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Originally posted by steadyb:

I hate to open another possible can of worms before I've finished off mecca...


But unfortunately for Yanks fans, The 2001 Seattle Mariners are going to win The 2001 World Series. You read it here first. (Yeah I know I'm walking into a flamethrower)





I'm with you on this one, but only if they don't all have Tuberculosis. They all get tested today! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif

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Originally posted by meccajay:

BTW, the comment about the Bulls fan etc, never said I was a Bull's fan, just Jordan, so your other point is moot.



Hey Magpel,

Here is a clear example of someone who has been manipulated by ESPN and Nike into robotic adulation of Jordan.




So if Barry Bonds hits two more home runs, I guess you'll be "just a Barry Bonds fan"


Do you have a favorite team??? The 1927 Yankees? The Pittsburgh Steelers from the '70s? The S.F. 49er's from the 80's? The Cowboys of the 90's? The current Yankees (but just over the last 3 or 4 years)??? Maybe your favorite was the Gretzky era Edmonton Oilers or the Bill Russell Celtics??

I'll venture a guess and say "All of the above" qualify for the mecca "favorite team" list.

How do you keep up? You must have to buy new sports swag every couple of years, depending who's in first place.


This message has been edited by steadyb on 10-04-2001 at 02:59 PM

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So if Barry Bonds hits two more home runs, I guess you'll be "just a Barry Bonds fan">>


Ive got a few teams. Im exstatic over the Titan's and realize they may take a Baltimore beating this weekend, but I'll love them 0-4 or not.


The Jordan thing(long story)....


It goes back to my cousin taking me and a few other cousin's to his High school's Christmas Tournament at Laney High in Wilmington(my mother's home town). At the time my city had the #1 high schiool team in the nation and the number one player - Milt Wagner, who went on to play for the Louisville Cardinal's and win the NCAA.

Anyway's we got bored and wanted to leave the tournament after like 2 games and he kept insisting we stick around for "The Michael Jordan Show". We stayed and Jordan's team hit the floor and Mike had like 10 points in the 1st half. I keep going on to my cousin that MY CITY HAS MILT WAGNER!! THIS JORDAN KID IS WEAK etc. He say's okay, shrugs my yapping off and tells me to pay attention in the second half. Second half starts and after about a minute goes by they hand Jordan the ball. As he crosses half court Jordan STOPS dead in his tracks and just stands there dribbling the ball with a smile on his face..... ALL OF A SUDDEN the entire arena stands up and people start taking pictures - I mean like hundreds of cameras all at once!!

Then Jordan takes the ball and throws about a HALF COURT HOOK SHOT and it hits nothing but net!! My cousin looks at me and says the Micheal Jordan Show has begun!! From then on I saw the most incredible 3 point shots, post up moves, and slam dunks NEVER seen before(some from behind the backboard). Jordan finished with like 39 of the most awe inspiring points you've ever seen, most of them never seen again because Dean Smith never turned him loose at N.C. and the pros had players closer to his level. Anyways, at the end of the night my cousin looks at me and says "So what was the name of that player in your town again?" I told him, I forgot...


Ive never seen a display of basketball skills like that night ever again - been a Jordan fan ever since.


**Sorry about the long winded post**

TROLL . . . ish.
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Great story. You're right: Dean Smith never turned anyone loose. And nobody has ever produced more NBA stars than that program. A game I like to play is: put together your best lineup of 5 current NBA players who share an alma mater. And it's *always* NC. Right now, we could start a team with Rasheed Wallace, Vince Carter, Jerry Stackhouse, Anatawn Jameson, oh what the hell, we'll let Rick Fox on too, point guard? Who do we have at the point?


But think about that Jordan team: Jordan, James Worthy, Sam Perkins, Brad Daugherty on the bench. Yikes.


Actually, the single most talented NCAA team of my lifetime, top to bottom, was the Pitino UK team that beat my beloved Syracuse in the finals. Mercer, Walker, Delk, Derek Anderson, on and on. I think he played 12 guys every night that year, and most of them are in the NBA right now.


