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FORUM CD: Rate "Mystery"

Dave Bryce

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As many of you know, we are currently in the process of doing another CD compilation of original material submitted by members of this forum.


As with the last original compilation, the entries will be posted for review by all of the members of the forum whether or not they have contributed a piece. With that in mind, please check out "Mystery" (submitted by dano), and tell us what you think!


If the artist of the piece would care to post any notes about the piece in this thread, they should feel free to do so.


Thanks for listening!




P.S. my apologies to dano for the amount of time it took to get this one posted... :o



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:


P.S. my apologies to dano for the amount of time it took to get this one posted... :o [/QB]

No problem dB .


This song is about when my wife and I were going at it for a while . We just passed 16yrs together . Hope you like the tune .


Zoom 1044 HDR and Ketron SD1 keyboard .



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First things first, excellent job Dano. Being an old coot, I'm coming into this field as a newbie and find that everywhere I turn there are amazing things that one can do with just a keyboard.


Hopefully I'll figure out how to manage everything, and make the music sound as professional as you guys/gals are making it sound.


One question to Dano, how did you get the sax sound in Mystery to sound so....different?


Once again, nice job. ;)



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Really good job Dano....the vocal could be up just a bit , because it sounded good. Nice job with the keys, and guitar parts. I liked this song a lot, was in the pocket.


Going on 16 yrs.....I remember those years.....let me know when you hit 32 yrs....your TUNE might change!!! :D:D


Jazzman :cool:

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Originally posted by Erlic:

First things first, excellent job Dano. Being an old coot, I'm coming into this field as a newbie and find that everywhere I turn there are amazing things that one can do with just a keyboard.


Hopefully I'll figure out how to manage everything, and make the music sound as professional as you guys/gals are making it sound.


One question to Dano, how did you get the sax sound in Mystery to sound so....different?


Once again, nice job. ;)

Thanks for the comments !


The sax sound is just a great growl sax .

I added a little chorus effect .



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Originally posted by Jazzman:

Really good job Dano....the vocal could be up just a bit , because it sounded good. Nice job with the keys, and guitar parts. I liked this song a lot, was in the pocket.


Going on 16 yrs.....I remember those years.....let me know when you hit 32 yrs....your TUNE might change!!! :D:D


Jazzman :cool:

WOW jazzman ....32 yrs !


Thanks for the nice comments . I like the term

" in the pocket " .


Could be the name of a song or album .

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If I didn't know that all was done on one single workstation, I would thought that a real drummer played on this one... Very tasty groove. Love such high pitched snares - sound very natural to my ears. Bass and guitar simulations are also top notch. Well done! :thu:
I am back.
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Originally posted by Gulliver:

If I didn't know that all was done on one single workstation, I would thought that a real drummer played on this one... Very tasty groove. Love such high pitched snares - sound very natural to my ears. Bass and guitar simulations are also top notch. Well done! :thu:

Thanks Gulliver ! I appreciate your nice comments .


I want to thank LaurieZ for her insight's and judgement . This song "mystery" has come a long way from where it started .


If you want to here anymore MP3's from me , you can email me at oneils44@comcast.net . dano

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I knew I wanted to mention something else about the song Mystery, and Gulliver made mention of the drum track. I too thought that a real drummer was used on the recording. I've heard some people try to emulate drum tracks, and fall flat on their faces. Yours was nice, crisp, and very clean. One could swear that an actual drummer was playing the tracks.



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Originally posted by Erlic:

I too thought that a real drummer was used on the recording. I've heard some people try to emulate drum tracks, and fall flat on their faces. Yours was nice, crisp, and very clean. One could swear that an actual drummer was playing the tracks.

The drum track you heard is part of the many drum tracks that the keyboard has onboard . I thought the drum track fit the song , so I used it .



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Originally posted by rickkreuzer:

Sounds great! I wish that the vocals were up a bit too...Congrats on the 16 yr thing! We're only at 5 1/2 and counting.....



At 5 1/2 yrs of marriage , I wasn't sure if I'd still be married . Than we had a kid and than another ( joy of my life btw). We have both made sacrifices and here I am 16 years later and she still overcooks the turkey .


It's been worth sticking around . But at one time she was a mystery .


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I am happy with this recording , but naturally I wish I could have changed a few things .


#1. I would eliminated how many times I say the word "girl" in the recording .

2. cleaned up the harmonized vocals a little bit .


Any other suggestions ?



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