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Best hardware controller for soft-synths?

Allan Speers

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What are the latest top-contenders?




Peavey 1600?


Others? I remember once seeing a contoller that had little lcd's for every pot and slider, but I can't seem to find any info on it. Does this sound familiar?


I'm looking for opinions specifically concerning parameter manipulation of plugins and soft-synths, not faser automation of Cubase.



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I have heard good things about the Evolution series keyboards. They are not pricy and while lightweight and perhaps not good for touring they do have some very nice controllers onboard:



I found stats here: Evolution 249C


There are several of them in this series and a quick search should turn up a lot of info!


The other popular favorite is the Oxygen 8 from Midiman but it is only one and half octaves and about the same price. Its big benefit is its portability.


Hope that helps,


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I wanted something that I could use in various situations and ended up with the following two items. Oxygen 8 for controller knobs and a keyboard for traveling. Emu XL7 for controller knobs and sound source and drum machine.


My first choice for soft synths is an Oxygen 8. It is small enough to sit on a computer keyboard drawer, has 8 knobs, and the keyboard is very handy when programming soft synths. If you have a laptop the Oxygen is nice because it easily fits in a suitcase.


When I need more nobs, which is seldom, I use an Emu XL7. You cannot store assignments for the bank of 16 knobs within the XL7 but much of the newer software allows you to store assignment information on the computer. It can be used to minuplate soft synths and effects, or to mix channels. Some may find knobs instead of sliders a bit odd when mixing.



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The same company has released the 61-key Radium USB MIDI controller. It has 8 knobs and 8 sliders - all programmable and assignable. I'll be getting one to work with my PC. Odds are it will eventually find its way into my live rig, especially if I end up doing the notebook/softsynth thing.




Originally posted by Charlize Theron:

I love the oxygen 8. Plenty of knobbies, and a half-decent feeling action. Great choice, IMHO.


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Originally posted by Allan Speers:

I remember once seeing a contoller that had little lcd's for every pot and slider, but I can't seem to find any info on it. Does this sound familiar?

Allan, were you thinking of the IBK 10 Control ?




Click here to read our discussion of the 10 Control.






P.S. The image above is a clickable third link with more info.

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