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Fat Chance

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As a long time Blues fan....I say once again..."maybe next season". But...I stand behind my team. Dissappointed...but still True Blue. :cry:


The Nucks were just too strong....


Going to be interesting the rest of the way. What a great sport!!! :thu:


Joe Tee

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Wild 3, Avs 2: Wild wins the series in seven.


Denver sports teams: when they're good, they're really good, and when they're bad, they're really bad.


This team has been edging close to a collapse like this for a couple of years now. I haven't a clue as to why. They're a very talented team. Maybe it's because they're tired? They just don't look like they want it any more. If were the GM, I don't know what I would do. Maybe the team just needs five months off. Who knows?


Anyway, it looks like Dallas' year now. If not, maybe the Canucks.

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Denver sports teams: when they're good, they're really good, and when they're bad, they're really bad.

I don't think that you are giving Minny enough credit. As a Stars fan, that's the only team that I fear in the playoffs right now. They are a deeper team than the Avs, and they got better goaltending.


If were the GM, I don't know what I would do.
Lose the goaltender and use the money to buy more depth. The Avs really missed Drury.


Stars over Ducks in 4! :cool:



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Originally posted by Guruman:

They are a deeper team than the Avs, and they got better goaltending.

I'll check back with you in a year or so. Remember, the Oilers did the same thing to the Avs in '98. They looked like world beaters. Haven't heard anything of them since.


Lose the goaltender and use the money to buy more depth. The Avs really missed Drury.
Roy didn't have the best series, but I've seen him play worse. He's not the issue. The disappearance of the second tier forwards (Tanguay, Hejduk, Reinprecht, etc.) and the wretched PK unit are the real problems with this team. I also have to lay some of the blame for this collapse at the feet of Granato. He's not the cause for how the Avs have played in the playoffs the last two years, but he certainly didn't fix the problem. I'd like to see an established coach in there. The Avs play too much like it's drop-in. I'd like to see them play a system.


Stars over Ducks in 4! :cool:

Yep. And if they meet the Wild (though I think the Canucks will take care of them), the Stars will crush 'em.
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The disappearance of the second tier forwards (Tanguay, Hejduk, Reinprecht, etc.) and the wretched PK unit are the real problems with this team.
Agreed. Again, the Wild were a deeper team because they could keep rolling 4 lines when the score was tied 0-0 and 1-1. Thier top-line talent is not too far removed from thier bottome line talent, and that worked to thier advantage in this series. Vancouver will run into the same issue.


I also have to lay some of the blame for this collapse at the feet of Granato.
I'd lay it more on management for trading that 3rd and 4th line depth to keep top line players, and of course, firing Hartley.


Yep. And if they meet the Wild (though I think the Canucks will take care of them), the Stars will crush 'em.
The Stars would have a far easier time ruining the Canucks, because they would only have to take care of one line, and they wouldn't have to face any real goaltending. The Wild beat the Avs with a system and great goaltending, and they've beaten the Stars too much during the regular season this year the same way. Fernandez really likes to stick it to his old team, and the Stars will have to throw everything they have at him to beat him.






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...and Steve Levy has commentated on 3 of the 5, the other 2 weren't on TV. I really didnt expect the Ducks to win a game that they had to score more than 2 goals in (yes I know they did against Detroit.)


Well, wow! The night/morning I cant watch the Hockey coz I have to 1st of all sleep and then travel to the airport turns out to be the best so far. Typical!


On Tuesday night(US) /Wednesday morning(UK) I woke up for my journey and switched on the TV. The crowd sounded thrilled, I waited for my eyes to focus, I saw TOR 1 at the top of the screen. I could tell that the figure below was rounded. Pease dont let it be 0, please tell me thats a 3. Focus, ITS A 6!!! Wow, only 2 minutes remaining, what a perfect start to my journey!


It wasnt until Wednesday night that I found out the Minnesota score. Well done the Wild! I knew they could do it, I just kept telling myself "surely not, its Colorado"


Guruman - you were spot on saying the Avs missed Drury, that was a stupid trade. The posts about the Wild's depth in all 4 lines are right, I could see them getting by Vancouver aswell. Maybe we will get the New Minnesota team vs old Minnesota team match-up we were wanting.


Who would've thought that these 4 teams would be the ones remaining in the West?! None of the big Dallas-Detroit-Colorado series this year. If Dallas dont make it through, I'd have to say it'll be good to see someone other than those 3 in the final. Was '94 the last time? NYR vs Vancouver?


Well its good to be back in the US. Its cool to see people walking around in Flyers shirts and to see all the pendants and flags out. Plus I get to watch a lot more Hockey!


I agree with Rob, Flyers in 6.

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Originally posted by flyscots:

Well its good to be back in the US. Its cool to see people walking around in Flyers shirts and to see all the pendants and flags out. Plus I get to watch a lot more Hockey!

Where are you in the US, John? If people are walking around in Flyers jerseys, I assume Philly.


- Jeff

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In order, with date, score, playoff round, total time of OT and game-winning goal scorer:


1. March 24, 1936

Detroit 1, Montreal Maroons 0, semifinal

116 min. 30 sec.

