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Fat Chance

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If thats the match report I'm glad I decided to stay in the studio instead of watching it.


Suppose that answers my 'What Happens Next' question. Apparently the Stars just dont have the needed will to win at the moment.

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Well my supposed Jinx is over! Infact its gone the opposite way. Jack (Sylver) took me to his buddy's house in Philly to watch the game. The guys there now think I'm a good luck omen and want me there for the upcoming games!


Cechmanek. He gets overly criticized for letting in goals like the OT winner in game 3 which 'should' have been saved but then he makes so many totally unorthadox unexpected saves. He's gonna keep us fans all shaky and nervous but he makes up for his errors with performances like last night.


"A total team effort" NHL.com says, sapot on.


Same from Minnesota tonight?

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Being born and raised in Philly one thing I learned is don't listen to anything the sports writers say.

They are fuck'in morons.That's why Cechmanek won't even talk to them.


Go Flyers



Rob :thu:

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I'll tell you something: the Stars have a tendency to get their skate blades mighty high in the air near the faces of their opponents during hard checks. I've seen Modano do that often, and the pic of Derian Hatcher above tells all.


I say the Ducks put them out of their misery tomorrow. By the way, I believe if the Quackers do go to the finals, they'll be setting some record, like the first team to take out both the #1 and #2 team in the conference (or something like that...I was only half-listening to sports radio while driving today).


- Jeff

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Didnt see it, but it seems like maybe Minnesota's inexperience got the better of them. They'll learn for next year. I think this time 3-1 is too muh for them, but I said that about the Colorado series.


Cool stat about the Ducks Jeff, if they make it. (they will)

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Originally posted by flyscots:

Cool stat about the Ducks Jeff, if they make it. (they will)

Just to be clear...I'm not a bandwagon hopper in regard to the Ducks. My rooting for them has everything to do with their being such a big underdog. I'd be rooting for San Jose or Phoenix in the same position. Also to be clear, I was rooting for the Wild in the last series purely since I hate the Avs. ;)


Anyway...go Ducks! Game starts at 3 Eastern/noon Pacific (ABC). This might be the end for Dallas, but don't expect them to go out without a fight...should be an intense game!




- Jeff

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Its all cool Jeff. Whats the general attitude towards the Ducks in your area at the moment? Is there a bandwagon rolling for the local boys or are other Kings fans wanting the local rivals defeated?


Flyers - very poor. Unfortunately Ottawa are the better team in this series by quite a long way. When tested, Lalime is up to it, then you hit the post 3 times. Nah, no excuses, Senators deserve this series.


Yesterday I said Devils for the cup, but I think Ottawa could stop them if they finish off the Flyers.

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The Ducks got rolled yesterday. All of the sudden, the Ducks became the Ducks, and the Stars became the Stars again.


Dallas was dominant physically and mentally, and when the Ducks got down by 2 goals in the first, they laid down and said "maybe next game."


Jiggy's inexperience was exposed as well. Dallas has now chased him from the net in 3 games this year. The strategy of getting in his face, bringing the D, and taking chances worked, and expect it to continue on Mon.


Before anyone starts making excuses about someon's goalie getting run, take a look at Philly/Toronto game 7 (Eddie gets run, loses his cool, and loses the game) and Stars/Oilers game 6 (Turco gets run, stays cool, puts the Oil away)


In the playoffs, every goalie has to deal with some contact, and those that can keep thier cool and stay on thier game will perservere.


As a side note, what's Hitch going to do with Chechmanek?


Brilliant/horrible/brilliant/horrible. It's the worst thing that a goalie can be - inconsistent.



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Whew! Just got back from an Alaska cruise where all they would show on the Bar TVs was some stupid game where a bunch of guys try to throw a big rubber ball into a circular net.


Go Figure! Go Canucks!!!


I hope the Canucks finish off the Wild tonight and Dallas rallies to extend the series with Anaheim. I would really like to see a Vancouver - Ottawa final. Not because both are Canadian teams, but because they are the most offensively entertaining of all the teams left in the playoffs.

Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong: James Bryce
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I hope the Canucks finish off the Wild tonight and Dallas rallies to extend the series with Anaheim. I would really like to see a Vancouver - Ottawa final. Not because both are Canadian teams, but because they are the most offensively entertaining of all the teams left in the playoffs.



You mean to say the Flyers aren't entertainimg offensively :D:D:D



I can't bear to watch the Flyers game tonight.I hope you feel differently.



Rob :thu:

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Actually Rob, I'm in the studio. Thought it'd be more productive rather than watching the walkover, sorry, the game. I just took a break to look up the score. 2-0 Sens, still in the first period. Diabolical. I'm really glad I didnt fork out the $100+ to go to the game.


A Vancouver - Ottawa final would be a treat. I AM counting the all Canadian aspect aswell though. SFOracle, dont you want the Ducks to finish off the Stars tonight, theoretically making for an easier Conference Final? Or do you just want Dallas to scare them a bit more and tire them out?


John Scotsman

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Ouch. 4-1 Sens after two periods, and they're walking all over the Flyers. During the power play goal by Smolinski, it looked like Philly was asleep out there.


In other news...Detroit has dropped Luc Robitaille! He's the all-time NHL leader in scoring by left wingers, but had only ten goals this year. He's 37 years old...it's hard to imagine that anyone will pick up on his unrestricted free agency now.


- Jeff

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Sorry about the Flyers, flyscots and other Philly fans. They really had a great year and played solidly right up to that last game.


If it's any consolation, the great Patty Roy had seven goals against in their game 7 last season. These things happen, even to the best.


