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Damn you ALL!!! :-)


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Here I was, all fat, dumb, and happy.


When I moved to Savannah from NY in April of '99, I sold all my keyboards. My Emulator III, M1, MKB-300, D-550, Vintage Keys, MX-8, BiAmp Mixpak and speakers. I figured I'd give it up and grow up.


Well, I'm here about 8 months and really miss it, so I get a QSR and KX76. I figure that'll satisfy me, but not break the bank. I'm happy, I can make noise.


Cut to a year later. I join this forum, start discussing music with a great and knowledgeable bunch of people, and discussing great topics. My world starts to swirl, my addiction, kept so well under control for almost 2 years, starts to take over, and those little voices are starting to talk to me again about getting more 'boards. I try to ignore them, but they just keep getting louder and louder. I try to rationalize that I'm not going to play out anymore, so why spend money on equipment that's just going to sit in my living room and get played only occasionally. I go through all the arguments, but like heroin, once these things are in the blood, it's a terrible urge: You gotta have more.


So now, I have purchased an Oberheim DPX1 sample player, I am looking for a StudioLogic SL-990, a used Kurzweil K2000, a used Digital Music MX-8, and an Emu Vintage keys. I haven't even given thought to amplification yet, but I gotta get this equipment dammit! I'm even gonna build a custom stand for them with the Fatar on the bottom so I can sit and play piano the proper way, the KX76 above that, and the K2000 on top, and where the rack stuff sits inside and it actually looks like furniture. Because of you folks I gotta have this stuff, and I just want to thank you all for making me use my tax money to get new synths; tax money I had earmarked for a vacation in Hawaii in May.


I hope you're all proud of yourselves!


Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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Hi there,


I've been in the same situation. I started with keyboards in the beginning of the 80-ies and played in a group until -88 when we quit. I sold everything and thought of a life as a nonmusician. In -90 I couldn't hold out any longer. I must play keyboards, must, must. Suddenly I had more equipment than before. But I'm happy again, I can sleep at nights and..well, I could sleep if I wanted to but it's more fun to play all night.







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Aren't there a Gearwhore Anonymous meetings somewhere where you live? You might not understand that this is a problem but it is and a serious one it is too. It affects not just your life but the lives of the people around you, your siblings, your parents, your so's, your kids, your friends. Get help, asap.



Hmm... I think I must skip my next meeting, I have to buy some new gear...

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Hello Teemu


You must know that it affects me in a positive way and my wife in a negative way. So average would be all square.





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>>AAAAAAAHHHHHH, Who needs a trivial thing like a vacation to Hawaii when you can have G-E-A-R .


I can hear Homer Simpson saying the above, with the same emphasis on "G-E-A-R" that he puts on "BEEEER"



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hi, I'm Steve and I'm a gear-aholic.


Seriously, I jumped off the got-to-have the lastest synth/sampler thing a while back because I have what I need. I still lust after equipment and I plan to buy a VA synth soon.


I got into digital recording a year ago and that is even a bigger money trap than keyboards. You start looking at expensive preamps and equalizers that you know you don't really need. I'm having the time of my life though. This stuff just gets better and better.

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What's really dangerous is working for Keyboard. The manufacturers ship us all these incredible new toys ... and then two months later we have to ship them back!


A couple of our newer editors are currently in the throes of "gotta-have-it" disease. I just smile and say, "Yeah, it's cool, all right." Having been here a while, I went through my major attack of gotta-have-it in the '80s and early '90s. I have racks full of cool synths and effects ... and by now it's all out of production.


Still sounds great, though.


Note to conspiracy theorists and magazine bashers: This might be one reason why product reviewers love to drool over software synths and plug-ins. Aside from the fact that they're wonderful, I mean. Most often, we don't have to send software back. (All we have to do is go out and spend $2,500 on a new computer every other year ... aargh!)


--Jim Aikin

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Is it a good thing or a bad thing? When I got married, I also got a built-in financial advisor. She's let me get a couple of toys, and all the money I earn outside of the regular job can go towards anything I want! This way we can still make the mortgage payments!

Bill Murphy


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In the 80's I was ready to ugrade, and I was trying to come up with a method that would keep food on the table for the (now ex) wife and kids, yet still get me gear. I ran into something I should share with all of you: There is a serious shortage of church organists out there. I found a church that had only one service on Sunday and choir rehearsal that was just prior to the service. I auditioned and got the gig. What I then did was find out what my takehome would be for a month, went to a bank and took out a loan for the same amount the payment would be that the takehome was. I then purchased my Prophet-10, and over the next 15 years, I bought my M1, my Arp Quadra, my Emulator II, Emulator III, Vintage Keys, DX5, CZ-1, MX-8, MKB 300, D50, D550, VFX/SD, TX81z, DX7IIFD, and others I'm probably forgetting about.


It takes a little bit of commitment, especially if you're out at a gig late and have that service the next morning. We had 2 services on Easter, a sunrise service being the earlier, and many's the time I got out of the truck and into the car to go straight to the service, but it was a great source of keyboards over the years. That, and the fact that most churches have a staple of about 50 hymns that they use over and over, so there's not too steep a learning curve there. Plus, you can get away with murder: For the prelude, many times I would just comp a classical sounding melody. After a while it got to be fun. I would take a I-VI-IV line and make it sound so good that people thought I was doing Bach or something. There were times too that I would throw in Genesis, Yes, ELP, and stuff like that and no one was ever the wiser.




