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The Official 2003-2004 NHL Thread!


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Originally posted by flyscots:

I have been reading the Flyers match reports and smiling, :D but as for watching, I may aswell be blind. :(

Yech...that sucks.


I can't help but think that if you have a high-speed connection there, you should be at least able to dial in broadcast audio off one of the sports web sites, eh? I realize there is the small time difference factor. :freak:


- Jeff

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...but you'll also realise I am awake at the moment, 2.15am, time difference isn't such a big deal.


Unfortunately though, I'm stuck on dial-up. It's the only option here, broadband etc hasn't reached this part of the country yet! I do occassionaly listen in but it is constantly broken up and the commentary goes something like:


"Gagne at the boards, back to LeClaiaiaiAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAI (5 minute buffering period) SCORES!"


It can be frustrating, to say the least.

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Originally posted by Fat Chance:

John you gotta love how the Flyers are playing right now.Undefeated at home,#1 power play,most points in the NHL Hitchcock's got these guys playing on all cylinders.

Yeah, plus the Caps & Pens are at the bottom of the pile! ;) It's a good season so far!
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The Flyers keep rolling along beating Montreal last night 3-2.The Habs took it to the Flyers for the first periods then along came the Hab killer John Leclair with a tip in goal with one minute left :D


The true test for the Flyers will be the home again home series with the Devils this weekend.



Now I don't feel so bad that the Flyers traded Cechmaniac to your Kings.





Rob :thu:

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This is a BUMPy thread this year isn't it!




Is Pavel Datsyuk so good because he's been plaing with Brett Hull or is Brett Hull still so good because he's been playing with Pavel Datsyuk?


Either way, Datsyuk's gonna be a big star in this league for a long time.

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Thanks for bumping the thread, John.


Yes, Datsyuk's on fire right now. 40 points in 34 games is pretty sweet, as is Hull's 36 points. That happens a lot when you have right combination of guys with complimentary playing styles. Lots of classic duos -- Gretsky/Kurri, Jagr/Lemieux, Abel/Howe -- played that way.


My Kings are still clinging to their lead of the Pacific. We play the Coyotes tonight...it's a division game, so GO KINGS! :thu:


- Jeff

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OK time to wonder what Bob Clarke is up too.


The Flyers get Comrie from the Oilers!!!


We gave up a 1st round pick and Jeff Woywitka, a young stay at homer who has skills.


On the surface I like the move for the Flyers but we're already stacked with forwards. Where do they play him once they sign him?

Centers on the Flyers now.







With Lapoint out that really makes a solid 4 lines of center!! Hitch always plays with the lines anyway but I can't see what he comes up with. I can't help but think that with all the forward depth on this team that someone else is headed out of town.


Devils still own the FLyers despite the records too.



Double Posting since March 2002

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  • 1 month later...



We're being pathetic. There haven't been any hockey posts for six weeks. I know that football has been in playoffs, I know we're all busy, but C'MON! It's all-star weekend, and...NOTHING! Nada. Zilch. Bupkes.


We SUCK! What kind of fans are we???


Enough bitching...


1. How are my L.A. Kings still clinging within playoff contention? How is that possible? We've had a horrible year with tons of injuries AGAIN, but a gritty year. We're kicking and scratching and fighting our way through these close games...lots of OT (13 ties, 5 OTL's). Still plenty of time, but we have to stay on it. Perhaps some of our injured players could make miraculous recoveries...just in time to be re-injured for the playoffs. D'OH!


2. In the West, the same ol' suspects from the last few years (Colorado, Detroit and Vancouver) look tough. Everyone else is a total toss-up. Could be anyone taking those other five playoff slots when the time comes.


3. The East is similar. The Flyers, Devils, Maple Leafs and Bruins will be the teams to beat. And is there a worse division in sports than the NHL's Southeast? Other than Tamp Bay, that whole division acts as nothing more than a punching bag for the rest of the league.


