.Patreon.com/HarryLikas


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i'm downright flattered that the leading choice in speaker systems has been narrowed down to two. I choose Klipsch. They're black. They match my mood. Just kidding. I'd be interested in hearing what you think of them! :)

Originally posted by Jazz+:

It's hard to know which 2.1 speaker system to go with for music use because the reviews vary.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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I have the Logitech Z-2300's setup with my computer. I bought them because several members of another forum were using them to play live gigs with (and bragging about how great they sounded), and I got a great deal on them at the time (I think I wound up paying $52 after the rebate or such). Well, I don't trust forum opinions like I used to anymore - the Z-2300's are fine for computer games and the like but they have nearly uncontrollable amounts of bass and I have to roll off a LOT of the bass just to get anywhere near a balanced sound. The sub is way overbearing and you can't use the satellites without the subwoofer unless you want to break out the wire cutters and soldering iron. I'd never use these crappy things for music.


None of the reviewers must know what they are talking about when it comes to speakers and music unless they think a ton of muddy bass means quality. Screw 'em.


I have not tried the Klipsch but I do not recommend the Logitech's. Try before you buy if at all possible, or hang onto your receipt for dear life. Fortunately I needed to upgrade my computer's speakers anyway for gaming, and that's all my Logitech's will ever be used for.

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The Pro is correct - you MUST go listen to these speakers to make up your mind. And if you can't do a decent job of auditioning them in the store, you'll have to purchase them & try them out with your gear at home. Return them if they don't meet your needs.


Don't trust the reviews. And, for that matter, don't go on anyone else's opinion. Trust your ears. You've been involved in music long enough that you are qualified to determine what's going to work for you.


Whenever I'm out shopping for speakers I'll bring along some of my favorite CDs to evaluate them in the store. But, I know that if I make a choice and bring them home, I won't be able to make a final determination until I've lived with them for awhile.


Also, what sounds good in one room may not sound as good in a larger room... or a room with more or less absorption materials... etc.


A band can do a sound check in an empty ballroom and get it right. But when that room fills with hot, sweaty people on the dance floor, everything changes.


My point is that the only way to truly find what you want is to make a gross examination in the store, then bring the speakers home, live with them for awhile and reevaluate.


It's not rocket science. It's all about using the skills you've developed since the beginning of your time here on Earth - use your ears...


Again reviews are just one person's opinion. They can help you begin to sort the good from the bad, but they can't make the final determination of which sound is going to please you the most.


...But you knew that already. :freak:


Good luck,



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?: The Pro is correct - you MUST go listen to these speakers to make up your mind.
And once you've heard them for yourself, you'll realize that it's no contest. Apparently. :D
"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Originally posted by gangsu:

Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?: The Pro is correct - you MUST go listen to these speakers to make up your mind.
And once you've heard them for yourself, you'll realize that it's no contest. Apparently. :D
You just HAD to put your two-cents in, didn'tcha Sue? :freak::D


Now get back to your practicing!


(You've got TWO-HUNDRED (200) pieces to master this weekend. Remember?)




"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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The Klipsch are the best sounding all around speakers I've ever heard for the money. I paid $150.00 for a refurbed pair. I used them to replace my 160 watt Crate keyboard amp and I don't miss the Crate at all. Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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Thanks guys, all good advice. I suspected the Logitech would probably not be what they were hyped up to be in the reviews by game players. Klipsch has been in the speaker business a lot longer than mousemaker Logitech and probably makes a better audio product.


Another thread on the Klipsch ProMedia 2.1



I am considering the Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 for practicing in the living room with my new speakerless Roland RD-300SX

Harry Likas was the Technical Editor of Mark Levine's "The Jazz Theory Book" and helped develop "The Jazz Piano Book." Find 700 of Harry’s piano arrangements of standards for educational purposes and jazz piano tutorials at www.Patreon.com/HarryLikas


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Yesterday i was visiting a member of my family.

He uses his keyboard with the Promedia 2.1 set.

Again i was surprised what those little monsters can add to your music.

When you hear voices trough them, it's like the singers are standing in front of you. Amazing !

I wonder how this company can deliver this audio quality for an inexpensive price.

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Originally posted by lvercaut:

Yesterday i was visiting a member of my family.

He uses his keyboard with the Promedia 2.1 set.

Again i was surprised what those little monsters can add to your music.

When you hear voices trough them, it's like the singers are standing in front of you. Amazing !

I wonder how this company can deliver this audio quality for an inexpensive price.

The speakers themselves don't look very high tech, paper cones and other cheap looking material. In the amp section they don't scrimp at all! Now I'm thinking, if I upgraded the speaker in the original cabs how wold they sound? Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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Originally posted by Slowly (AKA Kcbass):

The Klipsch are the best sounding all around speakers I've ever heard for the money. I paid $150.00 for a refurbed pair. I used them to replace my 160 watt Crate keyboard amp and I don't miss the Crate at all. Kcbass

Casey - do you use these as personal monitors or as your amp for the band/audience to hear?
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Originally posted by dabowsa:

Originally posted by Slowly (AKA Kcbass):

The Klipsch are the best sounding all around speakers I've ever heard for the money. I paid $150.00 for a refurbed pair. I used them to replace my 160 watt Crate keyboard amp and I don't miss the Crate at all. Kcbass

Casey - do you use these as personal monitors or as your amp for the band/audience to hear?
Personal monitors only. Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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Originally posted by Slowly (AKA Kcbass):

Originally posted by dabowsa:

Originally posted by Slowly (AKA Kcbass):

The Klipsch are the best sounding all around speakers I've ever heard for the money. I paid $150.00 for a refurbed pair. I used them to replace my 160 watt Crate keyboard amp and I don't miss the Crate at all. Kcbass

Casey - do you use these as personal monitors or as your amp for the band/audience to hear?
Personal monitors only. Kcbass
How do you think they'd handle the task of being the sole source of sound in small/jazz-type setting? Obviously if there's a PA, I'd use that for the house - its the small gigs and rehearsals I'm concerned about.



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Originally posted by dabowsa:

Originally posted by Slowly (AKA Kcbass):

Originally posted by dabowsa:


Originally posted by Slowly (AKA Kcbass):

The Klipsch are the best sounding all around speakers I've ever heard for the money. I paid $150.00 for a refurbed pair. I used them to replace my 160 watt Crate keyboard amp and I don't miss the Crate at all. Kcbass
Casey - do you use these as personal monitors or as your amp for the band/audience to hear?
Personal monitors only. Kcbass
How do you think they'd handle the task of being the sole source of sound in small/jazz-type setting? Obviously if there's a PA, I'd use that for the house - its the small gigs and rehearsals I'm concerned about.



I'm only guessing, but in a small room, say 30x30, and less than 40 people, they should do okay. A larger room or more people will soak up all the bass. Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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