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Are you ready for some HOCKEY

Fat Chance

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Did you know that was the first time in the Sens' history that they stayed alive in an elimination game? they were 0-6 going into last night. I doubt they'll get another two games in over the Devils to win the series, but you never know!


If the Devils had won last night, the Cup finals would have started on Saturday. If they win tomorrow, the Cup starts on Tuesday 5/27.


- Jeff

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Thats good, I think my schedule better suits a Tuesday start! I saw that stat last night but I'd forgotten about it. You're right, I doubt they'll get another 2, or even 1, but this year, who knows!
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Originally posted by Dr.FleshLust:

why does it seem this forum is more sports oriented than keyboard oriented??!

While the sports stuff is kept in a few simple-to-manage threads, the keyboard and other on-topic music stuff is spread out all over. Forums often reflect the interests of the moderator, and ours has at least a passing interest in sports. ;)


Give the rest of the forum a shot...if you want to participate in the sports threads or ignore them, you're welcome either way.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Dr.FleshLust:

why does it seem this forum is more sports oriented than keyboard oriented??!

Over time, many of the members of this forum have grown to be friends. Some of us like sports, and so we have designated specific threads for those of us who like sports to be able to talk about it.


We go out of our way to keep the sports discussions restricted to their own threads. As I look down the front page, I count two sports threads (one for basketball, one for hockey). All the rest of them seem to be music/keyboard oriented...


...actually, there is another one that asks for clarification of some rules, but that's unusual. Normally, it's just the one thread per major sport.


Originally posted by Jeff the Wandering Weasel:

Give the rest of the forum a shot...if you want to participate in the sports threads or ignore them, you're welcome either way.

Absolutely. :thu:


If there's stuff on keyboards/synths/music that you'd like to see covered, please feel free to start one or more threads on any topic that you'd care to discuss.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Well...another game 7! Will they never end?


Anything could happen, with the Sens being on home ice and having all the momentum over the Devils right now. If I were a betting man, I'd still have to take the Devils to win it, but I'm not a betting man and that's good, since (yep, I'm gonna say it again) anything could happen. ;)


- Jeff

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You're dead right Jeff! Looks like I might get to see the game after all :) I'm waiting on a phone call to see if I've got a gig or not. Dont you hate these unorganized people?!


So where's all the Hockey Fans disappeared to? Did everyone start hiding when their team got knocked out? Or is it just that everyone gets back to work when their team isn't on TV anymore? I got more work done after the Flyers were defeated but that was coincidental timing. Rog's on his honeymoon, so he's got an excuse, but where's everyone else? Except you Jeff, the Die-Hard Sports Weasel!


John Scotsman

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And it's down to this: two remaining hardcore guys talking about the fact that, ladies and gentlemen, we have a Stanley Cup finals matchup!


Anaheim Mighty Ducks vs. New Jersey Devils


May the best team win.




- Jeff

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What a game but what a horrible ending for the Sens. The atmosphere in that place was tremendous. After those 2 penalty kills and then all that pressure it looked like it was going Ottawa's way, but NJ are just too good at soaking it up and counter-acting.


So what happens now? Its impossible to predict isnt it!? I still think the Devils will win, surely their experience will clinch it for them, or have Disney written a happy ending to their incredible story!? If it was Ottawa in the final I may just be tempted to lean towards the Ducks, coz the Sens have gone through a heck of a lot the last few weeks, the Devils know how to do it though. I hope Anaheim win.


If I were a betting man, I wouldnt bet on this series!

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Well, I have no way of predicting this one, but it'll be fun to watch.


In the meantime, some Cup Fun Facts, courtesy of NHL.com!


1. Penalty Shots in the Stanley Cup Championship

A total of seven penalty shots have been awarded to players in Stanley Cup Championship history:


- June 7, 1994 Bure (Van) v. Richter (NYR) Save

- May 18, 1990 Klima (Edm) v. Lemelin (Bos) Save

- May 30, 1985 Poulin (Phi) v. Fuhr (Edm) Save

- May 28, 1985 Sutter (Phi) v. Fuhr (Edm) Save

- May 16, 1971 Mahovlich (Mtl) v. Esposito (Chi) Save

- April 13, 1944 Johnson (Chi) v. Durnan (Mtl) Save

- April 15, 1937 Shibicky (NYR) v. Robertson (Det) Save


Can you believe no one's ever scored on a penalty shot in the playoffs? Ever?


2. Shutouts

Since the NHL was established in 1917, at least one shutout has been recorded in every playoff year except 1959 (18 games).


3. Stanley Before Calder

Ken Dryden played his first NHL game in 1970-71. Six regular season games actually. He then went on to play 20 playoff games, win the Stanley Cup and take the Conn Smythe (MVP) Award in the process. Since he has so few games played that season, he was considered a rookie in 1971-72 and lead all to take the Calder Cup. Tony Esposito and Danny Grant also took the cup before winning rookie of the year honors.