Okay...now...hockey people...LET's KEEP IT GOING! We're coming into the back end of the season, and the NHL playoffs, which may be the most exciting component of ANY SPORT.




- Jeff

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I caught the last half of the skills competition last night (unfortunately I missed Roenick's on-mic apology to the ref he threw the water bottle at). JR looked really good. He went 4 for 4 on the targets and a few minutes later beat the West goalie on the breakaway drill (I love that).


It was a little strange to see Jagr in a Rangers jersey. And it was strange to see the Phoenix jerseys at all. Doan was wearing this straight purple thing that sort of made him look like a chubby guy wearing matching and ugly sweatpants and sweatshirt.


I probably won't watch much of the pro bowl today, but I will try to catch some of the NHL all-star game. I do sort of feel like easing my way back into hockey and getting excited for the Stanley cup playoffs. Although the Bruins break my heart every year, and the Stars are just a different team than the one who abused the Devils on the way to winning my heart (oh yeah, and the Stanley Cup). Maybe I'll root for Colorado, they haven't had much success lately, have they? :P

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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I make a solemn oath that I will continue to have a hockey soliloquy as needed until someone else chips in on this thread.


Hockey! No one else wants to talk hockey? What's the world coming to? You want to spend all your time thinking about music, computers, basketball and the opposite sex?


Fer cryin' out loud, baseball isn't even here! No excuses! I command you to talk NHL! ;)


- Jeff

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You want to spend all your time thinking about music, computers, basketball and the opposite sex?
I can't help but wonder why you put them in that order...


Well Hasek is out for the season as the result of a groin injury that's kept him out most of the season already. You have ot think he'll retire. The older he gets the less he'll be able to flop around like a fish out of water (sort of ironic, since they play on ice...).


I wouldn't stress too much Jeff. I'm sure this thread will pick up as the season winds down and the playoffs are in sight (assuming we get through this season without a lockout). Either way, we'll have plenty to talk about.

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Actually Jeff, I take that back. The Bruins and Penguins are playing tonight. And after reading your rousing post, I can't think of anything I'd rather do that sit down with a beer and watch the game (well, anything outside of the realm of music, computers, basketball, and the opposite sex...). :thu:

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Originally posted by berkleeboi:

The Bruins and Penguins are playing tonight. And after reading your rousing post, I can't think of anything I'd rather do that sit down with a beer and watch the game (well, anything outside of the realm of music, computers, basketball, and the opposite sex...). :thu:

I hear you there, brotha!


Although, I'd forego music, computers and basketball tonight for hockey. Don't know about the other option. ;)


- Jeff

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Boy, did the Penguins stink it up on their way to setting a record in ineptitude. They jumped out to a quick lead and stayed competitive through the first quarter. But they couldn't sustain any type of pressure, and they have no penalty killing to speak of. Gotta feel sorry for Pittsburgh hockey fans right about now.

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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And although I was out sushi-ing tonight and missed the game, I just caught the re-cap of the Kings beating the snot out of the Wild. How they're still in playoff contention, with nearly every key member of the team out injured, is beyond me.


Andy Murray has to be a candidate for coach of the year.


- Jeff

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I went to the Flyers/Devils game last night with my two sons hoping to see Sean Burke in net.

The rookie Antero Nittymaki("Frank Nitti" as he is known to us Flyers fans) outplayed Martin Brodeur.I was really impressed with the way this kid played giving up one goal on 36 shots.Not bad against a high powered offense like the Devils.



Rob :thu:

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Any time you beat the devils you're doing something right in my book!


It it just me, or does it seem like this is a weird time to be a goalie in the NHL. Sort of like quarterback in the NFL right now, it seems like most of the goalies are being passed around like Canadian currency to every team in the league while only a few are are really playing well and secure in their job. Brodeur is the only one I can think of off the top of my head. But it seems like a few years ago you had Roy in Colorado, Hasek in Buffalo, Belfour in Dallas (or Chicago), Potvin in Toronto, Richter in New York, Hextall in Philly, Burrasso in Pittsburgh, and all these really solid goalies who secured long tenures with their team.


