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Are you ready for some HOCKEY

Fat Chance

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Congrats to NJ on a well-deserved win. You have to count them in the list of the three most dominant teams in recent years (along with the Wings and the Avs). Having the strength to pull out two seven game series in a row is tough...all respect to them.


The Ducks had a terrific run...I'm proud of them. On one hand, I'm always a fan of the underdog and it would have been great to see them win. On the other hand, as a Kings fan, if there's going to be a cup in Southern California, I'd prefer it went to my team. ;)


Well, the run still continues...no Western team since the 67-68 expansion has won it all. I predict that this run will be broken within the next three years.


Anyway...it's been a great season, and I thank everyone who was a regular in the NHL thread. Thanks to dB for hosting the thread on his forum (even though hockey is not his #1 sport). Congrats not only to the Ducks and Devils but also to the Wild, the Sens, the Canucks and every other team that had an above-par season.


Last thing: next year, my L.A. Kings will be back with a hot new goalie, an injury-free Allison, and some key new personnel that will make them the team to fear in the West. So my last words in the 2002-2003 NHL thread...


Look out...here we come.


KINGS ALL THE WAY IN 2004 :cool:


- Jeff

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It's a shame to see the hockey thread come to an end :cry:


I may hate the devils more than anything else in hockey, but they showed real class at the end of the game applauding Jiggy when he got the Conn Smythe. Granted, they got the hardware that mattered so I'm sure that softened the blow. But even so, they show alot more class that the drunken fools in the stands.


I was pretty disappointed with game 7. I didn't see much if any of the fire that game 6 had. And the whole series sort of lacked it a little bit. I'm not sure what happened to the Ducks, but the team that played the Devils in the finals wasn't the same team that swept the Wings, and knocked off the favorites to win the cup, the Stars. The team played alright, and Jiggy didn't play poorly, but they didn't have the magic. I'm not sure if it was the long layoff or nerves (i doubt it) or what. But bottom line is that the Devils got it done when it mattered, and at this point that's all that really does matter.


I have no problem with Jiggy getting the Conn Smythe, he was amazing in his first 3 series. But Brodeur did set a finals record with 3 shutouts. And how many goals did he give up at home through the whole playoffs? Although he did get pulled twice on the road I believe. Oh well. Good season, I can't wait till next year.

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Okay, maybe that wasn't my last word in the hockey thread... ;)


I think that the Conn Smythe voting was very close, and if Brodeur hadn't been pulled in game six he would have taken it. Great goaltending by both guys throughout, though.


Okay, now I'm done. Maybe. ;)


- Jeff

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Congrats to the Devils on their third cup in nine years, and to the Ducks and fourteen other playoff teams for making this a year to remember. Honorable mention to the Wild for coming back from two consecutive 1-3 deficits, an unprecedented feat.


It's been a great year! Woohoo!!!




Go Devils!!!

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Postman:

Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel:

Well, the run still continues...no Western team since the 67-68 expansion has won it all.

What do you consider a western team?
I meant west coast, specifically. The west coast expansion teams would be considered L.A., Anaheim, Vancouver, and Oakland/San Jose.


The Avs, when they were the Quebec Nordiques, were part of the 79-80 expansion (which I remember as a young 6th grade hockey fan), and they were getting quite good toward the end of their tenure in Quebec City (which is why they won the cup in their first year in Colorado in 95-96).


As long as I'm on the NHL team history topic...


The 67-68 expansion took the league from the original six NHL teams (Canadiens, Bruins, Blackhawks, Maple Leafs, Red Wings and Rangers) and doubled it to 12 with the whole "western" division added -- Flyers, Kings, Blues, Penguins, North Stars, and Oakland Seals. In 1970, the Sabres and Canucks were added to the East for 14 teams. So Vancouver was an Eastern team and Philly was in the West. :freak:


In 72-73, the Islanders and Atlanta Flames were added (16 teams). In 75-76, the Cleveland Barons and Colorado Rockies were added (18). The Nordiques, Caps, Oilers, Hartford Whalers and Winnipeg Jets were added in 79-80 (now 21 teams...a couple folded at the same time).


In 80, Atlanta moved to Calgary (still the Flames) and in 82, the Rockies moved to New Jersey and became the Devils. Everything stayed static for nine years until the Sharks came in 91, the Lightning and Senators in 92, and the Panthers and Ducks in 93. The NHL now had 26 teams.


The next years were about teams moving...Minnesota to Dallas in 93, Quebec to Colorado in 94, Winnipeg to Phoenix in 95, and Hartford to Carolina in 97.


Then the league expanded the final times, with the Predators in 98, the Thrashers in 99 and the Blue Jackets and Wild in 2000. This leaves us with the nicely-managed, easily-divisionalized 30 teams that we have today.


And that is my last post in the 2002-2003 NHL thread. So long. Arrividerci. Bon voyage. Don't forget to write. :)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Postman:

I just have to point out that the New Jersey Devils are really the Colorado Rockies and therefore, um, rule!



Okay, one last hockey topic.


In the last twenty years, only seven times has the regular season point leader won the cup. Those were the '84 and '87 Oilers, the '89 Flames, the '94 Rangers, the '99 Stars, the '01 Avs and the '02 Wings.


- Jeff

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Anybody else suffering from withdrawal symptoms yet? Any kind of weird twinges? An empty feeling?


You know: along the lines of "jeez, what time is that game on tonight?........uh-h-h..........*........h-m-m-m........well.......

I better find something else to do......"

Brain goes: "who won that series again?....oh, yeah....whatever" and starts figuring out next season already, with the hoped-for fantastic results a foregone conclusion :rolleyes:


All of a sudden you're thinkin' "There's gotta be some other hockey happening? Minor pro farm team playoffs, like AHL? Junior? Aw-w-w!"

