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Kurzweil Me-1 help with piano sound

proctor zaius

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Hello all....i was wondering if anyone has figured out a "holy grail" grand piano sound on the kurzweil me-1....i dunno but i'm having trouble programming it...i mean I hear either too much reverb and chorus straight out of the box or not enough...also the effects get odd...basically i've been trying to emulate the old piano (1970-1972) sounds on some morricone soundtracks (lizard skin,what have they done to solange, short night of glass dolls)...its a warm sounding piano on there...thanks
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I'm not surprised you're having trouble programming the ME-1, since it is, um, non-programmable... :D Jokes aside, the only thing you can change on the ME-1 is the effects. It has 9 effect types, which progressively add more chorus and/or reverb. IIRC, it always starts with effect 1 on power-on, which is almost inaudible.

To change effects, start from the sound you want to modify, and push the 'mode select' button twice till the 'global' led is on. The display should read 'FX'. At this point, use the data knob to select effect configurations 1-9. FX 0 is, of course, no effect.


After choosing an effect configuration, you can also change the chorus and reverb send levels separately. Push the 'menu' button till you reach 'Ch'. That's the chorus send level. Use the data knob to adjust. Use the 'menu' button again to go to 'Rv' (reverb send) and do the same.


Unfortunately, this effect setup will apply to all the sounds you select till you change it manually again. But you can also change effects configurations, as well as chorus and reverb send levels, via standard MIDI controllers.


Hope this helps.

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