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Going Dutch

Dave Bryce

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If you bring me back a few

cans of European Orange Fanta

soda you'll be my hero! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


I'm serious... they make

great sodas over there...

use sugar cane instead of corn starch.

Yumy... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


I'd be very grateful... very,

very grateful..... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



Valkyrie Sound:




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Hey Dave,

How about the Clavia Nord Electro, the Virtual hammond/electric piano that was rumored about last year...

Still haven't seen one of those..

Tom Bitondo


Nord Electro 5D, Modal Cobalt 8, Yamaha upright piano, numerous plug-ins...

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Well, since you asked...


- Go see the new thing TASCAM is premiering there. It's large. Tell me what you think.

- Stick your finger in a dyke. You can't do THAT in America.

- Pick me up lots of porn. Weird European porn. And a giant brick of hash. No, don't do that. I don't want to think about some "Midnight Express" scene with you involved.


Also...I heard there was this island that you can walk out to at low tide that's like four miles away, and if you don't make it back in time, the tide rises, covers the island entirely, and you swim or die. Check that out for me, okay? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


- Jeff

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Try a Jonge Genever in a tavern. trust me.



Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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- Go see the new thing TASCAM is premiering there. It's large. Tell me what you think.


Hmm, now I'm CURIOUS...


- Stick your finger in a dyke. You can't do THAT in America.


Really? I thought it happened all the time... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


Also...I heard there was this island that you can walk out to at low tide that's like four miles away, and if you don't make it back in time, the tide rises, covers the island entirely, and you swim or die. Check that out for me, okay? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


You're probably thinking of Isle Saint-Michel, which is in France near the border of Normandie and Brittanique. It's about a 12 hour drive from Amsterdam.

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Really, they have coffee bars in Amsterdam? Wow, just like the USA!!


Ile St. Michele, the sunken isle, the debussy prelude that got me some more than once. such a wonderful piece.


bon voyage, DB (what, is there an 80s cover band you're going to check out?? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif)

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Originally posted by KidCharlemagne:

Ile St. Michele, the sunken isle, the debussy prelude that got me some more than once. such a wonderful piece.


Actually, it's *Mont* St. Michel, because it's so imposing, I suppose. And there's no 'e' at the end. St. Michael was a guy.

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

Actually, it's *Mont* St. Michel, because it's so imposing, I suppose. And there's no 'e' at the end. St. Michael was a guy.


ouch. i guess i should stay out of the coffee bars. actually the prelude i refer to is the sunken cathedral, which now my faulty memory tells me may actually be on some other island. all though there seems to be a conflict between two gremlins in my head as to who's correct. easy guys, we'll find out. whatever, great freaking chords and nice and loud!

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Originally posted by Goughy:

So was "Santa" Claus!


...who has a Germanic name, rather than a Romantic one. Different rules apply. Unless, perhaps, he was a crossdresser. With a name like Kris, who can tell? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

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DB, sence you are going to Amsterdam, maybe you could drop in Sarajevo for a cup of coffe and some good food. I`ll be waiting for ya. Just give me a ring first here on the forum.


Oh, and there is also Eurosong competition final on the 9th of may in Denmark, and it`s close to you, could be worth watching.

Fat But Fast
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Originally posted by Faruk:

Oh, and there is also Eurosong competition final on the 9th of may in Denmark


Well, my mistake. Eurosong competition is on the 12th of may. Sorry for spreading desinformations guys.

Fat But Fast
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Hi Dave, I would suggest a visit at Donemus. It'a publisher that sells direct; they have editions and CDs of Dutch contemporary music you can't find anywhere else. They should still be at Paulus Potterstraat 14-16, zone 1071 CZ. I mean, if the Dutch spring, beer and girls are going to leave you some time...

And don't forget the Van Gogh Museum! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


AES? What's that? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Jokes aside, have a crazy time



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Originally posted by Faruk:

DB, sence you are going to Amsterdam, maybe you could drop in Sarajevo for a cup of coffe and some good food. I`ll be waiting for ya.


Wow! Sarajevo! That must be an exciting place these days. How's the weather?

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

Wow! Sarajevo! That must be an exciting place these days. How's the weather?


Well, the weather is fine, real spring weather. Winter was not hursh this year as it can be.


About excitement, I dont really know. It`s a bit dull knowdays, sence it`s a dead season for gigs, but it looks very prommising for this summer. You know how it goes: less money people have - less is offered for the people. We`re still struglling to secure steddy jobs that can pay the bills, and everything else will have to wait for a while.


If you want to know about last excitement in the streets, all I will tell you is that medias are pumping things up too much. It`s not too bad, only annoying. Facsiam is trying to make a last stand and it`s NON PASSARAN for it, as it should be. Well, I`m sorry, I dont want to ruin this wonderfull forum with politics, so I`m going to shut up.

Fat But Fast
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can you check out the nord lead 3? it's not out yet and I haven't met anybody who has any hands on experience. I probably can't afford an andromeda so I'm probably gonna have to buy something in that price range and I won't buy something like a waldorf or virus until I know more about the nord lead 3. thanks
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Please check if Yamaha is planning to release any more PLG cards.. with the MOTIF coming out I'm hoping they will have more interest in new ones.


Also interested in what's going on with MLAN.


Thanks and have a good trip,


Rod (who was in Amsterdam when he was too young to enjoy it http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif )

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


American Deluxe P-Bass, Yamaha RBX760

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Originally posted by Tusker:



You got a number for this Debussy piece? Full name maybe. Like to hear it.