- Jeff

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It was a fantastic series, what I managed to watch, and the final game this evening was incredible. I had to feel for the Senators, they looked so stunned to have been defeated, but someone had to loose. Still they have nothing to be ashamed of, they went the distance. I just hope that the Devils don't feel justified in injuring their way to the Stanley Cup. I shouldn't worry, the Mighty Ducks have the skill and the hunger. They dispatched their opponents in record matching time. If you'll pardon some partisan cheering,



This keyboard solo has obviously been tampered with!
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I'm routing for the Ducks in six.I just think its their year. Jeff if the Ducks win the cup that will be one hell of a parade in LA. I have a friend who's a Devils fan who went to the parade at the Meadowlands a couple years ago and 5000 fans showed up.Way to suppose your team.Pretty lame if you ask me.


Go Ducks



Rob :thu:

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Originally posted by Fat Chance:

I'm routing for the Ducks in six.I just think its their year. Jeff if the Ducks win the cup that will be one hell of a parade in LA. I have a friend who's a Devils fan who went to the parade at the Meadowlands a couple years ago and 5000 fans showed up.Way to support your team.Pretty lame if you ask me.


Go Ducks



Rob :thu:

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The official finals schedule:



Tue. May 27, 8 p.m. ET

Anaheim at New Jersey




Thu., May 29, 8 p.m. ET

Anaheim at New Jersey




Sat., May 31, 8 p.m. ET

New Jersey at Anaheim




Mon., June 2, 8 p.m. ET

New Jersey at Anaheim




Thu., June 5, 8 p.m. ET

Anaheim at New Jersey




Sat. June 7, 8 p.m. ET

New Jersey at Anaheim




Mon., June 9, 8 p.m. ET

Anaheim at New Jersey ABC, CBC, RDS


*If necessary (and they probably will be!) :)




- Jeff

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Well, Roy's calling it quits. I suppose I'm not surprised, but I can't help but be a tad downhearted. The Avs are heading for mediocrity. Still, it's been a great ride.


I count myself lucky to have been a fan of three all time great players in my lifetime: Elway, Brock and, now, Roy.


I can't complain, though sometimes I still do.

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Here goes for the final....but I'm busy at the moment.


Such ashame about Roy, but I understand his reasons. I'd actually rather see him call it quits now than deteriorate over a few years. What a career he's had. One thing bithers me though, I wish they'd kept it quiet until after the finals coz you know its gonna be talked about all night tonight.

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Patty Roy...the great Patty Roy...is done. Literally the end of an era in hockey, and like Postman said, a huge change for Avs hockey. Who are they going to get? We know Aebischer isn't up to the task.


Anyway...back to the finals at hand. If Anaheim plays for the rest of the series anything like they played in game 1, then one order of roasted duck will be shortly served. They looked lifeless. Perhaps they'll pick it up for game 2.


- Jeff

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Booby Clarke trades Roman Cechmanek to the Kings for a 2nd round pick next year




OK we know Clarke needs a scapegoat and he wanted rid of Cechmanek, but to trade him with virtually nothing in return (at least in the immediate future) is ridiculous. He better have something good planned this summer to make up for that. I dont mind Robert Esche as a back-up, but no way is he a no.1 goalie. Plus we lost our own Quebec raised prospect, Maxime Ouilette, in the Adam Oates deal.


What do you think of the deal as a Kings fan Jeff? Almost certainly means Potvin is on his way out.


Rob, you wanna get together with CMDN's crowd on Friday and hunt down Clarke for some explanations!? ;)

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Originally posted by flyscots:

What do you think of the deal as a Kings fan Jeff? Almost certainly means Potvin is on his way out.

Wow! Big news.


In as much as I'm looking forward to Cechmanek joining my team, it's bittersweet if means (as it most certainly does) that we lose Potvin.


Hey, I hear Colorado's looking for a goalie. Hmmm... ;)


But Bobby Clarke's madness is to our benefit here. Now if we can find a premiere winger who doesn't get hurt... :rolleyes:


- Jeff

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Originally posted by The Weasel Strikes Back:

Who are they going to get? We know Aebischer isn't up to the task.

- Jeff

It is indeed going to be Aebischer's job to lose. Lacroix and Granato have said as much. From where I sit, it looks like the right move, too. The Avs fans are ok with the guy (which is important when you consider Griese's experience). He makes the saves he should make. As a matter of fact, that's the knock on him as I understand it. He makes all the saves he should and very few of the ones he doesn't have a chance on. You can hardly blame a guy for letting in a goal when he doesn't have a chance. Still, the truly great goalies (Hasek, Roy, Brodeur, Smith, Fuhr) make those saves somehow, some way when it counts. David doesn't.


As for you Philly fans, I'm not so sure Clarke was wrong. There are a number of goaltenders in the league who own high save percentages and impresive goals against averages who pack up and head south come playoff time. Cujo has the throne right now, but Lalime and Potvin are the rightful heirs. Cechmanek came unglued in the playoffs. I say get rid of him. Find a goalie who can play.

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I understand that Postman. Getting rid of Cechmanek for a better goalie is a good thing. I just dont like the way Clarke does it. He must have someone lined up to fill the position but surely he could have got a better return on the deal than a 2004 2nd rounder.
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As for you Philly fans, I'm not so sure Clarke was wrong. There are a number of goaltenders in the league who own high save percentages and impresive goals against averages who pack up and head south come playoff time. Cujo has the throne right now, but Lalime and Potvin are the rightful heirs. Cechmanek came unglued in the playoffs. I say get rid of him. Find a goalie who can play.


I here Patrick Roy is available :D Don't I wish.

Maybe we can bring back Ron Hextall :D



Rob :thu:

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