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Fat Chance

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You know what SFOracle, I think I might have to agree with you there. At the moment, off the top of my head, the only other player I can think off who dominates as much as Bertuzzi has done this year is Peter Forsberg.


Jagr could, but doesnt always.

Lindros should, but has had an anti-climax of a career.

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You know what SFOracle, I think I might have to agree with you there. At the moment, off the top of my head, the only other player I can think off who dominates as much as Bertuzzi has done this year is Peter Forsberg.

Yeah - how could I forget Forsberg. He's a stud too.
Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong: James Bryce
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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

Originally posted by rog951:

Argh! NOT a good weekend for Rogie!!! I stayed up late to watch THAT?!?!



I was AT that game, and loving every second of it. Go Canucks go!! :)
Well, I'm sure glad it made SOMEBODY happy!!!


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I don't know what the deal is with the Flyers.

43 shots on net and only one goes in the net against the lowly Predators.What's the deal with that :( .You know what sucks even more is that they spend 52 minutes in the Predators offensive zone and only one goal.


That's the way it's been all season :mad::mad:



Rob :thu:

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Thought that sorta thing had been fixed since LeClair came back & Amonte arrived. It annoys me that in the little time Nashville had on the attack they managed to score just as many as Philly did.


The Flyers have tied far too many games that they should have won over the last few years. 12 ties this year (so far) If half of those were the victories they no doubt should have been, we'd be up there challenging Ottawa for the top spot.

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Well, the moment I knew was coming has arrived. My Kings are officially out of the playoffs. That's okay. I was resigned to this fact months ago.


It was funny...a lot of folks didn't understand our pulling our goalie in OT last night. It was actually good coaching...the single point for the OT loss was meaningless. Andy Murray knew the team needed two points to stay alive, and did the right thing. It didn't work, but the idea was right.


So, that's that. I wish my boys a good spring and summer on the golf course, with plenty of time to heal those injuries. And now, I wish my adopted teams good luck...




- Jeff

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Okay - so who is the most dominating player in the league right now? Mario? Nope. Thornton? Nope. Marcus Naslund? Nope, but getting close.


I watched the Canucks and Capitals last night and I have to say, Bertuzzi is scary good. 250lbs, 6-2 he skates like the wind, and has a wrist shot that rivals Brett Hull's.


Nope, nope, nope!


The best and most dominant player this year is without a doubt Colorado's Peter Forsberg. He has most points per games played, and also the best + statistics of any player this year.


Many players have a good year here and there, but Forsberg is top 5 in points every single year, when he's not hurt. That's very unusual.


Give him the award,



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I feel for ya, man! The playoffs aren't much fun to watch when your team isn't playing. I've been there way too often the last few years! My way of dealing with it has been to get into a playoff fantasy league of some sort, which kinda forces me to pay attention to it a little (cuz I still love hockey, I just need the impetus when I'm bitter about having missed the playoffs). After that's over, I just try to get psyched about the entry draft and the free-agent goings-on during the summer. Next season will be here before you know it!

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Originally posted by rog951:

The playoffs aren't much fun to watch when your team isn't playing.

They're certainly not as fun...but I am a true hockey fan, and I'll watch as many playoff games as I'm able to, even without my team.


I just won't have that rabid, crazed fan thing going, which is the only part I'll miss. When a game ends, you can recognize it as a great game...but you won't be either jumping in the air or crying on your couch regardless of who wins or loses.




- Jeff

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At least you've got something to look forward to Jeff


Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

Despite the fact that my team can't buy a win, I really like our new trade acquisition Sean Avery. Tough little guy who can run an offense! Kings will have way more depth next year (providing that injuries don't kill us again).

The Kings ARE a good team. Its good to hear the trades have worked out well, this means that next year (barring injuries) LA should be comfortably in the playoffs. The recent additions help the half a team you have left, next season should see a big difference. Depending of course on what moves are made off season.
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Originally posted by flyscots:

Depending of course on what moves are made off season.

I pay little attention to the rumor mill, but one thing I heard (which I'm not sure whether I like or not) is that the Kings are considfering using some of the leverage of their high draft picks to acquire a premiere winger in the off season.


Well, with our recent luck, you give away the farm for some guy who gets hurt and we're right back where we started. :freak:


- Jeff

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Hmm I guess the Storm Squad put everyone off hockey! ;) Or was it that HUGE dude in the middle. Wouldnt want to meet him in a dark alley!