Then it hits you again : doesn't matter, it's over......... :(:mad::confused:

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Originally posted by Fat Chance:

doesn't matter,it's over


It's not over for me.My 14 year old son team is playing peewee in the nationals in Raleigh, NC in one week.




Wow, strong minor hockey in NC, who would have thunk it?




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Rob, congratulations on being there for your (not so) little guy all these years.

Re: your tourney - bon chance! :thu:


As we all know,

with music and pretty well anything else,

it's a way better experience to play it,

or otherwise be actively involved in it, as you are.


Hockey ist kaput for the season in Canada, except for the hard-core Canuckleheads that rent indoor ice for a beer tournament now and then, and the ubiquitous "hockey camps".

All the trophies have been presented to

the deservedly smilin' champs.

The healing has begun. :)

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Oh yeah...Jeff the Weasel :) :


You want a cup on the west coast?


As you probably know, there is!!


The San Diego Gulls (who've been around a fair while) are proudly packin' the Taylor Cup for supremacy in the WCHL this year, by besting Fresno in another heckuva 7-game final. :cool:


P.S. - Hi Steve! (our B-3 Bashin' "Bluenoser" )

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Originally posted by Jeep:

Hockey ist kaput for the season in Canada, except for the hard-core Canuckleheads that rent indoor ice for a beer tournament now and then, and the ubiquitous "hockey camps".

Funny, a friend of mine was over today to talk about which camps our boys will go to this summer. At Dalhousie University the summer league starts next week with the camps starting the first week of July & run thru to Sept 1. Each week features 4 age groups, with the ages being from 9 to 17. Mine is even going to be instructing at one, Labour Day weekend in Yarmouth. Better than hanging out at the mall getting trouble.




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Sorry I'm late!


Congrats to the Devils.


As a Wings fan, I honestly wish I could say congrats to them. But, reality sometimes bites.


And, as a Wings fan, I CAN give sincere congratulations to New Jersey and the Devils fans because most of us Wing-nuts still have an ABC attitude. That would be Anybody But Colorado.


See you all next season...



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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The NHL entry draft is coming up this weekend too. Should be an especially interesting draft this year with a good crop of young'uns. I also expect a bunch of trades. With the potential work stoppage looming, lots of the financially weaker teams might be looking to dump some salary while they have the chance.
None more black.
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And, as a Wings fan, I CAN give sincere congratulations to New Jersey and the Devils fans because most of us Wing-nuts still have an ABC attitude. That would be Anybody But Colorado.
Ha! Never heard that one before, that's pretty good. Ironically that's exactly how I feel about the devils. Or maybe ABTNJDEBCHNTBBSSCGTH (Anybody But The New Jersey Devils, Except Brodeur Cuz He's Not That Bad But Scott Stevens Can Go To :freak: )

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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  • 2 weeks later...

My son's team just won the AAU National Championship in the 13/14 division.I'm really proud of these guys.They played there asses off.





Rob :thu::thu::thu:

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Rob, that's awesome! Congrats to your boy.


In other hockey news (as long as I'm here in this thread): my Los Angeles Kings got an increible three first-round draft picks, and chose some terrific guys. Also, we got Josef Stumpel back from the Bruins, and I always liked him.


Also, the apparent return of Hasek really screws up a lot of plans for guys like Cujo as well as the free agents like Potvin. We'll wait and see what happens. Free agency start is tomorrow.


Can't wait until next year!


- Jeff

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Congratulations Rob (& Chris is it?)


Jeff, about the West coast thing, the first American team ever to compete for the Stanley Cup was on the west coast - the Seattle Metropolitans.


Now while Hocky is on the first page, let me again bring up the NHL Fans Association . I dont consider this spamming coz its not my organization and its for the good of the game, I hope.


The NHLFA aims to give Hockey fans a voice. The players & the owners each have their own association so why cant we have ours. NHL commisioner Gary Betteman acknowledges the NHLFA and has said he will give it more authority as the number of members increases.


Please check it out. Its free and the amount of participation is up to you. You'll get an occasional e-mail asking for your opinion on certain issues but never too much.



John Scotsman

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Here's some Flyers news for ya it you haven't already heard. Jeff Heckett just signed with the team and Eric Desjardins and Claude Lapointe got two year deals.


Buy the way,how's the Left Coast treat'in ya?



Rob :thu:

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Thanks Rob.


So far so good on the left coast, I only just got here really. Thanks for asking. I know you've seen the photos, there's a few stories of the trip floating around too. Shame we never got to meet while I was near Philly this time round, I kept myself busy working on some of my own music and some other small scale stuff with local musicians. Good practice, hopefully now I'm over here I can step it up.


Forgot to say, I hear your weather is finally picking up. It was horrible up until we hit Illinois.


By the way everyone, judging by the Hockey fans I met accross the country, the overwhelming majority of them are Red Wing fans. You probably knew that already though.



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Hell Jeff, I wouldnt be surprised after LaCroix pulled off that stunt! Thats unbelievable! My (2nd) cousin here in LA is a Kings fan, he doesnt hold high hopes for next season. What does he know, he's a Kiwi!


Hey, thanks for the updates guys. My online time has been limited with this trip so I havent been keeping up with NHL.com or anything else. If it wasnt for this I'd have no idea about the Avs' insane move.


John Scotsman

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This is horrible. How's this for an offense: Sakic. Forsberg. Kariya. Selanne. Hejduk. Tanguay.


I think I'm going to be ill. Excuse me.


- Jeff


P.S. There is a very small rumor that Federov is talking to the Kings. Please God let it be true. ;)

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