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I finally find a Hammond to buy and now this!

Blues Disciple

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I have found a prime C3/Leslie 122 combination in a nearby state and hope to buy and pick it up next Friday. So I get to thinking---will this thing fit in the old Windstar Minivan and guess what?? The height of the organ is 46 inches and the height of the side door to the van is 45 inches. An inch too short (kinda like the story of my life). Now when you get into the van itself, the actual roof is higher than 46 inches, leaving only an entry problem for the Hammond.


Here's my question: How much can I "lean" the C3 over without spilling oil over everything?


I would think a 1-2" lean backwards would do it to allow the slanted portion of the front of the Hammond to make it in the van--but not being an engineering major or a math person, I don't know if this would work. How far back can I go with the organ before it gets messy everywhere?


Any loading/moving hints would be greatly appreciated. Once I get to the church I should be fine while I have dollies made for it. We don't have any gigs in the next month or two so I have some time to work on any future travel arrangements.


Also: There shouldn't be a problem leaning the Leslie 122 over should there? No oil involved there is there?


Thanks for any help with this logistical problem.



"With the help of God and true friends I've come to realize, I still have two strong legs and even wings to fly" Gregg Allman from "Ain't Wastin Time No More"
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If memory serves me correctly, there are two places for the oil to go into. Take some plastic baggies and cover the oilers and wrap it tight with tape, put that darn organ in that van and go home and play the heck out of it. You lucky dog! Kcbass


P.S. And unless your Hammond was over oiled, it should not leak anyway.

 "Let It Be!"

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Check this link for some useful tips:




Basically, you can tip it as long as you've locked down the tone generator. There won't be any oil leakage in the Leslie since only a few drops are used. There also won't be any oil leakage from the organ unless it was recently over-oiled. You can check by looking in the oil cups.

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We used to tip the organ in a variety of angles when we moved the instrument in my old club playing days. As long as the tone generator is locked down you shouldn't have any problems whatsoever. That, and covering the two caps where the oil is placed should prevent any spilling of sorts.


Just be prepared for a lot of weight with the C3. It's definitely heavier than the B I used to carry around. That and two home made leslies with 100 watt drivers powered by a twin reverb. Man that thing was loud.


Good luck with it and have fun.



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I was told by dave Vum of Goff Professional the Scanner is the only thing to worry about. Tipping it sideways shouldn't present a danger to the Scanner. Screws to bolt down the generator are available at any hardware store. I think the thread is 5/32, but I'm not sure. Tilting sideways can cause the tone generator to bash into the back of the keyboard manuals & maybe break them off some of the the wires.




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