Mud Bruneteau ( What kind of a name is Mud?)


2. April 3, 1933

Toronto 1, Boston 0, semifinal

104 min. 46 sec.

Ken Doraty


3. May 4, 2000

Philadelphia 2, Pittsburgh 1, conference semifinal

92 min. 01 sec.

Keith Primeau


4. April 24, 2003

Anaheim 4, Dallas 3, conference semifinal

80 min. 48 sec. (start of the 5th OT period)

Petr Sykora


5. April 24, 1996

Pittsburgh 3, Washington 2, conference quarterfinal

79 min. 15 sec. (end of the 4th)

Petr Nedved


6. March 23, 1943

Toronto 3, Detroit 2, semifinal

70 min. 18 sec.

Jack McLean


7. March 28, 1930

Montreal Canadiens 2, N.Y. Rangers 1, semifinal

68 min. 52 sec.

Gus Rivers


8. April 18, 1987

N.Y. Islanders 3, Washington 2, division semifinal

68 min. 47 sec.

Pat LaFontaine (one of my favorite players of that era.)


9. April 27, 1994

Buffalo 1, New Jersey 0, conference quarterfinal

65 min. 43 sec.

Dave Hannan


10. March 27, 1951

Montreal Canadiens 3, Detroit 2, semifinal

61 min. 09 sec.

Maurice Richard (the Rocket...one of the all-time greatest)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff the Wandering Weasel:

Where are you in the US, John? If people are walking around in Flyers jerseys, I assume Philly.

Yep, well close to Philly.


Just watched the Ottawa game. Its appalling to give up a 2 goal lead, especially when its the 2nd time in the playoffs. Hossa & Havlat are damn good. The Sens deserved it, Flyers were worth the lead after the 1st but the Sens were rusty after their rest.


Info from the game: Ottawa have 9 players who were 1st round draft picks who have played over 200 games with the club. Thats the kind of solidarity you need in a TEAM game, keeping players together for a decent length of time. Its clear to see it works.

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Welcome back John

Another two goal lead shot to shit :cry: Cechmanek didn't have a very good game.The Flyers defensemen looked scary chasing Hossa and company around the zone.


I'll give the Sens this one.I think game two will be diffrerent story :D



Rob :thu:

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I'm surprised at Minnesota, myself! THAT was a surprise! So much so, that I, a longtime Red Wings fan, am rooting for 'em.


But, hey! ALL Red Wings fans just LOVE any team that kicks the shit out of Colorado!



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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So how much do you reckon tickets for Game 6 would cost?


Tickets are going anywhere from $360 -$100 online.You 're better off calling the Flyers directly for tickets.


You got any inside connections from your job at the FUC?


John I'm just one of about 250 stagehands that work at the FUC.I have no juice at all.


Oh by the way the Flyers just beat the Sens 2-0



Rob :thu:

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Didnt think so Rob, but if you dont ask you dont find out ;) We should try and meet up for a game over a few beers though like you suggested.


Whitefang, when you look back at the regular season it isnt really all that surprising how well the Wild are doing. Yeah OK beating Colorado was a bit much but anyone who wrote them off as no-hopers must have been blind to the way they've played this year. Remember they gave the Wings a good beating on the run up to the playoffs (although Detroit got the back) and the hammered Dallas a couple of times.


Their coaching is phenomenal, the passion & desire runs through every single player in the team - no superstars, no egos, no crybabys.


Anaheim are much more of a shock for me. I didnt get to see them all season long so I didnt know first hand just what they were capable of. No-one in their right mind would've predicted that the Ducks would win their 1st 6 playoff games, let alone win their 1st 6 playoff games against Detroit and Dallas!


Oh yeah, it was a relief to see the Flyers had won when I got home last night. Cechmanek's 1st playoff shut-out, that should boost confidence going back to Philly.


John Scotsman

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You know, we're all so shocked about the Mighty Ducks, but perhaps we're all being a bit prejudical. I mean, it's not a young expansion team any more. It's a team with what, 11 seasons under its belt. It's a team that includes Paul Kariya, Adam Oates, Rob Niedermayer, Petr Sykora and Steve Thomas, not to mention defensemen like Frederik Olausson and Sandis Ozolinsh. They have an outstanding goalie in Giguere.


I think they deserve the unblemished playoff record thus far. And, despite all I've said above, I'll be as amazed as anyone if they do make the western finals (or the Cup finals).


- Jeff

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Well put Jeff

The Ducks had a great off-season last summer in terms of the deals they made and the free agents they picked up. Then they add Sandis Ozolinsh, I've always liked him.


So, what do you expect now that Dallas have cracked them? Do the Ducks weaken and the Stars strenghten to win the next 3 games or is it just a minor blip in the Ducks masterclass?


Did anyone here Jeremy Roenick talking last night? Sounds like tonights game is going to be VERY physical. Apparently whilst watching videos of games 1 & 2 the Flyers guys noticed a lot of sneaky, nasty stick work from the Ottawa players that they didnt notice at the time. It sounds like there a few grudges building.

