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Hi Guys,

Thanks to the moderator to put my Thread here, I knew there would have been a place for introduction but couldn't find it....

Thanks for your welcoming, I think with the two forums and you guys on both, I'm pretty well covered....I will have to try to keep it on both, and to play, and to practice, and to remind the members of my two bands this and that....And to slide "discreetly" some new toys into the rig and.....,Pufff, life is tough....


PS: A guy from Edmonton, good, I was "around" for 3 years, in Cold Lake, opening and running the new SPORTCHEK and then, went back to Winnipeg....5/6 Long and Mac Quade stores there, great, and not too many guys looking for B3 Clone because it is where I found my C2 with the Nord Bag free at a crazy price....Souvenirs, souvenirs....


Stage 2, C2, NL2X+TC Pedals, P08+Tetra+H9, P12+TC Chorus D50+PG1000, 2 Matrix 1K, Proteus 2K, TX802, Streichfett, Drumbrute. Guitars:G&L Legacy, Asat X2, Ibanez Artstar AS153.Bass: L2000, SR1200&2605.
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Hi everyone,

Sorry for jumping in to ask your advices on an analog synth purchase last week, without introducing myself..

I am a self-teaching hobbyist (by website subscriptions and books with audio, etc) mostly interested in synths and I live in Izmir (at Aegean coast of TR).

When I was much younger, I used to play keys (Yamaha PSR-like home keyboards etc) with the high school band. After that, during my years at the university, any pro-level synth (workstation indeed) used to cost as much as a small used car etc. I remember how expensive (for me) was the Korg M1, for example..

Anyway, somehow I couldn't have managed to continue playing and I've stayed away from keys for a very long time.

I came back to the game 1,5 years ago buy purchasing below 2 keyboards (seen in my sig) and recently added a Mopho. Maybe I am not a complete beginner, but I am at a very average level as a musician. Beyond these devices, I have also had a decent Pacifica and a Gretsch G2655 semi-hollow for the past year; the electric guitar is a complete new territory for me.

I have followed this forum and another one for years; now I'm trying to be an active member here. This place is a solid source of information, discussion, sometimes fun etc.. Thank you all guys for what you provide and share here..



*Roland FA-06 *Novation Mininova *DSI Mopho (desktop) *Some iOS goodies
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All - like Quai34, I heard about KC from cphollis and Rusty Mike over on the Nord Forum. I'm just getting back to playing out after a 20+ year hiatus to raise a family. Have full spousal support and encouragement.


As you'll see in my signature, I've decided to restart with a much smaller rig. I'm going to do my best to have the discipline to only add quality pieces as I need them (or at least convince myself that I need them). Hoping I can count on everyone here to help me exercise restraint!


I was fortunate enough to find an active smooth/yacht rock band that was looking for a keyboard player, so I'm up and running at full speed almost immediately. I'm having a ton of fun tapping the depths of the split, layering, sampling, and programming capabilities of the Nord Stage 3 to be a single board solution for a setlist where most songs seem to have 3-4 keyboard parts each.


Looking forward to participating and adding to the conversation when I can!

Nord Stage 3 HA88, Nord Stage 3 Compact, Casio CT-S1, Radial Key Largo, Westone AM Pro 30, Rolls PM55P, K&M 18880 + 18881, Bose S1 Pro, JBL 305p MKII, Zoom Q2n-4K

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  • 3 weeks later...

Huh... You mean this forum was here this whole time?? Is this where everybody went??


Hi! I'm ElectricPuppy! You might remember me from such hits like "HC:KSS" and "Two Knobs: Detune for What"!


I've been away for a while, but I've recently started playing again and I'm looking to see if I can glean some info about improv and jazz piano. I still have my synths, but I've become more interested in playing then I have in trying to reproduce the voice of God via wavetables.


So anyway... Hi. :wave:

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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone,


Thanks for letting me (and everyone else) eavesdrop for a while on your conversations. The information discussed here has been highly beneficial. I'm going to post a question, but thought I'd introduce myself first.


Like some others here, I'm getting back into playing after many years of putting music largely on hold due to education, career, and family stuff. I'm playing mainly blues/rock, and have gotten myself into two startup bands with some decent musicians. Thus far one band has had only the occasional gig and the other is still working up to that. But it's been fun, even though I'm peddling as fast as I can to build up my chops!



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Welcome to the forum!



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone!


I'm Sam. I live in Ithaca, New York. By day, I manage the A/V at Cornell's language center; the rest of my time is spent running to and from rehearsals and gigs, playing mostly original music, but some covers in there, too. I've been haunting/eavesdropping for awhile, but hadn't posted much until recently. Everyone's been very kind and welcoming, which I appreciate.


