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Yet another Alesis question . . .


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I was digging through the manual, and it wasn't entirely clear . . . that's why I came here (potential song lyrics?).


I am interested in consolidating my favorite patches on my QS.8 to one range in the User Bank. Do I just dial up the patch and then copy it to the patch assignment I want it on? How do you guys usually do it, and what range in the User Bank do you use?



Amateur Hack
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I don't copy any stock programs anywhere on my QS. I mod them til they sound good to me. Then I rename them, and copy them to whatever preset I think I'll never care about losing - mostly the drum preset programs & mixes have been overwritten.

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Originally posted by shniggens:

I am interested in consolidating my favorite patches on my QS.8 to one range in the User Bank. Do I just dial up the patch and then copy it to the patch assignment I want it on? How do you guys usually do it, and what range in the User Bank do you use?



1. Sure, you can do a direct copy from a preset program bank to the user bank, easy.


2. If you are setting up a user bank with "most used" sounds, a couple of suggestions would be:


a. Order them sequentially in order of use. If you use three different piano programs more than anything else, they could be #1, 2 and 3 respectively. In any case, it's probably a good idea to keep similar programs together.


b. Order them in a similar way to the preset architecture, in that 00-09 would be all pianos, 10-19 chromatic and so on.


This all depends on what you're doing, i.e., getting quicker accessibility to sounds for live program switching, or just keeping track of programs easier.


- Jeff

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