Now it seems like you have all these young guys (well, respectively since they're probably mostly older than me) playing sporadically and really adding instability to the league. I think it would be kind of nice to watch, for example, Giguire last year in the playoffs and be able to say "Man, that kid looks good. I'll enjoy watching him develop with the Ducks" as opposed to "Man, that Giguire guy looks good. I wonder how long he'll last next season before they bench or trade him."


I guess what I'm saying is, we need more Tom Brady's in the NHL. :thu:

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Originally posted by Jeff Da Weasel:

We're being pathetic. There haven't been any hockey posts for six weeks.

I'm still scowling over the Detroit Red Wings losing to DISNEY the other year.




Wake me when everything is back to reality.

Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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Your Wings look strong again this year, Mike. However, Hasek and his ill-fated comeback isn't helping you guys. He's officially out for the season now with that groin injury, probably to never return to the NHL. You sent CuJo to the minors, and your starter is...Manny Legace?


Dude, that's not good news. But you have 72 points, you're tied for second in the Wes, so things could be worse.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff Da Weasel:

Your Wings look strong again this year, Mike. However, Hasek and his ill-fated comeback isn't helping you guys. He's officially out for the season now with that groin injury, probably to never return to the NHL. You sent CuJo to the minors, and your starter is...Manny Legace?

Well, CuJo's back at it and is really the go-to guy now, although Legace's actually played pretty well this year. I have to say, I've been really impressed by CuJo's attitude this year. How many guys would take getting elbowed out of the way at the beginning of the season, being sent down when nobody would pick up your contract, and then be willing to really dive back into the team when things go south. Of course, the $8 mill probably doesn't hurt one's attitude all that much. ;)


On another note, the Wings take on the Sharkies tonight at the Joe. Mike Ricci's playing his 1000th game tonight. Solid. :thu:

"I don't know anything about music. In my line, you don't have to."

-Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

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Originally posted by Red Winger:

On another note, the Wings take on the Sharkies tonight at the Joe. Mike Ricci's playing his 1000th game tonight. Solid. :thu:

Go Wings!


Not that I'm a Wings fan by any stretch, but the Sharks are in my division. ;)


- Jeff

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Thanks Jeff :thu:


So earlier in the season the Flyers announce their big new signing Mike Comrie. Gone already, oh well. When you look at it, 2 drafts & Woywicka (sp?) was the outbound ticket for the initial Comrie deal, so 2 picks & Woywicka for Burke, Eager & Radivojevic isnt too bad at all. I wouldn't have minded keeping Comrie though, he's only 23, he'll improve.


Hmm, a 23 yr old for a 37 yr old, not too good, although Radivojevic is young, which is a good thing of course.


Rob Fat Chance:

The rookie Antero Nittymaki("Frank Nitti" as he is known to us Flyers fans) outplayed Martin Brodeur.I was really impressed with the way this kid played giving up one goal on 36 shots.Not bad against a high powered offense like the Devils.

Probably means he'll be traded soon, knowing Clarke's reputation.


So what exactly is this "Positional Vertigo" that has forced Hackett to retire (with a push from the Flyer bosses of course.) I know Vertigo to be a fear of heights but what's this one? Scared of playing at the top? :confused:


Jeff: NHL.com's front page poll is for Coach of the year, Murray is way out in front with 51% of the vote (Quinn & Sutter next with 12%) Quite right I'd say. Why are the Kings still doing well? C'mon, they're used to playing depleted by now! Great coaching and well spirited players make such a difference. Throw in the guys who wouldn't usually be in the line-up and they're gonna play their guts out for ya in an effort to claim a permanent place in the team.


So what about the potential rule changes then? Good/bad/stupid/brilliant? Wodya think?


Ahhh Hockey talk is back, great stuff!


John Scotsman

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