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For Genesis fans...

Dave Bryce

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Okay, get this...


I just came back from spending a weekend in Toronto. I went up there because a friend of mine said that there was this band that I had to see. They are called The Musical Box, and they do a Genesis tribute show. He's been trying to get me to see them for a while, but I have been resisting (tribute bands 2500 miles away from me aren't high on my priority list, y'know?). Their deal is this - they don't just do the songs - they try to recapture every single nuance of the old Genesis performances. Apparently, the Genesis guys were even so impressed with them that they gave them all of the old slides, costumes, props, etc. I was still not blown away by the idea, until a second friend of mine totally unrelated to the first told me that he, too, had seen them, and they were pretty mind-blowing.


Anyway, when I heard that they were going to do a tour performing The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway from end to end, I decided that this might be some fun to go see them - The Lamb is still one of my favorite works of progressive music.


So, how was it? Let me just say that I have never been so impressed with a tribute band in my life. These guys have it down. I mean REALLY have it down. Except for the fact that some of them don't look exactly like their counterparts, these people put on a show that absolutely blew me away. Every note was exactly where it was supposed to be. The guy doing Gabriel was superb (yes, he played flute too), as were the other band members. They did the whole Lamb album, and then came back out and did The Musical Box and Watcher of the Skies. Perfectly. Even covered the Gabriel narratives. I imagine that what I saw was pretty much what it looked like in the early 70's when the real band played the album. Wow.


I guess that they only inhabit Eastern Canada, and the Northeastern corridor of the US, but if you ever hear of them in your area, I HIGHLY recommend checking them out.


I'm gonna see if I can find a web site - maybe it has tour dates.


Once again, let me say - wow.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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In an earlier post, I had mentioned a Genesis tribute band named "Over the Garden Wall." I went searching them out on the web after that post and found out that they had split up. From what I read, the lead singer is now fronting this band. If that is true, they I would well beleive that you were impressed. OTGW was fabulous, but I believe the singer left because it wasn't fabulous *enough* for him. They put on a great show, but not a perfect show. If this is all true, then I can well believe your praise.


Except, of course, that the keyboard player of OGTW was such a babe, and had unbelievable chops. I almost cried when I found out she was married...

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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I've known about The Musical Box for some time, and have always wished that they would play in California.


In 1974, the second concert I ever attended was The Lamb Lies Down tour in Kansas City, Kansas. I was 14 years old. It was a mind-blowning event and I've been a major fan ever since.


I just finished watching the VH1 Behind the Music with Genesis a few minutes ago. I actually shed a few tears at the end, and my girlfriend thought that was cool. I was kind of embarrassed but if you are a major fan like me, it's understandable....or else I'm just a wuss. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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You went to freakin' TORONTO to see this band?


Lemme get this straight...you left your house, drove an hour to LAX, got on a plane for five hours, presumably got a hotel, went to concert that you obviously enjoyed, and came home...purely for a COVER BAND???


Just my humble opinion...I wouldn't do that if I found out that Gabriel, Collins, Banks and Rutherford (and Hackett thrown in for good measure) were reuniting for one night to play the damn songs themselves. But that's just me. You are very committed, Dave Bryce, or perhaps you should be committed, depending on which side of the equation one's viewpoint is.


- Jefff

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Originally posted by SteveRB:

In 1974, the second concert I ever attended was The Lamb Lies Down tour in Kansas City, Kansas. I was 14 years old. It was a mind-blowning event and I've been a major fan ever since.


"The Lamb Lies Down" tour was the first rock concert I ever went to. I saw it in Phoenix when I was fifteen. Only 1100 people were there that night and I was about twenty rows back from the stage. I still consider it to be one of the best concerts I ever saw.


BTW, I also got to watch Gentle Giant in concert twice, I witnessed U2 kick off their "Joshua Tree" tour (Bono's favorite performance), I saw Return To Forever when they toured "Romantic Warrior," and recently I saw Barbra Streisand's final L.A. performance. (Okay, that last one was a bit out of context; but it was an event, for sure! Plus, it was a lot of fun to watch my wife watch the concert. She idolizes Babs!)

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

You went to freakin' TORONTO to see this band?


Lemme get this straight...you left your house, drove an hour to LAX, got on a plane for five hours, presumably got a hotel, went to concert that you obviously enjoyed, and came home...purely for a COVER BAND???


Try this scenario instead...


First of all, I used airline and hotel miles, so the trip was basically free. Second, I rarely go away on any kind of a vacation - 99% of the time when I get on an airplane, it's for business. Third, I love The Lamb to bits and always wished that I could have seen it live - this seemed like a chance to see what it looked like when Genesis performed it. Lastly, I got to hang out with a bunch of friends from high school that I haven't seen for years - hell, we played poker and drank bourbon until 4 in the morning uninterrupted in a hotel room.


Make more sense that way?


To me, a large part of life is knowing when an opportunity that will turn into a memory that you will never forget presents itself. This seemed like it might be one of those. Turns out it was. No regrets.


Hey, when was the last time you went away for a weekend with the boys? Hmmmmm?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Third, I love The Lamb to bits and always wished that I could have seen it live - this seemed like a chance to see what it looked like when Genesis performed it.



