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Sound module


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I would like to know if anyone can tell me if there is a place on the internet where I can find older manuals for instructions on how to work this particular sound module,,its a "Roland Sound Canvas" on the back of the chord where I hook it up its says Tone generator. I have hook this to the midies in and out and I do get sound but not of the same instrument on the entire keyboard {88}..its different sounds on sections of the piano.
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Originally posted by Bronzee:

I would like to know if anyone can tell me if there is a place on the internet where I can find older manuals for instructions on how to work this particular sound module,,its a "Roland Sound Canvas" on the back of the chord where I hook it up its says Tone generator. I have hook this to the midies in and out and I do get sound but not of the same instrument on the entire keyboard {88}..its different sounds on sections of the piano.

Check out www.rolandus.com. I gave it a brief look, and they do have some support docs that might help you, but I didn't notice any manuals available for download. If nothing else you could email their tech support and see if you can order one. Also, check out Ebay. They often have manuals for sale there.

Regarding your situation: it is likely that more than one sound was mapped to your keyboard on purpose. A common example would be Upright Bass on the left-hand, and Piano on the right-hand. There should be other preset patches on the Sound Canvas that just have Piano, or Bass, or whatever. Try scrolling through them.

Another thought I have is that your 88-note controller is transmitting on more than 1 MIDI channel at the same time. Is there more than one instrument sound playing when you press a key? If so then that could be your problem.

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Yes there is more then one sound iam hearing on the sound module..I email roland to ask them if they still have the manual for this and I haven't heard anything from them yet. I purchase this from a guy that works at a recording studio and no longer uses it and he said that he would send me the manual..but iam getting impatience and its been only about 4 days. I have tried moving the midi channels up and down and also tried to get it to match with the channel numbers ...for instance if iam on channel 1..i will put the generator on 1...and there on...... lets just say about the lst 12-l4 keys my have a piano sound..then the next 15 keys my be string and clavi..the next 10 keys my sound like the bass and guitar and the remaining keys will have a string sound. I hope you understand what iam saying. whats all the stuff down up there about Kurzeil..? Anyway if i don't get this to work..iam just goin to purchase me a brand new module...which i probable should have done in the beginning...cause i like instructions to go by..espescially when iam learning about all the midies and hook ups. thanks :love:
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