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Tascam & Nemesys

Michael Jones

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Hello All:


This thread may be slightly different from others that explore the realm of product support. We all are a little guilty of rants that illustrate our experiences and ultimate frustrations from time to time with various levels of support (or lack thereof) of the products that we have spent our earned monies to expand our musical endeavors.


What is different here (for me anyway! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif) is the level of superior support I recently received from Tascam. As you are well aware, Tascam recently purchased Nemesys. I use the Gigastudio 160 product in my studio and rely heavily on its abilities and features for my compositions.


A couple weeks ago my C: drive slipped into the abyss that all products eventually find themselves when they have, for whatever reason, lived out their lives. Although I did have my data files backed up, I did not have any of the software of which I have the original disks backed up. I mean what's the point. You have the original disks. All that is required is to reload the original disks onto the new drive and 'viola' you are back in the music business, right?


Au Contrare!


At least when it comes to the GS160. While the original program loaded perfectly and performed flawlessly, when I attempted to download the upgrade (2.20) using the original CD Key and registration codes, the servers refused my request. I received an auto generated e-mail stating that the software was registered to of all people....ME!


OK...Tell me something I don't already know.


So, the next logical step was to try to re-register the product. Same auto generated e-mail response. At this point I was left with only one recourse. The dreaded attempt at contacting product support. Let me interject a little bit of a caveat here. I have read numerous threads decrying the less than favorable experiences of people have had with the Nemesys support. So needless to say I had some level of trepidation at the thought of contacting product support. But what other alternative did I have?


I perused the website at Nemesys and found their support number for Tascam. I called the number and after the third ring got an answer. (What?..not possible!) Yep!!!...I actually got to talk to a live person at Tascam. I told the person that I needed to talk to someone in the Nemesys support department and she indicated that as they were new to the Nemesys product line that I should leave my name and number for them to call me.

I indicated to her the difficulty I was having regarding the aforementioned dilemma and she suggested I contact support at custser@teac.com.


I did exactly as she suggested. I forwarded an e-mail to the address exactly 20 minutes before they end of their business day. I had to step out for awhile and returned home approximately 30 minutes later.


To my surprise I received and e-mail from Tascam indicating that I would indeed have to re-register the product. It seems that each time GS160 (and maybe other Nemesys products are loaded) there is a new registration code generated in the registration.html file in the Nemesys file located on your hard drive. HHMMMM!!!!


At any rate, I attempted to re-register using the website. This was to no avail. I then attempted an e-mail registration and immediately received a new code and was allowed to download the update. Additionally I also received the NS4 effect that is available upon registration (usually takes at least 24 hours under the old regime).


Bottom line?...the Tascam support of Nemesys products rocks!


Never before have I received such responsive support from ANY!!! support team as I have from Tascam!!!


The horror stories that have been circulated have most likely been a case of simply being overwhelmed!!!


At any rate I have to wholeheartedly recommend the team at Tascam...!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif






This message has been edited by midirat on 08-27-2001 at 09:28 AM

"I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward." Daffy Duck
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the horror strories concerning Nemsys's total lack of customer support were based upon reality. Hands-down the worst c-s of any software company I've ever dealt with. No competition.


I have high hopes for the future w/ Tascam, but we'll see...


Thanks for the heads-up on this registration problem. This sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen (like on a Sunday with a major project due Monday morning.) Nemsys better change this pronto. -but don't hold your breath.

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Customer support is SO important, especially when the product contains what is essentially a self-destruct code, as is the case with copy protection.


I've read a lot of good things about the people at Tascam in these threads, and I appreciate the honesty with which Jeff, Tascam Guy posts. Here's to Tascam!

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Allan Speers wrote:

>>>the horror strories concerning Nemsys's total lack of customer support were based upon reality.<<<

Funny, because for me the customer support was great so far, no matter if I contacted them by email or fax. I got specific answers or responses in a few hours - and I'm located in Berlin/Germany. Having two Gigastudio machines running, this is one of the few 'native' apps I can recommend.

But I also think that Tascam can improve things as I read a lot of negative comments about Nemesys customer support.


Nirto Karsten Fischer

Nirto Karsten Fischer


Visions Of Excess

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midirat & others,


It's Monday, my alarm did not go off this morning, I woke up an hour late and had to sprint through the house grabbing clothes, shaving and finding my missing car keys. I had no coffee (grrrrr!) until about three minutes ago, traffic sucked, and I came into the office to find...this wonderful post.


Thanks for making my morning better. I'm pointing everyone in my tech support group to this thread so they know their hard work is recognized. Most people don't bother to extend compliments when they're due (though they're always fast to assign blame!). I can't tell you how hard the transition to handling NemeSys has been for everyone around here, but it's things like this that make everything worthwhile.


Thanks again for the great post, and I'll do everything I can to ensure that our support continues the excellent direction its taken thus far.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

midirat & others,


It's Monday, my alarm did not go off this morning, I woke up an hour late and had to sprint through the house grabbing clothes, shaving and finding my missing car keys. I had no coffee (grrrrr!) until about three minutes ago, traffic sucked, and I came into the office to find...this wonderful post.


Thanks for making my morning better. I'm pointing everyone in my tech support group to this thread so they know their hard work is recognized. Most people don't bother to extend compliments when they're due (though they're always fast to assign blame!). I can't tell you how hard the transition to handling NemeSys has been for everyone around here, but it's things like this that make everything worthwhile.


Thanks again for the great post, and I'll do everything I can to ensure that our support continues the excellent direction its taken thus far.


- Jeff


Well Jeff, I am a person who believes in giving credit where it is due. The people I have dealt with at Tascam were more than just helpful...they were incredibly professional and courteous. The young lady that originally answered my call could have left me with the "name, number & call back" scenario, but she went the extra mile and gave me alternatives once I had explained (as she listened patiently) my immediate problem. Then, as I indicated earlier, the timely response garnered from the e-mail inquiry was quite unexpected and pleasingly appreciated.


If Tascam can accomplish this level of customer service having just recently acquired another company and prduct line, imagine the level of service we should be receiving from companies that have been in this line of products for numerous years.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gif


Keep on keepin' on!!!


Michael http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

"I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward." Daffy Duck
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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

midirat & others,


It's Monday, my alarm did not go off this morning, I woke up an hour late and had to sprint through the house grabbing clothes, shaving and finding my missing car keys. I had no coffee...

- Jeff



I always thought that Alesis was Tascam's nemesis.

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