- Jeff

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Thanks Jeff :thu:


Beaten by a better team, simple as that.


Yeah its been a good season overall. At least this year they waited for me to get into the country before they got dumped! Once again though, you have to look at the potential the Flyers have with so much talent on the squad. They should do better.

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Unbelievable. Ducks in the conference finals. Would anyone have put money down on that happening at the start of this year?


They're putting something in the water down in Anaheim, I swear.


- Jeff

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Are we saying the Ducks are another Angels?!?!? :eek::eek::eek:


That was a great end to that game. Heart-attack material for the coaches but great for us neutral fans! What a nasty little fantastic move that would've been by Claude Lemieux on the disallowed goal - dragging Giguere's stick away!


As the ESPN guys said, that rule about the net being 'dislodged' has to change. What goes around comes around stood true in this series but I think that this call should not be made upstairs. If the on-ice officials can not see that the net has moved then surely it hasnt moved enough to make a difference to the play.


Wodya reckon?


Minnesota Wild - what a team. Just 3 years old and still doing so well. Are they the Florida Panthers 10 years on? (except better, in my young opinion)


Jeff you were right about that Ducks stat. I'm also certain that if Vancouver beat Minnesota it will be the first time that 2 teams ending in 'ucks' have made it to the Conference final! ;)

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I haven't contributed much to this thread, but I'd like to add my two cents: the Ducks and the Devils are very exciting teams this year. I'd love to see them compete for the Stanley Cup.



The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Alright, seeing as there's no game tonight, lets go straight to the trophies. Which players do you think will get the awards this year? Remeber these are for Regular season only, playoffs aren't included.


Hart (League MVP)

Forsberg, Naslund or Broduer

(when is Milan Hejduk ever gonna get recognition)


Norris (Best Defenseman)

Lidstrom, MacInnis, Hatcher.

I'm not sure about this one, maybe Hatcher with his plus 37.


Vezina (best goalie)

Broduer, Belfour, Turco

A very close call on this one.


Jack Adams (Best Coach)

Jacques Martin (Ottawa) Jacques Lemaire (Minnesota) John Tortorella (Tampa Bay)


Calder (Best Rookie)

Jackman, Nash, Zetterberg


I know there's a couple more, but that'll do us. Agree? Disagree? Think I'm crazy? Your call...

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Originally posted by flyscots:

If the on-ice officials can not see that the net has moved then surely it hasnt moved enough to make a difference to the play.

It's a crappy rule, much like the "tuck rule" in pro football. I don't know that it's a matter of the official seeing or not seeing the net move. However, it used to be that if the defending team's player dislodged the net (unless severely and purposefully checked into it by the offensive team), the goal was allowed.


Look for this rule to change sometime soon. No one likes it.


Jeff you were right about that Ducks stat. I'm also certain that if Vancouver beat Minnesota it will be the first time that 2 teams ending in 'ucks' have made it to the Conference final! ;)
Whoo-hooo! Go "ucks"! :D


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Dan South:

the Ducks and the Devils are very exciting teams this year. I'd love to see them compete for the Stanley Cup.

Well, that would certainly be to the benefit of the Devils, with their experience factor. Look out for the Sens, though...you might not make it past those guys in the East to get to the finals.


I love hockey!


- Jeff

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Originally posted by flyscots:

Which players do you think will get the awards this year?

I voted just yesterday on one of the web sites...ESPN or NHL.com, I forget which. Anyway...


Hart (League MVP)

Forsberg, Naslund or Brodeur


I hate to do it (since I hate the Avs), but Forsberg was awfully strong this year. 29 goals and 77 assists (106 pts) in 75 games, with an incredible plus-52! Did you know Forsberg and Naslund were childhood pals? How'd you like to be the other kid in the neighborhood, trying to keep up with them at the local rink? ;)


Norris (Best Defenseman)

Lidstrom, MacInnis, Hatcher.


You have to go MacInnis. He lead all NHL defensemen in scoring with 16 goals and 52 assists in 80 games (plus-22) and stepped in for Pronger as captain.


Vezina (best goalie)

Brodeur, Belfour, Turco


I can't choose. All great players. I'll take Brodeur.


Jack Adams (Best Coach)

Jacques Martin (Ottawa), Jacques Lemaire (Minnesota), John Tortorella (Tampa Bay)


No doubt here: Jacques Lemair. The Wild are a mediocre team with INCREDIBLE coaching. If they had more talent beyond a couple premeire first-liners, they'd win it all.


Calder (Best Rookie)

Jackman, Nash, Zetterberg


Jackman is impressive, but I'll take Zetterberg here.


I know there's a couple more, but that'll do us.
No it won't! I insist on a full ballot! :)


Selke (Best Defensive Forward)

Lehtinen, Madden, Walz


John Madden's had a great year with the Devils. He'll do here. Lehtinen won this award in '98 and '99.


Lady Byng (Most Gentlemanly Player)

Mogilny, Modano, Lidstrom


Well, Modano may not get called for penalties, but he sure makes them. I'll take Mogilny: 33 goals and 46 assists for 79 points in 73 games with just 12 penalty minutes.


Finally: there are the trophies based on numbers hich have already been decided. They are as follows...


- Forsberg: Art Ross Trophy (points leader)

- Hejduk: Maurice Richard Trophy (goal-scoring leader)

- Three-way tie with Cechmanek, Esche and Brodeur: William M. Jennings Trophy (more than 25 appearances with fewest goals against)


Other awards will be presented at the ceremony in June.


- Jeff

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