We are getting pissed around something awful with Hockey coverage in the UK. There's been no ESPN covered games for ages, instead we've had many THRILLING END OF SEASON BATTLES featuring teams as involved as Pittsburgh, Florida, Chicago etc etc. :rolleyes:


Then...baseball comes along. :mad: I hate it when the baseball season starts. We are switched from games on Sunday & Wednesday to Tuesday & Wednesday. Then, the same old thing happens every year, we are left with only one game. Tonight for example we have no game, but we have to stay up 'til 2am to watch highlights. Next Tuesday, same thing. :rolleyes:


Last night was the first playoff type game I've seen this season - Rangers & Islanders. That one did get me in the mood for the post season. Unfortunately I missed half of the game thanks to the time difference (our clocks changed last week) but what I did see was great viewing, both teams playing desperately, lots of chances, fantastic atmosphere.


Thanfully I'll be in the States before the 2nd round so I can properly enjoy the playoffs.

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Alright I take back some of my frustration at the TV coverage. The reason we didnt have a live game last night wasnt the fault of the TV station, here's what the presenter explained to us:


"International live Satellite broadcasts are limited at present due to the amount of war coverage"
Eh?! :confused: We cant watch live hockey on one channel coz others are too busy covering the war 24 hrs. Oh well.
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So...my boys made me proud last night!


Kings beat the crap out of the Avalanche in our last home game of the year. If they'd played the whole season the way they played in last night's game (which was supposedly meaningless for the Kings since they're not in the playoffs), we'd be leading the entire West. The game was incredibly physical...possibly the most exciting hockey I've seen all year.


So, what's the big deal? Well, the Avs are going for an NHL all-time record. If they win the Pacific division again this year, they would have nine consecutive years of being the division leader. But the Avs have knocked my Kings out of the playoffs for two years in a row in fierce 7-game battles. I have no love lost for them, so if the Kings can be the spoiler for their record, all the better!




- Jeff

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Well its Flyers vs Leafs 1st round for definate now. I've read the report from the Flyers vs Tampa game and it all sounds promising. Gagne scoring 2 is great news, its a relief he's back in time for the playoffs. Cechmanek solid again.


What do you neutrals (or at least non-Flyer fans) think, how will the Flyers-Leafs series go?


I like Tampa's attitude. After having their 13 game undefeated run ended Lightning center Tim Taylor said:


"I think we needed to get thumped, and we did tonight, it was a good reality check. It showed our young players what it will really be like against Washington."


He's dead right with that, and if they keep that attitude, Rog could be crying soon.


I just realized I miscalculated where the playoffs will be by the time I get to the States (April 23rd) I was going by last year when the 2nd round was just starting but I forgot the season was delayed coz of the Olympics. Damnit, I wont get to see as much as I'd hoped.

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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

So...my boys made me proud last night!


Kings beat the crap out of the Avalanche in our last home game of the year. If they'd played the whole season the way they played in last night's game (which was supposedly meaningless for the Kings since they're not in the playoffs), we'd be leading the entire West. The game was incredibly physical...possibly the most exciting hockey I've seen all year.


So, what's the big deal? Well, the Avs are going for an NHL all-time record. If they win the Pacific division again this year, they would have nine consecutive years of being the division leader. But the Avs have knocked my Kings out of the playoffs for two years in a row in fierce 7-game battles. I have no love lost for them, so if the Kings can be the spoiler for their record, all the better!




- Jeff

Oh, the bitter irony, Jeff! The Kings beat the Canucks to hand the Avs their ninth consecutive division championship. And what of these Kings? They beat the number three and four playoff teams in their conference when both teams were desperate for wins, but can't manage to make the playoffs? Oh, the horror. The horror. :evil:
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Ah hah! A nice bit of rubbin it in rivalry style! Nice post, Postman!


In the Kings defense, they can beat the number 3 & 4 yeams because they themselves are a good team. They didnt make the playoffs due to an injury ravaged season. There ya go Jeff, saved you saying it.


Now where's them Leaf fans!? ;):evil:

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Let's go!!!!


Hockey fan sues over fall into penalty box, scuffle with player


A man who fell into the penalty box at a Flyers game and scuffled with Tie Domi of the Toronto Maple Leafs has filed suit.


Christopher Falcone, 38, of Havertown, is suing Domi, the Maple Leafs, the NHL and Comcast-Spectacor Inc., which owns the Flyers and the First Union Center, where the game was played two years ago.


"To be honest, I thought it was an April Fool's joke," Domi said. "I don't really know much about it yet. I'll find out the details and deal with it."


The suit filed Monday says Falcone was seated behind the penalty box when Domi was sent there during the game March 29, 2001. According to the suit, Domi began spraying and taunting fans with his water bottle, and Falcone was drenched. Falcone contends that he leaned on the glass to grab the water bottle when the partition gave way and he fell in.


Falcone's lawyer, John P. Williamson, said his client "got the heck beat out of him."


The suit alleges that a linesman joined in the fray, and also calls Comcast-Spectacor negligent for having a partition that gave way.

