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A Kimball Swinger 300 is in need of repair...


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This is my first post here...I usually hang out in the recording forums. I have recently inherited a Kimball Swinger 300 organ...probably a late 60's early 70's model. Some of the sounds are neat and it would be a piece just to have around the studio. My problem is that one of the keys is broken. It plays constantly whenever the organ is on. If I manually pull it up...it stops. When I release it again it drops back down and plays. Also, some of the keys are "crackle-ly" when played. Can anyone please tell me where and who could fix something like this? I know it is what it is, but it would make a wonderful piece and some of the sounds are cool and it is in excellent shape. Thanks!
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I used to work in an organ store and while I don't remember the Kimball 300 by model, I'll bet that it shares many components with popular organs of the day.


First, if you can afford one, find a reputable organ service person. They'll know where to find the parts. But don't call him yet. Sounds like a simple key spring is broken. As far as the crackle goes, most home organs used metal contact rails and pressing a key engaged metal-to-metal, maybe leaf or coil springs.


There should be an easy way to expose the action, perhaps by removing a handful of screws at which point the top of the organ should hinge up, as well as each keyboard to expose its underside. You'll see how contact is made. Then it'll require extremely gentle cleaning with a spray electronics cleaner or, in the case of a Rodgers 110 I used to own, polishing the contact rails with Nevr-Dull, then wiping off the residue. (Come to think of it, I used to do that on my first minimoog.)


You may, upon exposing the action, be able to see what is broken preventing key return. A trip to the hardware store may be all you need. If all else fails, open your wallet and "call the man." :)


Hope this helps,





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