This message has been edited by Magpel on 10-04-2001 at 05:33 PM


This message has been edited by Magpel on 10-04-2001 at 05:35 PM

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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i just found this and, well, couldn't resist.


i couldn't more strongly support steady on this one. jordan was a great player in a weak era. all you have to do is look at his competition - does anyone honestly think the jazz, rockets, knicks, or any other sorry pretender (uh, miami heat? seattle supersonics? who?) from the "Jordan era" would have even been able to make the conference finals in the 80s? i mean, do you honestly think that taking 6 games to beat the jazz is the same as needing 6 to defeat the 80's celtics?


great player, sure. poor era, definitely. i mean, jordan and scottie pippen and who else? are able to run the table for six years. how many games do you think it would take the 95-96 bulls to win a seven game series against the 01-02 wizards? i'm thinking 6. how many do you think it would take the lakers, from today or the 80s? uh, 4. 80's celtics? uh, 4. late 80's pistons? uh, 4. early 80s sixers? uh, 4.


thankfully, finally, jordan's career will finish as it began - playing in a strong era, on a weak team, where he is nothing more than a footnote. perhaps, someday, our grandkids will forget that the 90s NBA really existed. i know, steady, nike and espn will never let that happen, but a girl can dream, can't she?


cheers to the lakers, past and present - winners when winning means something.



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Magpel, Ive never really thought of the Carolina connection that way. Very very interesting! It says someting about his system for sure(good & bad). Makes you think he could have gone way way beyond the success he's already had if he'd just let go a lil bit...
TROLL . . . ish.
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Well considering that the "Jordan era" overlaped the Bird/Magic/Isiah era and these players played Jordan and beat him and got beat by him, and Jordan had to fight thru these very players to get his 1st ring...well, I guess your point is moot too.


An era is an era, period! If you put Bill Russell in the mix against Kareem, Parish and Patrick, would it make a difference??? Yes it would...Would Russell have 11 rings? probably not! What does that mean -nothing!! It means nothing because it could never happen that's why!!


It's that same old Jim Brown era argument that everybody spews everytime someone gets close to 2000 yards in the NFL...meaningless!!

TROLL . . . ish.
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playing through magic, bird, and isiah to get his first ring would be like saying that someone today had to play through michael to get their first ring. sure, michael had to go through magic to get his first ring. but where was kareem? i mean, for michael to finally win one, he had to have the lakers lose a pretty key component. he had to have the celtics lose a pretty key component (bird's back). so he had to go through the aging pistons (for you, a gift, i'll forget isiah's injuries in '91). wow. let's put scottie and rodman and mj back together and see how you feel about their chances today. that's right, they're old and they wouldn't stand a chance. just like the lakers and celtics and pistons that mj finally beat.


to suggest that the jordan era overlapped the era of the greats - and he beat them - is like saying that the kwame brown era is overlapping the jordan era. it's desperate.


again, michael jordan was a great player who played in a creampuff era of mediocrity. and i'll repeat: i'm just thrilled to death that he came back so that he can finish his career as he began it - as a media clown getting his a** kicked by great teams.


enjoy your mj pajamas, mecca.



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I certainly don't think that Jordon played through an era of "Mediocrity". Take a look at the two Utah Jazz teams that the Bulls beat, they had two of the greatest players of all time Malone and Stockton as well as Jeff Hornaceck and TERRIFIC bench (which they don't have now). I also don't think the 93 Suns were an average team with Charles Barkley and Kevin Johnson.


Even though I'm not a Jordon fan I must admit that he didn't play in an era of "mediocrity", he was so good he just made it look that way most of the time.


Oh God, I can't believe I'm defending the guy who knocked my Utah Jazz out of the finals twice, this is almost sickening.





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for the last time - the utah jazz are not, were not, and never will be, a great team. if you can't muster one championship, you don't count. that's wannabe stuff.


are you honestly trying to say that damn, if those jazz would just have been around ten years earlier...


c'mon. that's even more desperate than mecca.


and you call yourselves men.



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Now its On http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


You done went and made fun of the Jazz. The problem with the Stockton/Malone Jazz teams has always been there lack of support from the bench (any basketball fan knows that). In the entire time they have played they only had a strong bench for two years and those two years they went to the finals and lost to the "Greatest Player of All Time". Let me also throw in there just for the sake of honesty that MJ fouled Karl Malone to steal the ball and pushed Russel off to get open for his last game winning jump shot (cheating, flat out cheating).


I certainly think those two teams could stack up with the Houston Rockets teams, the San Antonio Spurs, or the Pistons in a championship matchup.


No question, they were a great team that ran into an unstoppable object.





