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The Holiday Tree?

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I was hoping someone here could clear this up: In an engineering class last night, the prof mentioned that the citizens of Toronto had changed the name of the beloved Christmas Tree to "holiday tree." Had anyone else heard of this abomination?
...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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[quote]Originally posted by matt C: [b] When we try to be sensitive to every way of life, no one will get any respect.[/b][/quote]:confused:
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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let's see...PC means Politically Correct. Politically Correct means expressing what would support the views of whoever holds political power right now. This means that, right now, we all have to support, say, erosion of personal freedom and privacy, huge increases in beaurocracy to give cronies power and beltway prestige, huge tax breaks for the wealthy while giving our grandchildren an impossible debt burdon, a war in the mideast to send our tax dollars straight to the wealthy military/industrial/oil establishment...please let's eliminate "PC" from our vocabularies if we don't have a clue what it means or how to use it. Canada is not the US, and tends to be more tolerant in some ways, but calling a tree a tree (a pagan tradition, not based in any Christian text I have seen), should indeed be neutralized and de-religionized.
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Yeah, it is redikaluss. Methinks meheard the mayor (or whatever equivalent they have) is going to change it back. They were talking about it on the radio over here, and they said at least they didn't put a little girl out there strapped with dynamite and call it the "Tannenbomb", obviously a corruption of the German "Tannenbaum", roughly translated to English as "Crimmus Tree". Maybe we should just abandon the whole idea of Santa Claus and get back to what Christmas really means, not what the American economicalists want it to be. I don't want my kids growing up believing in something that doesn't exist. That's why we're moving to some Communist state, as freedom doesn't really exist either.
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The City of Toronto has a record of doing dumb things like this. Before a major amalgamation into the Greater Toronto Authority, there was the city and many boroughs, each with their own mayor. The City proper is staffed by the most left leaning, out of touch with reality civil servants of the bunch. Americans would consider them flaming commies. And the mayors can be flaky. On this occasion it looks like the silly servants got out of hand. Here's the Reuters version of things about the tree [url=http://ca.news.yahoo.com/021125/5/qgw3.html]"Holiday Tree"[/url] One year the homegrown band The Barenaked Ladies was initially banned from performing at the free New Year's Eve party just because the mayor saw the name on the lineup and objected. She didn't have a clue who or what they were, just didn't think the name was appropriate. They got to play and she was one of the shortest serving mayors.
It's OK to tempt fate. Just don't drop your drawers and moon her.
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I live about half an hour from Toronto, and yes, ever since Mel Lastman became the mayor, the city's been on the way to becoming a giant laughingstock. For the record, he said the PC-ness had gone to far and it is back to being the good old Christmas Tree. The big amalgamation was the provinvcial government's doing...they did it to my city too, even though there was a vote that came out heavily as a no to amalgamation.

"If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table."

-Mitch Hedberg

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