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Off to Germany...

Dave Bryce

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Well, it's that time of year again - time for Your Humble Moderator to head off to Frankfurt and the Musik Messe, which runs from Wednesday 3/5 through Sunday 3/9.


I'll do my best to pop in when I can...someone try and keep steadyb in check, okay? ;):D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Don't forget to pack you lederhosen...



Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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Originally posted by steadyb:

And be careful. The shit is very likely to hit the fan while you're abroad, so stay on your toes.

A lot of people (press, manufacturing geeks, etc) who would normally be going to both shows are either choosing one (Messe, mostly...AES Europe has portents of being a dead show this year)...or none.


One of the first business casualties the terror situation helped kill is the entire trade show industry. The ecnomy isn't exactly helping expensive business travel either. I was amazed that NAMM was as well attended as it was, but I would say that on average, international trade shows are way, way, way down.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Oh, well...I'm thinking my body clock is gonna be a bit wacked for the next few weeks...

Yeah, that's gonna hurt. Pull an all-nighter when you first get to Europe, and try not to sleep too much on the plane. This way when morning it finally gets dark the next day, you'll be so tired you can't help but sleep on the "time-zone appropriate" schedule. :D



Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Geoff... as always, please feel free to guest moderate if your schedule permits.

Thanks Dave. I'm honored to be the go-to guy when your gone!


I really wish I could just stay there during the interim - unfortunately, I'm the sole proprieter of a small business. Oh, well...I'm thinking my body clock is gonna be a bit wacked for the next few weeks... :freak:
It sounds like a lot to handle; and as steadyb mentioned, you'll need to be more even alert than usual as an American abroad given our current situation. If anyone can handle it though, you can. You have the energy of at least two people! :D


Take care,



My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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Originally posted by Dave Pierce:

Pull an all-nighter when you first get to Europe, and try not to sleep too much on the plane. This way when morning it finally gets dark the next day, you'll be so tired you can't help but sleep on the "time-zone appropriate" schedule. :D

Yep - that's the way I usually do it. Nothing like being awake fr 36-40 hours in a row...especially when one has to do booth set-up towards the end of that stretch... :eek::freak:


Re: the war thing - I'm thinking of wearing a Canadian pin and saying "ay" a lot... ;):D


Klop - I agree with you that AES may very well be pretty dead this year. We'll see. I'll bet the Messe is hopping, though... :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

I'm thinking of wearing a Canadian pin and saying "ay" a lot...

I think it's "eh". Whatever you do, don't read "Executive Orders" by Tom Clancy. That book gave me the willies about going to tradeshows for years.
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Originally posted by steadyb:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

I'm thinking of saying "ay" a lot...

Are you going dressed as a pirate?
Q: Did you hear about the new pirate movie that's coming out?


A: It's rated "Arrrgh!"

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Originally posted by steadyb:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

I'm thinking of saying "ay" a lot...

Are you going dressed as a pirate?
The proper technique is as follows...as a recently overheard cyberspace conversation........


Canadian Citizen: "So you're going to Germany, eh?"


Dave 'Blackbeard' Bryce: "Aye!"



"I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward." Daffy Duck
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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

A lot of people (press, manufacturing geeks, etc) who would normally be going to both shows are either choosing one (Messe, mostly...AES Europe has portents of being a dead show this year)...or none.



- Jeff

Yep, I chose none (saving up for NAB Vegas and AES NY), but I kinda wanted to go to Amsterdam for some strange reason :D
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Originally posted by Doug Osborne:

Yep, I chose none (saving up for NAB Vegas and AES NY), but I kinda wanted to go to Amsterdam for some strange reason :D

I hear ya'. :thu:


As long as you're going to NAB, cruise by my booth and say hi. I'll be there (as well as AES/NY, but that's still six months away).


- Jeff

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Doug, Jeff,


When will you guys be in Vegas? You're welcome to give me a shout when you're here. It would be kinda cool to hook up. And I can recommend a good band to listen to... ;):D


Here's my email; Bucktunes@msn.com


Hope to catch you guys soon! :)


Peace all,




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(Please note: Most of you know me as soapbox, but this post is under my real name.)


Hey guys, have fun at NAB . I'd go, but I\'m going to be in New York City watching my wife perform at Madison Square Garden! :cool:


Sorry, I can't help it; I'm just a proud husband! :)


Let us know how the show goes! :wave:





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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Originally posted by Bucktunes:

Doug, Jeff,


When will you guys be in Vegas?

NAB is April 7-10.


Originally posted by steadyb:



You're gonna be at NAB??? Me too.

Every year, my friend. I think your booth is in a cooler area than mine, with the rest of the software. I'm in the radio/audio hall.


I'm going to fly in on Sunday 4/6 and bail late Thursday, but we should hook up for a drink or a meal or something (since we only had about two seconds to hang at NAMM).


- Jeff

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Just out of curiousity:


What's NAB usually like?


How much is lodging & food in vegas these days ?

(I haven't been there since the 80's)




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Originally posted by Mats

What's NAB usually like?

NAB is primarily a video show though they've tried to be a little of everything for everyone over the last few years to attract more people. I was told by a reliable source (a cabbie) that it was the third largest attendance behind Comdex and CES.


How much is lodging & food in vegas these days ?

(I haven't been there since the 80's)

Since 911, you can get a room in Vegas for next to nothing except during trade shows. Obviously, as a city built on greed, it's their duty to jack prices up during conventions.


If you haven't been there since the 80s, you owe it to yourself to check Vegas out while the prices are reasonable. It's become Disneyland on steroids for adults. (Given the changes, I often wonder what kind of book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas would be if Thompson wrote it today.)


Between NAB and ex-in laws, I've been going to Vegas a couple times a year for the last 20 years. While I'm thoroughly burned out on it, I still consider it a must-see because of there being nothing on the planet like it.

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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Dave, I just noticed that you popped your head in. :wave:


How's life in Frankfurt?

Frankfurt was fine. The Messe itself was kinda boring - very underattended, and easily the worst organized of any Messe I've ever been to.


In the past, Halles 8 and 9 have been musical instruments (drums and stuff in 8, keyboards and stuff on the first floor of Halle 9, guitars on the second floor, and the grand pianos on the third floor ( :love: ). Pro Audio was in Halles 4 and 6, witha mixed bag in Halle 5. This year they put the lights in Halle 8 ( I never knew where the hell they were before - Halle 3, I think), and some of the pro audio guys (Including us) in Halle 9, with the musical instruments in 5 and 6 and the other pro audio companies in Halle 4. It was really stupid. Halle 9 - usually one of the busiest at the show - was a ghost town. Plus, they closed Halle 9 on Sunday, giving us one less day than the rest of the show. :mad:




Anyway, I'm back now - at least until next Tuesday when I take off for Europe again... :rolleyes:


BTW - I, too, will be at NAB this year - we should all do a dinner one night and check out Steve's band... :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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