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ok - we agree on something. jordan did foul malone to get the ball. to not give karl that call, on his home floor, was a disgrace. it sickens me to have to see that ridiculous jordan jumpshot that followed -ad nauseum (or even worse - that shot to sink cleveland in '89. in the first round. b-i-g deal). it's what sickens me about jordan - not the player, but this overwhelming NEED to annoint him, and by association his teams, the greatest ever.


i do think that the jazz could match up fairly well against the rockets or the spurs - in the first round. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gif


but when people talk about the great teams in the future, you will regularly hear 80s Lakers, Celtics, Sixers. Bad Boy Pistons. current Lakers. sadly, the bulls will probably show up there. but the jazz and the phoenix suns - uh, no. don't get me wrong - i love barkley and malone. used to wish for barkley to come to LA - still would like to see malone come here and get the title he deserves. but they didn't play on great teams. as for stockton - never much liked him, but gotta respect him. and props to him for taking less money to play for the jazz this year. that makes him a stud.


but jordan did foul malone. which only proves what anyone with a pair of eyes and a little common sense tucked behind them has always known - jordan needed others (father time, injury, officiating) to remove all obstacles from his path before he could truly succeed.


he played in a very weak era, which happened to coincide with the strongest economic explosion in our history. all those companies needed to spend their money on someone. and, lo and behold, they found their man. in the 90s, what choice did they have?




This message has been edited by procontrolmomma on 10-04-2001 at 09:48 PM

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Welcome procontrolmomma,


It's nice to finally have one other voice of reason on this thread.

Jazz!!! Ha Ha Ha that's a good one...

They couldn't even win it when the mediocre Bulls and Jordan were gone.


These guys just don't get it.

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"air" slippers - now that's funny. still laughing as i type.


maybe nike can make a special bib that mj can wear on his shoulders - some form of ultra absorbant, high tech fabric - that will catch his drool when kobe, iverson, mcgrady, carter, etc. blow by him.


folks, i wouldn't worry about his knees or his ribs or his back - a sprained neck will likely land him on the injured list first.


seriously, though - i'm glad we're all able to get after it like this over something as trivial as basketball. we're lucky we can.


peace to all.




ps - steady, that was funny. lakers again. and again. and again. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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The only guy who's gonna blow Mike away will be Iverson. All in all, I think it's pretty good to be 38 and the second best shooting guard in the league.


P.S. The Lakers will win exactly one championship in the next ten years (maybe, if they're lucky).


P.P.S. It's a good thing that Kobe's uniform is the color of urine, because he is going to piss his pants in his first game with the Wizards. Get it? WIZ-ards?


This message has been edited by dansouth@yahoo.com on 10-05-2001 at 03:09 AM

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

The only guy who's gonna blow Mike will be Iverson.


Hey, let's leave the sexual activities of the Sixers out of this. At least they got to go to the finals last year. (and with pretty good seats too).


All in all, I think it's pretty good to be 38 and the second best shooting guard in the league.


I didn't realize Reggie Miller was 38.


The Lakers will win exactly one championship in the next ten years (maybe, if they're lucky).


Yes, One in ten years, another one in nine years, another one in eight years, another one in seven years, another one in six years, another one in five years, another one in four years, another one in three years, another one in two years, ...but Dan we're getting a little ahead of ourselves, let's enjoy the one the Lakers will win this season first.


Get it? WIZ-ards?


The "Wiz" part is 'cause Michael will be easin' on down the road after playing one season on a team that wins 25 games this year.

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Originally posted by steadyb:

The "Wiz" part is 'cause Michael will be easin' on down the road after playing one season on a team that wins 25 games this year.


Good one! Not TRUE, of course, but clever. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Actually, the "Wiz" part is because Mike is gonna make Kobe look like Diana Ross.

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

Actually, the "Wiz" part is because Mike is gonna make Kobe look like Diana Ross.


You bet, when the two meet, Kobe will emerge "Supreme".


Kobe, on the other hand, will make Jordan look more like a "Wiz"abeth Taylor...old, tired, on the brink of a trip to the emergency room. (I hope he doesn't break a hip.)

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Originally posted by meccajay:

as I recall - Magic had a triple double in game FIVE of the series so he couldnt possibly be OUT for the series in game 2. ...but it was THE JOHN PAXTON GAME as history remember's.


You're right about Magic playing vs the Bulls. It was against Detroit (when they one their first title) that Magic was out for the series. Against the Bulls, The Lakers (without Kareem), won game one in Chicago, and lost starters James Worthy and Byron Scott for games 4 and 5. Even the great Magic would have a tough time winning one on five. Take away Pippen and Paxton from Jordan or give Magic Worthy and Scott in the same series and MJ gets his ass kicked.


Jordan beating Magic in that series is about as valid as Leon Spinks beating Muhammed Ali. Then again maybe you think Spinks is "The Greatest".


Jordan will never win the big one against real and healthy competition.


Magic did. Bird did.