This message has been edited by joegerardi on 02-15-2001 at 10:16 AM

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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I've always had to approach purchasing gear the way I approach any 'luxury commodity', new TV, DVD player, etc. Since I've never really earned any real money from music (and never intended to), it's always a tough debate. Luckly I have an engineering management job which pays well enough that I can spend money with this without feeling totally guilty. I gave up buying synths, and my only excursion to the VA frenzy will probably be a plg an card for my cs6x. My plan is to spend some time with soft synths once I (hopefully) upgrade to Sonar this summer.


I did a recent move from the east coast to the west coast and was tallying up what all my stuff was worth so I could get insurance, and boy was that a shock. Granted I have gear that dates back to 86 but still.


Maybe I'll start the gear-aholic chapter in the bay area.



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Originally posted by Tedster:

>>AAAAAAAHHHHHH, Who needs a trivial thing like a vacation to Hawaii when you can have G-E-A-R .


I can hear Homer Simpson saying the above, with the same emphasis on "G-E-A-R" that he puts on "BEEEER"




You read my mind Tedster. DOH!!!!


This message has been edited by Stratman on 02-15-2001 at 02:23 AM

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I s'pose I should post too...


Just got back into the gear-acquiring mode recently. Got an S80, a Roland KC-300 amp (nice), getting the B4.


But NOW...sure would be nice to have a Leslie...


Anybody knowledgeable on Leslies know of a model that sounds great but is relatively transportable?


Wife will kill me but I will die happy....



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I'm not sure there is a problem. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Everything equals out:


Somewhere on the net there's probably a post from some guy on a Hawaiian visitor's forum whereas he has decided to buy a keyboard instead of another trip to Waikiki.




As for me, here's where I'm at: (no kidding)


Maui: 8 visits

Tahiti, Moorea, Bora Bora: 1 visit each

Keyboards: 1

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Originally posted by synthfool@synthfool.com:

As for me, here's where I'm at: (no kidding)

Maui: 8 visits

Tahiti, Moorea, Bora Bora: 1 visit each

Keyboards: 1


Slight omission on Kevin's part - as one of the country's top synthesizer techs, his house is constantly full of and ever-changing collection of the coolest vintage synthesizers made, which he gets to work with extensively. The place is always a major drool-fest.


If that doesn't keep gear lust somewhat in check, I don't know what would... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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you know when I first started reading this subject I was thinking..

"maaan, these people have problems"...well about mid way through I realized I MAY have a problem (im not ready to come out yet)

Ive basically said screw car insurrance, I want more gear!

All you guys need is a good way to justify your spending...chicks dig that.

http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif I say, "well you see, once I get a record deal and an advance I can pay off those two and buy more" Well who knows how long that will be, and who knows how big the advance will be (I have actually been talking to a few people) but, it gets her off my back, and for me, its justified...




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Dave wrote:

The place is always a major drool-fest.



So, it's no wonder I don't invite Dave over without his mop....




Seriously, I get some interesting pieces in, but when they're done, they're usually picked up immediately afterwards.

I guess that buying a keyboard is more like a marriage, whereas I'm just dating all the prospects. ;-)



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I too, have a serious problem. Being a beginner to the whole realm of keyboards, I've still managed to spend a noticeable amount of money on keybaords and gear. My biggest problem is I never learn how to use the one I've already got and then I go and buy another and another, more, better.... It's driven me to the point where there really is nothing else,no desire to fulfil other natural desires, including sex (Is this because of the keyboards?) I certainly hope so, because at 24 I really need an excuse.
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lastresort wrote:

It's driven me to the point where there really is nothing else,no desire to fulfil other natural desires, including sex (Is this because of the keyboards?) I certainly hope so, because at 24 I really need an excuse.


No, that's something else entirely. I would seek counseling, and immediately. Trust me, as a rock musician for over a quarter century, nothing, and I mean NOTHING interferes with sex. That's why we took up rock music in the FIRST place!



MMMMMM Groupies! Groupies GOOOOOOD!


This message has been edited by joegerardi on 02-20-2001 at 08:32 AM

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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Well, the buying spree is starting. I just found an Oberheim DPX-1 sample player, and I scooped it up. I've always wanted one of these, I love the concept. I'd REALLY like to find the associated hard drive, the HDX-20, but that's rarer than a virgin at a nymphomaniac convention.


Seeking the VK and the K2000 right after the tax return shows up in the account


Hey, you folk can help: I'm gonna have to amplify all this crap, and I was wondering what's out there. I loved my MixPak 6+, but that's not around any more. What is there that's like that, but maybe in stereo?

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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Originally posted by lastresort001@aol.com:

I too, have a serious problem. Being a beginner to the whole realm of keyboards, I've still managed to spend a noticeable amount of money on keybaords and gear. My biggest problem is I never learn how to use the one I've already got and then I go and buy another and another, more, better....


Hmm, that IS a serious problem! Crack those manuals, bud! Give yourself some "play time" for experimenting - programming, layering sounds, sequencing, composing, practicing new techniques, trying out unique features, or emulating some interesting sound you've heard somewhere. If you think your gear is fun NOW, just wait until you get to know it a little better!


It's driven me to the point where there really is nothing else,no desire to fulfil other natural desires, including sex (Is this because of the keyboards?) I certainly hope so, because at 24 I really need an excuse.


Yeah, it's the keyboards. Buy a bass or a set of drums, and your libido will return in no time! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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If I told you guys I spent over an hour beating on electronic drums, having a hell of a time, would you guys call me a traitor? But that was just this saturday so I guess I should give it time before the whole drive thing kicks back in. The only thing wrong with it I could find was the price tag ($2600.00 for an instrument I can't even play). But then again I've spent probably over $8000.00 on keyboards and gear that I can't play either.
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