The only time I ever saw Genesis was during The Lamb tour. It was at The Manhattan Academy of Music on 14th Street. The place had phenomenal accoustics, though you had to kick the rats out frm under your feet. Then entire concert consisted of The Lamb, and they encored with The Musical Box. Epic night.

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Try this scenario instead...




First of all, I used airline and hotel miles, so the trip was basically free.


Ahhhhh, yesssssss. The miles. Didn't think about the miles. Love the miles.


Second, I rarely go away on any kind of a vacation - 99% of the time when I get on an airplane, it's for business.


Vacation? Huh??? What do you mean by this word, "vacation"?


Third, I love The Lamb to bits and always wished that I could have seen it live - this seemed like a chance to see what it looked like when Genesis performed it.


Ah, so true......


Lastly, I got to hang out with a bunch of friends from high school that I haven't seen for years - hell, we played poker and drank bourbon until 4 in the morning uninterrupted in a hotel room.


Now that's cool. We celebrated my wife's birthday over the weekend with some friends, and I realized that it had been quite a long time since I'd hung out, listened to music loud, and got loopy on weird beverages.


Make more sense that way?


Yes indeed. Sounds great. I no longer think you're insane. Well, I do, but just not about this particular episode http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Hey, when was the last time you went away for a weekend with the boys? Hmmmmm?


Ummm....1988, probably. I guess I'm due. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif Glad it was fun.


- Jeff

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Hey Dave,


If you travel that far to see a Genesis covers band, why not come to the UK to see my Rush covers band ? Only joking ! We do it for fun, not finance so it would be a long way to travel to see three guys being totally self-indulgent in a pub.


[To me, a large part of life is knowing when an opportunity that will turn into a memory that you will never forget presents itself. This seemed like it might be one of those. Turns out it was. No regrets.]


I couldn't agree more. When I started my first band I catalogued everything we did in photo albums. It got to the stage where all my friends were saying "oh no, here's Rob with his bloody camera again". However, whenever any of them come to my house these days the first thing they want to do is dig out the photo albums and have a good laugh. I'm so glad I did it. Memories are a most precious commodity and life is too short to pass up opportunities when they present themselves.


If Rush ever play live again I will be on the first plane to Canada, even if it is for one night only !




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Originally posted by Rob Wallace:

Hey Dave,


If you travel that far to see a Genesis covers band, why not come to the UK to see my Rush covers band ?


Bassment, I think we've talked about this before, but back in '84, I also had a Rush tribute band. I was Geddy, minus the vocals. But playing bass and keys was pretty fun...even had the Taurus pedals! Though I cringe to say it now, we were called "Permanent Waves", and (like you say) though it was totally self-indulgent, we had a good time. And my drummer was kick-ass!


One night, we were playing a gig that had a band playing after us. They were getting impatient about their turn to play, and kept pressuring us to finish our set from backstage. So, I told them that we only had one more song. With a simple nod and a wink at the other two guys, we immediately launched into the entire first side of "2112". Hee-hee-hee...that was rather evil, I'll grant, but it was worth it just to hear the guy from the other band scream in anguish when we hit the first two chords.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy:

One night, we were playing a gig that had a band playing after us. They were getting impatient about their turn to play, and kept pressuring us to finish our set from backstage. So, I told them that we only had one more song. With a simple nod and a wink at the other two guys, we immediately launched into the entire first side of "2112". Hee-hee-hee...that was rather evil, I'll grant, but it was worth it just to hear the guy from the other band scream in anguish when we hit the first two chords.


Similar story - I used to play in a band in High school that covered Genesis, Yes, ELP, etc. One night we were playing a party outside and the cops came to shut us down. We asked politely if we could play one more song...they agreed, and we happily launched into Supper's Ready...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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It just occurred to me that I had completely forgotten about my upcoming Memorial Day trip to Montreal, so I clicked on the link that Dave found and, serendipity!! The Musical Box are playing two shows at the Spectrum just when I will happen to be there. I could not have asked for better luck, I just finished purchasing tickets! Thanks Dave, I knew of the show, but it had completely slipped my mind in regards to my Canada trip. I can't wait to see them!!!
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Originally posted by rkipp:

Thanks Dave, I knew of the show, but it had completely slipped my mind in regards to my Canada trip. I can't wait to see them!!!


Cool!!!! You will be SO into it. The bit that knocked me completely off of my seat is the piece called "The Waiting Room", which is the track after "Lilywhite Lilith". As a musician, you'll fully appreciate what effort went into this stuff.


I look forward to your comments. Enjoy the show!!!


From what I understand, there are not going to be too many more Canada shows of The Lamb, and no US shows. If any of you are nearby and considering checking this out, I highly recommend it.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave B., do you live in L.A. ? If so, there is a Genesis tribute band called Cinema Show. I've never seen them but you can visit their website at www.angelfire.com/id/rael/ They haven't been together as long as The Musical Box, so I doubt they would compare. When The Musical Box first started they did the Selling England By the Pound tour, with the same exact setlist. I would have loved to see that one.


This message has been edited by SteveRB on 05-09-2001 at 08:35 PM

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