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oooooohh, leafs vs. flyers first round. As much of a leafs fan I am, I know this one is gonna come down to the wire. With both teams firing on all cylinders, could make for a really fast, physical, and bitter series. However, I think if Belfour plays like he can and has, I believe that will be the difference in this series.

As for Domi, as stupid as he is, he makes for great entertainment and adds a level of grit and character to the Leafs that most teams don't have.

Here's looking forward to a great series!

"It's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do." - Butthole Surfers
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Originally posted by flyscots:

>>>I like Tampa's attitude. After having their 13 game undefeated run ended Lightning center Tim Taylor said:


"I think we needed to get thumped, and we did tonight, it was a good reality check. It showed our young players what it will really be like against Washington."


He's dead right with that, and if they keep that attitude, Rog could be crying soon.<<<

Well, I suppose anything is possible, BUT, here's why I'm not too worried yet: The Caps flat out OWN the Lightning and always have. Yes, I know that EVERYONE has owned them but look at the numbers. Not many teams have done better against Tampa. And yes, I know that the 'bolts goaltending and offense are both dramatically improved this season. The Caps still didn't have much trouble with them. From a mental standpoint, I think it's kinda like the opposite of the Caps/Pens playoff rivalry over the last decade or so. Especially early on, the Pens were head and shoulders the better team and the Caps could just not buy a win against them. Later, the Caps were probably the better team at times but they always seemed mentally predisposed to lose, mainly because of the severe beatings they had taken in the past. I'm guessing (hoping) that Tampa will find themselves feeling the same way soon...especially if we can steal at least one in their house. The Caps have to feel like they can beat this team. Also, Tampa's defense is one of the few in the playoffs that is weaker than the Caps' D. So, I expect high-scoring games from this series...well, high-scoring for the playoffs at least!!! Also, I think Tampa has done so well this year that it should be practically impossible for the Caps to look past them. At least I pray to God they won't! I'm also actively praying AGAINST Tampa!!! :) I'm starting to get psyched!!!
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Originally posted by flyscots:

Hockey fan sues over fall into penalty box, scuffle with player
I was watching this game live on one of the ESPNs I think...that was last season. The guy's just now filing suit? Anyway, that was the funniest thing I ever saw. The fan was obviously drunk off his ass and getting belligerent (I know that's hard to believe for a Flyers fan! :rolleyes: ) and Domi just kept squirting the water bottle back over his shoulder into the crowd. If I'm remembering correctly, the fan took a swing or two at Domi first and was leaning way over the glass into the penalty box. In fact, it was the fan's tremendous girth leaning on the glass (he was a BIG guy) that broke it. To me, the guy kinda got what was coming to him. I'm no big Tie Domi fan, but the fan went way overboard for having a little water squirted on him. Still, Domi gave him a pretty good pounding...maybe that wasn't required but at least that might've taught the fan a lesson. Oh, wait. Never mind. It was a FLYER's fan! ;) Sorry Flyscots!!! :wave:
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Its OK Rog, its the Playoffs after all!


When I read the story I had no doubts that the suit was pointless and the fan was largely at fault, just thought it would be a cool thing to post with the Flyers-Leafs 1st round coming up. As for your 1st round: Caps in 6 with 3 big wins, 1 tight win and 2 tight defeats.


Kwiks, I agree with what you said about Domi. I've been impressed with the improvement in his play the last couple of years. I guess he realised he had to actually play the game to get the ice time. You can tell he enjoys being a good player.


Even if Belfour is at his best, he wont be the difference if Cechmanek stays on form. Cechman at the top of his game is every bit as good as Crazy Eddie on top of his. I saw an interview with Jeremy Roenick last night, I love his attitude and determination. The morale in the Flyers camp seems to be sky high at the moment. Its goona be close, its gonna be physical & its gonna be a lot of fun.


Here's the best bit...



You can bet your ass its gonna be a late night for me!


John Scotsman

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Originally posted by flyscots:

>>>Its OK Rog, its the Playoffs after all!<<<

Yeah John...but it's ALWAYS fun to slam the Flyers fans! Besides, I'm doubtful that you're exactly representative of the fans I have the pleasure of dealing with here at MCI Center. Since Philly is only a couple hour's drive from DC, we always get a good chunk of their fans at Flyer's games. From my experience, they are easily the drunkest of all NHL fans! :P But, what's worse is that, win or lose, they seem to always want to try to beat somebody up. I must admit it's always entertaining when they come to town.


I pretty much agree with your assessment of the Caps/Bolts series. I think Caps in either 5 or 6.


The Flyers/Leafs series looks like it'll be the most interesting matchup in the first round. It could easily go 7 games. To me, it's really too close to call. But, my official prediction will be Toronto in 6.


Too bad we didn't end up with Dallas/Minnesota in the west. That would've made for quite an interesting series! Maybe later...

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