Only Bird and Dr J ever beat the Lakers at full strength. (and both of them lost 2 of 3 finals vs. the Lakers)


And no one will beat the current Lakers at full strength either. (not even with the help of Mr. Wizard)


Once again ...Jordan=OVERRATED

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Geez, I've been gone two days and this thread is three pages long?!


Lakerdude, That's how great Jordan was. He made EVERYONE look mediocre.


I think Kobe can be great, but if I have to compare anyone to Michael it will be Shaq, not Kobe. Different position, but same effect on others playing the position. Everyone else just absolutely sucks. And you have to send three guys on him illegaly just to keep him from getting 63 points (like against the mighty Bird/McHale/Parrish Celtics). So there might have been a lot of media coverage, but the hype was well earned.


And it wasn't like Magic's Lakers and Isaiah's Pistons were old and decrepit when the Bulls beat them. But those are teams, so we can only go so far in comparisons.


If only the Bulls had the Jerry named West and not Krause nor Reinsdorf then the dynasties would really be fun to compare.



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I lvee this crap about the Bulls only winning in years when they had no competition. I guess the Knicks, Sonics, Rockets, Spurs, Suns, Jazz, and Pistons aren't members of your imaginary league.


If anyone won when the league was in disarray, it was the recent Lakers. They won for three reasons. (1) Jordan retired. (2) Tim Duncan was hobbled by injuries. (3) The Lakers hired every available uninjnured veteran player under 35. I can't remember the league looking as pathetic as it did last year. Except for Zo and Larry Johnson, the league is made up of kids and old men. Why else would everyone be so keen on where Scottie was going to end up? The guy should be in a rest home. The Lakers beat a league of rookies and invalids.

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I think jordan came back because he misses all the attention. That's waht so annoying about him. He's tired of hearing about kobe,shaq, iverson, carter,etc. Look when he came back....he made us wait soooo long to hear him announcee that his "comeback" was official....just so he'll be on the sports news everday...and remember that 10 day wait at the end, PLEASE, he's playing everyone like a puppet, he thinks the world revolves around him....give me a freakin break....HE's full of tease and wants to hype himself up. He's the BIGGEST EGO out there...period. The only reason the bulls domintated the 90's was cuz the 90's were full of sorry a55 teams.

The showtime lakers and Larry Bird's Celtics would have destroyed this bulls team. And about kobe, don't even compare him to MJ yet, he's not even CLOSE to his peak, he's only 23, a mere youngster...and that's the scary thing. After lakers had the 15-1 post season record in 2001, phil said that this was the best playoff team he's EVER seen. That's says it all right there. Lakers are just getting started folks....jordan can have all the attention he wants now...i don't care....Lakers will just have to quietly win another championship !!!! (and another, and another...)

I love it when there's haters....cuz, i get to see them pout and whine when lakers win.

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

I lvee this crap about the Bulls only winning in years when they had no competition. I guess the Knicks, Sonics, Rockets, Spurs, Suns, Jazz, and Pistons aren't members of your imaginary league.


Whether you lvee or love this crap, the fact is the Knicks, Sonics, Rockets, Spurs, Suns, Jazz, and Pistons of the 90's would've been bench warmers for the 80's Lakers or Celtics.


If anyone won when the league was in disarray, it was the recent Lakers.


Really? They beat a Blazers team (two years in a row) that hired every available uninjnured veteran player under 35 and had the largest payroll in NBA history just to try and beat the Lakers, and got they're overpaid asses kicked.


(1) Jordan retired.


Last year's Lakers would've wiped the floor with Jordan's last Bull's team.


(2) Tim Duncan was hobbled by injuries.


There was nothing wrong with Duncan's health when they Swept/Annihilated the *Spurs* this year.


(3) The Lakers hired every available uninjnured veteran player under 35.


You mean what was left after the Blazers and Mavericks were done trying to buy a title???



I can't remember the league looking as pathetic as it did last year.


See Jordan era...



Except for Zo and Larry Johnson, the league is made up of kids and old men.


You just mentioned two of the most washed up guys in the league, besides Jordan. Why not throw in Patrick Ewing, another "ringless wonder" (see Stockton/Malone)


The Lakers beat a league of rookies and invalids.


No, they just made it look that way.




This message has been edited by steadyb on 10-05-2001 at 06:57 AM

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Originally posted by NoKompetition:





I see you've posted the number of titles that will be won from here on out by Michael Jordan, Karl Malone John Stockton, Alonzo Mourning, Patrick Ewing, Scottie Pippen, Larry Johnson, and Charles Barkley...combined.



This message has been edited by steadyb on 10-05-2001 at 07:02 AM

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