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Dave Bryce

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yay! great! 2 weeks after i buy a new PC2x!!

what happens in these events, ie. when a company folds and a few years later you need a spare part? do various ppl around the world snap up parts?


btw jordan going to korg? deary me...what's the world coming to....


"Consider how much coffee you're drinking - it's probably not enough."
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I agree Tom, I don't know where he got that opinion from. :confused: Maybe he is talking about DJ's. There are a lot of hobbyists and people that just do recording in studios that software makes sense. Personally, I wouldn't use a computer live with a controller running software and have to depend on it. Computer OS are still too flaky when you combine different manf. gear and expect it to work together all the time without a glitch. Not for me. For live gigs, I'll always use hardware. :)


jimbyjoe-I think the handwriting has been on the wall for Young Chang and Kurzweil for quite sometime. It really sucks that you just bought a new board and they belly up. Someone will buy their parts inventory, if they stop operating as a company. Maybe if they go Chapter 13 a judge will allow them to sell off the different divisions and someone will buy Kurzweil and continue to operate.



Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

Originally posted by Prague:

Hardware is also disappearing because keyboardists don't play live very much anymore.

Damn Prague!... pull my finger! :D




It may very well be regional. IF I see a live keyboardist hardware is on the stage. But just try and find one. My exposure is mostly the West Coast of the US. It's rare that I ever see a band with a keyboard player. Rare.


Yet, keyboards are being sold. Most of the players I harass(!) to join a band don't want to play live. They have home setups. I even provide the keyboards and that's not enough. I respect their decision, though.


Many "players" that I do run into like to loop and sequence and sample. Only 3 of the last 20+ players that have answered my ads over the last 3 years even came close. They later figured they didn't have the time.


Guitarist to keyboardist ratio is at least 20 to 1 based on head-count only. I have great respect for keyboard players. I won't be in a band without one. So, I'm usually not in an operational band! Just 4 people waiting to find the 5th.

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Originally posted by jimbyjoe:

btw jordan going to korg? deary me...what's the world coming to....

Jordan was actually a Korg product demonstrator back in the late '80s before he worked for Kurzweil.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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However, most of the times that I go out to hear a live band, the keyboard player has hardware. Very rarely, if ever, do I see guys with a controller connected to a PC or Mac running a plug-in.
Well, come see me play! (Actually, I use an MR-76 and a PC. Still like lots of the sounds in the MR, only running B4 on PC. Once I can get Giga running, I might start using that too -- probably Scarbee, and a piano if I can find a (cheap) better sound than the MR's.


But there does seem to be a dearth of keyboard players. I'm no great catch -- I'm not nearly the player I'd see in just about any pro steadily gigging band playing the bar circuits. But at the blues jams & open mikes I play, I get offers to join bands all the time (not interested, I'd rather have a life.)


And it's SO much easier to gig as a keyboard player these days! No lugging around the Rhodes, CP70, and Hammond (not to mention a couple synths). Sure, it ain't quite the same thing, but I can cover it with one keyboard and less than 200 lbs of gear (I use my own powered mixer & 2 40-lb floor monitors, plus the MR is 80 lbs.) I can set it up by myself in 15 minutes.


Funny thing is, no keyboard players even show up at the jams to play my gear. (Maybe two a year; we play every other week.) What's with keyboard players these days, really! A bunch of nerds sitting at home surfing the internet? (Er, oops ... that would be me ...)



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Hey LearJeff-interesting post. I'm glad some guys are still out there willing to jam. I think a lot of KB guys like my self that are getting old don't want to deal with the hassle factor of going somewhere and just jammin'. I did that when I was a lot younger just for the fun of it. I am putting together a live rig and at some point I'll sit in with an established entertainer I know that has a "quality" nightclub where I don't have to worry about my equipment being messed with or getting drinks spilled on them, which would lead to death for the offender, and my imprisonment. :D


I've had a few people try to drag me out of retirement, until recently I haven't played in years. Too many demands of my job that pays the bills. At some point, I'll play out for fun in the right environment with the minimum hassle factor. Then it could be fun again and not have to have money or a lack of it, play into it.


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Yep, jamming is a drag if you have a specialist rig. And for Keyboardists, that is to their detriment. I mean, there's a BACKLINE at a lot of open mics if you play bass, drums, or guitar. you just bring your axe and plug in. And maybe a pedal two if you are lucky. But there's never any Carvin keyboard amp there for a keyboard guy to plug into, and no stand to put a keyboard on.
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: But there's never any Carvin keyboard amp there for a keyboard guy to plug into.

TinderArts: That'd be a good thing.

That a voice of a bad experience or just a bias? I've found the Carvin stuff to generally be reliable and affordable. Some club that might consider doing a backline for jam/open mic that would include something for keyboard players wouldn't find that many other choices in the price range that are adequate.
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We're all getting older. I know this. But damn, does Ray look tired!


For an interesting story on Ray Kurzweil, CLONK HERE!


Tom :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:


We're all getting older. I know this. But damn, does Ray look tired!

This could be why:




Sonya Kurzweil, Ph.D., Director, Group Leader, Psychotherapist

Instructor in Psychology, Harvard Medical School

"For instance" is not proof.


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