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You know, we're all so shocked about the Mighty Ducks, but perhaps we're all being a bit prejudical.
It's the duck. If they were the Anaheim Destroyers, no one would talk. :D


It's a team that includes Paul Kariya, Adam Oates, Rob Niedermayer, Petr Sykora and Steve Thomas, not to mention defensemen like Frederik Olausson and Sandis Ozolinsh. They have an outstanding goalie in Giguere.
They are a talented well-coached team, but there have been about 4 games this playoff season where they have been dramatically outplayed and come home with a win. Tip said that he thought this was the worst game the Stars played in the series so far, and I agree. Turco was the difference, and he will have to be again for the Stars to come out of the series.


So, what do you expect now that Dallas have cracked them? Do the Ducks weaken and the Stars strenghten to win the next 3 games or is it just a minor blip in the Ducks masterclass?
The Ducks are cracked. Turco has found his playoff game, and will frustrate them into submission. :cool:


Did anyone here Jeremy Roenick talking last night?
It sounds like there a few grudges building.
JR is one of the dirtiest players in the league. He almost ended Modano's career twice, and he admits to taking runs a people with intent to injure. Don't be surprised when you see JR take a run at Hossa's back.



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Originally posted by flyscots:

So, what do you expect now that Dallas have cracked them?

That's hard to say. The problem for a team at this level is that they don't have the playoff experience to remain composed when things don't always go their way. If they win the next game, they'll male it to the western finals. If not, anything could happen.


Did anyone here Jeremy Roenick talking last night? Sounds like tonights game is going to be VERY physical.
I wouldn't be surprised. The playoffs are all about intensity, so whatever a team needs to do to build it up is okay by me. As fans, we all win!


- Jeff

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I'm a jinx!


I cant remember the last time I watched a Flyers game that they won! This year's playoffs I've seen Toronto game 1, a 5-3 loss; Ottawa game 1, a 4-2 loss & now Ottawa game 3, a 3-2 loss. I did catch the last 2 minutes of Toronto game 7, I wonder if I'd watched the whole game would Toronto have won!?!?


Anyone else ever feel this way about watching 'their' team?

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Originally posted by flyscots:

I'm a jinx!


I cant remember the last time I watched a Flyers game that they won! This year's playoffs I've seen Toronto game 1, a 5-3 loss; Ottawa game 1, a 4-2 loss & now Ottawa game 3, a 3-2 loss. I did catch the last 2 minutes of Toronto game 7, I wonder if I'd watched the whole game would Toronto have won!?!?


Anyone else ever feel this way about watching 'their' team?

I used to be really stupidly superstitious about it. I think it all started because one time I was watching a game on TV and the Caps were down by 2 goals. I switched channels during a play stoppage and I guess I got distracted for a few minutes (probably something shiny on the other channel) and by the time I turned it back, it was a tie game. Yes! But then, like 20 seconds later and with me watching again, the other team scored and ended up winning the game. For a while after that, I would only "peek" at games in ten-second bursts! :) It then extended into other craziness like what I was wearing if we won or lost. I'd either keep wearing the lucky outfit until the luck ran out or I'd burn the unlucky outfit (okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration). I'd thought I was all over it but, this year, I went to a game and the exact opposite happened: we were up 2-0 over the Blues but I HAD to go to the little boy's room. So, in the two minutes I was in there, the Blues scored 2 goals. They ended up winning the game. Dammit! Still, after the playoffs this year, I think it's safest to just blame God! :P
None more black.
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Originally posted by flyscots:

Anyone else ever feel this way about watching 'their' team?

I felt the reverse.


For awhile, it seemed that any time my friend Leilani and I would watch a game togther, the Kings would win. Every time, without fail. Every time we'd miss a game, they'd lose.


It got to the point that our superstitious sports brains felt a responsibility to watch every game together, but as soon as we stated out loud what was going on , the spell was broken and the win/loss scenario was no longer tied to our participation.


Of course, it's all bullshit, but still... ;)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by rog951:

I think it all started because one time I was watching a game on TV and the Caps were down by 2 goals. I switched channels during a play stoppage and I guess I got distracted for a few minutes (probably something shiny on the other channel) and by the time I turned it back, it was a tie game. Yes! But then, like 20 seconds later and with me watching again, the other team scored and ended up winning the game.

I've had something very similar happen. Flyers vs Rangers, 2 seasons ago I think. Rangers were up 2-0 and because I was in Scotland at the time and it was about 3am I decided to go to sleep. I couldnt sleep though, so I switched the TV back on and it was 2-2. There wasnt long to go so I decided to keep watching, but 2-2 quickly turned to 4-2 Rangers.


It is a lot of nonsense Jeff, but its all part of the fun of being a fan!

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What a horrible freakin game! :mad: The Stars came out flat, and uninterested, and instead of taking it to the also uninterested Ducks, they sit back for 2 periods and watch the game! If they had played any part of the game with the same amount of desperation that they showed after getting scored on, they would have roasted the Ducks. Grrrrr.


Uninspired forechecking

A wasted brilliant effort by Turco

Continual defensive giveaways

Poor line combinations


All of that needs to get fixed and get fixed fast.



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