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Are you ready for some HOCKEY

Fat Chance

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As for you Philly fans, I'm not so sure Clarke was wrong. There are a number of goaltenders in the league who own high save percentages and impresive goals against averages who pack up and head south come playoff time. Cujo has the throne right now, but Lalime and Potvin are the rightful heirs. Cechmanek came unglued in the playoffs. I say get rid of him. Find a goalie who can play.


I here Patrick Roy is available :D Don't I wish.

Maybe we can bring back Ron Hextall :D



Rob :thu:

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Nice game for the Ducks, and I'm glad it won't be a sweep. Still, I'll be surprised if the Ducks take another one. Game 4 is the crucial one at this point.


Regarding goalies: Postman, don't be surprised if you see Felix "The Cat" Potvin wearing an Avs uniform sometime after July 1. There are another couple free agents you're going after (including Turco) who you're unlikely to get.


And I'm perfectly happy with Cechmanek coming here!


- Jeff

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:D Here's one for anyone who's ever gone to a game in a "hockey barn" :


You know what's the crappy part of going to see a hockey game in Poland ?


Pretty well no matter where you sit (or stand)

you're behind a Pole.

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Like it Dan!


It seems that only a few people are still watching the Hockey. My current engineering gig starts at 7 every night so I dont get to see any of the games :(


We all know Jeff will have a good brief match report though...

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It doesn't look good for the Ducks.


As a rule in the Cup finals, when two teams are tied 2-2 going into game 5, the team that wins game 5 wins the series.


Also, Anaheim has an awful record on NJ's ice. They'll really have to step it up to pull this one off...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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All I can say is that the Devils got alot of lucky bounces last night Wait to game six.
That's what I thought after games 1 and 2 also. So even if the Ducks can pull out game 6 I've got a feeling things may go the Devils way in the swampy ice of game 7. I hope i'm wrong, though. After the Bruins bow out in the first round of the playoffs every year there's nothing I enjoy more than rooting against the Devils :cool:

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

As a rule in the Cup finals, when two teams are tied 2-2 going into game 5, the team that wins game 5 wins the series.

That's true.


Out of all the finals series that have been tied 2-2, 13 of them have gone to the winner of game five.


Only four have gone to the loser of that game.


Here's hoping for a fifth! :thu:




Hey, here's another stat for ya: since the big NHL expansion in 1967-68, when all the west coast teams like the L.A. Kings were established, only four times have one of those western teams made it to the cup finals:


- Vancouver Canucks (1982 & 1994)

- L.A. Kings (1993)

- Anaheim Mighty Ducks (2003)


And none have ever won. I'd like to see that happen sometime before I'm eighty or so. ;)


- Jeff

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Man, what a game tonight. Especially that 2nd period. I loved watching thatKariya goal. Nothing like watching a New Jersey team lose at a sports bar with 50 drunk Philly fans.


Is anyone else ready for Scott Stevens to retire? He's got to be the dirtiest "clean" player in the modern era. It's too bad he didn't catch thats slapper in the face instead of on his ear. Maybe a little karma...

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Originally posted by berkleeboi:

Is anyone else ready for Scott Stevens to retire? He's got to be the dirtiest "clean" player in the modern era. It's too bad he didn't catch thats slapper in the face instead of on his ear. Maybe a little karma...

Did you catch the hit in slow motion - big time fore arm to the jaw & the hit was so late I went to the can between the time Kariya passed the puck & got hit. Dirtiest Clean player, yeah right. If I was a Duck it would be all I could do not to 2 hand Stevens the next shift I was out. Could have been a career ending hit.




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I can't believe that everyone is calling it a clean hit. Colin Campbell should be ashamed of himself. Clearly it shows we can't suspend one of the stars of New Jersey going into game 7. Not only was it an elbow to the jaw but Kariya was on his 3rd stride when he was hit. Stevens really diappoints me, his quote was "It was a legal hit. Did I get a penalty on the play? There were 2 referees on the ice." This was not the same type of hit as on Lindros or Francis. Lindros had the puck & the shoulder went to the jaw. I used to like Stevens, but now I put him in the same category as Roenick, cheap & dirty. I just Darrian Hatcher was around to break Stevens' jaw like he did in retribution for Roenick's elbow on Modano. The Devils looked like real losers after Kariya's goal, running around trying to hurt players with their hits after the whistle, like Madden, & bulls*** like Turner Stevenson's roughing which looked an awful lot like spearing.