Piano was my first instrument, and once I discovered the Beatles, it led me to gigging and songwriting, but when I started playing in bands in my teen years, I spent most of my time playing bass. After dabbling in writing musicals and playing in a lot of pit orchestras around college, I got back into being a sort of Elton John/Leon Russell piano-playing singer-songwriter-bandleader. Over the past few years, though, I've mostly been playing behind better singers, hauling a bunch of heavy keyboards around, adding "organist" and "synthesist" to the resume, shouting some vocal harmonies, and not having to look the audience in the eye. ;)


The Ithaca area seems to have a relatively small percentage of keyboard players in the music scene, so I wind up getting to sit in and sub a fair amount, plus play some recording sessions, which I always really enjoy.


Mostly playing local/regional gigs these days, since everyone has day jobs and a lot have spouses and babies. My fiancee and I are looking to play on the road a little bit more often, minus the band. She's a singer/guitarist, which means I need to start working on the no-rhythm-section approach again. Always something to practice!


So that's me. This forum is a great resource, and I have a lot of respect for the history. I'm happy to be here.

Samuel B. Lupowitz

Musician. Songwriter. Food Enthusiast. Bad Pun Aficionado.

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The Ithaca area seems to have a relatively small percentage of keyboard players in the music scene


I've noticed that. Ithaca seems to be saturated with bands with guitar heroes playing songs that are fun to play on guitar with little for keyboard players to do. That was my frustration with the last band I was in. Most keyboard players I know have grown tired of guitar dominated bands and have pretty much given up on Ithaca.


I had an offer to join a Clapton tribute band out of Ithaca. No thanks.


This forum is a great resource, and I have a lot of respect for the history. I'm happy to be here.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Tim from NoVa. Age late fifties.

I have studied music in high school and college. I like classical, pop, and jazz music among others. I have taken lessons on piano, organ, and harpsichord at various times, and have sung in choirs. I will occasionally DJ at nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Synthesizers, keyboards, ios apps, and VST plugins are all things I like to spend time on.

Reader of Keyboard magazine since the early eighties. Also Sound on Sound, Electronic Musician, Future Music, Computer Music, and that sort of thing.

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Thanks Markyboard.

To extend my intro a bit.

I have a wife who plays guitar and sings in her day job as an activity coordinator for a memory care unit in an assisted living facility. One of my goals is to do more home studio recordings with her, other than the occasional Xmas CD for family. Another goal is to learn more new or classic songs on the keyboard so I can accompany her on her nursing home gigs.

No doubt as time goes on I will post about all this. Meanwhile I am enjoying checking out the threads on the forum.

The big excitement this week is the prospect of getting a clonewheel delivered...the Viscount Legend. I've been a big fan of Hammond organ sounds since the early nineteen-seventies (prog, organ jazz, etc.) so this is a big deal for me. I used to have a Hammond, the Maverick 5200 I think it was, with built-in rhythm machine and tape deck, one-octave pedalboard, not a bad starter instrument but of course back in high school I really wanted those drawbars and tone wheels!


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  • 3 months later...

My name is Steve and I've been lurking here for a while. I'm 47 and took up piano and keys again about two years ago (self-taught). My prior experience was a couple years of piano lessons as a child (age 7-8) and a little dabbling in high school.


I've also taken up guitar again and haven't quite decided which instrument to focus on most (I like them both!). Piano seems to come easier to me.


I hope to begin performing and playing with other musicians in some capacity in the near future.


My current setup:


Roland RD-2000

Roland VR-730


Dell XPS 15 laptop (2TB SSD and 32GB RAM)

Reaper DAW

Behringer X-Touch




Arturia V Collection 6 (w/ Pigments now)

(other misc VSTs)


Plus a couple of guitars and related gear.


I'm very eager to gain insight from you all and contribute what I can.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi. My name is Dani.


Dani is short for Daniel in Spain, where I'm from. Since Dani wasn't available, I finally chose Danielo to register in this forum.


I play keyboards. Not as a full time job, but it's definitely my main hobby and years ago it became an alternative source of income.


I have a "portable" (according to 1979 standards) Hammond X-5, which is some sort of solid state spinet. Yeah, "portable".


I've never played a Hammond organ (as in B3, C3, A100..), although the concept of Hammond organ is my main focus in terms of sound, at least today.


I'm rehearsing with some guys and we're doing some Booker T & The MGs, The Meters, some blues and some more Soul Jazz oriented stuff. There's a bass player, but I'm also interested in updating my gear so that in the future I can do gigs alone, as a duo or as a trio. Oh, and real portability.


I've been reading this forum the last few weeks because I need to be educated in terms of gear and gain stating, among other more technical things of which I've always been very ignorant.

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