"Le Cathedral Engloutie" is the prelude, from Book I, i believe (dover editions are durable and affordable if you don't have this wonderful collection of small pieces). i guess i play the sunken cathedral about twice a decade these days, but back in the day i played the shit out of that piece, for fun and profit. If you dig quartal and quintal voicings, transcendent harmonics that resemble shimmering light and make the sound feel like cool moist air rising up around you, non-functional dominants that carry you across interweaving melodic lines, and, your hands deeeeeep in the keys, a fortissississimo climax that'll make them quiver in their chairs, you're likely to get off on this masterpiece.




(and if you like that one, check out the Rachmaninoff prelude in b minor for a good fix in getting your fingers and hands in deep.)


This message has been edited by KidCharlemagne on 05-11-2001 at 11:03 AM

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Okay, I'm back now....


Due to some...ummmm - internet complications, I was only able to get online once during my brief stay across the pond, and that was a read-only scenario...don't ask...the bottom line is that I'll be buying that Titanium this week, I think...


Also, I radically underestimated my free time (note to self - two days is too short), and wasn't able to see a lot of the stuff that I wanted to see. However, since the majority of what you guys asked me to see was keyboard stuff, no big deal - AES is an audio show, and AES Europe is a seriously audio show. There weren't any keyboards being shown there that I could see (except a QS7 tucked under Tascam's new turnkey audio production toy, the SX1 ).


Also, a lot of companies don't even go to AES Europe - for example, MOTU was a no show, so I couldn't find out about DP 3.0, about which I was very curious.


The good news is that it looks like I came away with an agreement that will have me involved in bringing my beloved ADAM Audio speakers into the USA, which makes me very happy. As those of you who read the forum pretty regularly know, I worship these things, and will be very glad to see them become available stateside.


Kloppy, I did try to bring back your weird Euro-porn, but the customs folks decided that they wanted it instead... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


...and Valky - first of all, let me just say I WAAAAAAY understand the sugar in the soda thing - it's one of my favorite things about leaving the US - I can drink Real Actual Coca-Cola that takes skin off as it goes down! For those of you who don't know what we're talking about, remember when Bill Cosby came on our TVs in the early 80's and told us about New Coke? Then, old Coke went away, but "came back" as Coke Classic? Then the New Coke vanished altogether? I believe that the New Coke was intentionally bad to distract us from the fact that Classic Coke wasn't the same - they pulled a switcheroo and removed the sugar - they use fructose now. It ain't the same. One sip of Euro-Coke, and you'd realize right away how different it is. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif


Anyway, long story short - I kept buying the damned Fanta...then drinking it - I just couldn't resist. I finally had a friend buy some and hide it in my suitcase where I couldn't find it, but the customs folks found it, and drank it on the spot. I tried, Valky...I owe you one...next time, I'll just try and ship it to you.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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The Coke has more caffeine in it over there too. More than even Mountain Dew which according to a Penn State study has so much caffeine that it actually shrivels your penis up temporarily if you have one. Of course, if you were desiring to remain monogamous and disease free in Amsterdam it would be a good deterrent. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Okay, I'm back now....


Welcome back! Where's my porn?


There weren't any keyboards being shown there that I could see (except a QS7 tucked under Tascam's new turnkey audio production toy, the SX1 ).


Hey, yeah...we premiered the SX-1. It's pretty sexy, hence the name. Get it? Sexy? SX-1? I'm a genius. Now where's my porn???


The good news is that it looks like I came away with an agreement that will have me involved in bringing my beloved ADAM Audio speakers into the USA, which makes me very happy. As those of you who read the forum pretty regularly know, I worship these things, and will be very glad to see them become available stateside.


Cool, my brotha. They are indeed fabulous speakers.


Kloppy, I did try to bring back your weird Euro-porn, but the customs folks decided that they wanted it instead... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Oh, damn! Well, I've heard there's actually porn on the internet http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


I believe that the New Coke was intentionally bad to distract us from the fact that Classic Coke wasn't the same - they pulled a switcheroo and removed the sugar - they use fructose now. It ain't the same.


This is completely true. I miss that feeling of real Coke scraping all the enamel off my teeth and dissolving my esophogeal membranes every time I took a sip out of a glass pinchwaist bottle...it didn't get any better than that.


Glad the trip was good.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by b3wiz@hotmail.com:

More than even Mountain Dew which according to a Penn State study has so much caffeine that it actually shrivels your penis up temporarily if you have one.


Dude...the Dew causes shrinkage??? This is a problem.


- Jeff

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I had heard that Dew just caused impotence.. none of that shrinkage junk.


This was a fun thread to read. Dave, I'm sorry to hear of your laptop troubles.. though any reason to get a Titanium is a good one!


Jeff your post reminds me of that simpsons episode where they go to the internet cafe. Homer says "C'mon Lisa, Monkeys!"



And regarding the Sunken Cathedral of Debussy, that's Preludes book I, number 10, and is the most magnificent piece of that collection. I learned a ton from and through that piece, and highly recommend it. However everywhere I've read has told me that the inspiration for it was in a painting.. I never heard of this Island thing..

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:


Kloppy, I did try to bring back your weird Euro-porn, but the customs folks decided that they wanted it instead... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


I'll give him mine....




Anyway, long story short - I kept buying the damned Fanta...then drinking it - I just couldn't resist. I finally had a friend buy some and hide it in my suitcase where I couldn't find it, but the customs folks found it, and drank it on the spot. I tried, Valky...I owe you one...next time, I'll just try and ship it to you.





I'm so depressed right now...... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif


I want my Fanta!!!!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


Sad Valky http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif

Valkyrie Sound:




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