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Dirtiest Clean player, yeah right. If I was a Duck it would be all I could do not to 2 hand Stevens the next shift I was out.
I was thinking the same thing. If I was on Aneheim I probably would have broken my lumber over Steven's face and then beat the shit out of him when he was down on the ice. I was steamed as hell, and I'm just watching it on TV. I don't really even like the Ducks, they took my Stars out of the playoffs.


I didn't really catch the replay, but my understanding of the rule is that if you lead with your shoulder/bicep area and follow through with your elbow then it's a "clean" hit. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. That said, Kariya did pass the puck and take 3 strides, so I'm not sure why it wasn't interference. And even beyond the officiating, it's just cheap as hell hockey that doesn't belong on the ice. The Devils did a great job taking Kariya out of the game in the first 5 games by doubling him and blocking his lanes. But in the first period he gets a pair of assists, so Stevens takes him out of the game with a cheap shot. It's shameful.

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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There are certain guys that just don't get called for shit, and Stevens is one of them. The commentators the other day were gushing about him, talking about how in all his years he only had four elbowing penalties.


Well, yeah. He doesn't get called for the rest.


Anyway...we're treated to another game seven, hockey fans. Ducks haven't pulled one out in New Jersey yet, so I'll be surprised if they can do it now. But they looked great yesterday at the Pond...if they can just somehow find that energy level out tomorrow night, they may pull off the impossible.


- Jeff

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his years he only had four elbowing penalties. Well, yeah. He doesn't get called for the rest.
Yeah, that's what I mean about him being the dirtiest "clean" player. You always hear "Scott Stevens: he'll hit you hard, and he'll hit you clean" I think Barry Melrose will have that on his tombstone.


That's a great quote by Brodeur. I've never liked the Devils but I've always liked him and really enjoy watching him play.

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Originally posted by berkleeboi:

"Scott Stevens: he'll hit you hard, and he'll hit you clean".

Puke. :rolleyes:


You know who that's much closer to the truth about? Rob Blake. And there's always that element of Stevens actively hunting down the guy with his head down. That style is so much more likely to create injuries than your average mid-ice check.


- Jeff

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Is there another hockey thread on here I don't know about? Cuz it seems to me that there's game 7 in the Stanley Cup finals tonight, the most exciting way to end the season, and no one's talking about it!


Prediction: The Ducks, 3-2 in OT. Kariya will get the cup winner about 4 mintues into the 2nd overtime, then skate across the ice and spear Scott Stevens in the groin with his stick. (if either one of those really happens it's going to be a hell of a night)

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Holy Jari Kuri! I can't believe I'm the one who has to be bump this! Dudes, your cup was awarded almost an hour ago! I watched it out of a sense of geographic loyalty. What gives Where's the fresh appreciations and resentments? Come on, you've been the little thread that could for a while. Don't quit now! You're only slightly more than 2k behind the NBA thread!


Congratulations Devils! I love the way you smack that flatball thingy with your curling sticks!

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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OK. Next year begins now.


Congrats to the Devs...nobody plays better D. As much as I despise Gary Bettman, I've gotta agree with his statement that the Devils always win or lose as a team. My wife is a Jersey native so at least someone is happy around my house tonight.


October isn't too far away...

None more black.
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Originally posted by Magpel:

Congratulations Devils! I love the way you smack that flatball thingy with your curling sticks!



My, you do have a way with words, brother Mags... ;)


Congrats to NJ. Too bad that's gonna be their last championship this year... :eek:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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The Devils proved to be the best TEAM in pro hockey,

at this point in time.

They won it fair & square,

albeit by a hair.


Kudos to the under-Ducks. Nice try.

Giguey earning the playoff MVP is righteous.


Dave, you could be right. There are certainly 29 other teams that have 29 other ideas. But don't bet on it. These guys, with 7 Olympians on their roster, are no fluke.

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Congradulations to the Mighty Ducks. They have nothing to be ashamed of in this truly Cinderella year. They played magnificently, and I will remember this run forever. I missed game four which I am still cursing myself over it, but never again. Next season isn't that far off, and I'm looking forward to it already.


I would add that the people of New Jersey have no class whatsoever. And that goes double for Scott Stevens. He really does suck.

This keyboard solo has obviously been tampered with!
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